ministry pictures

  • We are thankful for all the new child sponsors and the impact they will have on the children!  We praise God for each sponsor!  Visit if you want to change a life, too!

  • Praise God for the 27 individuals who volunteer to serve as Work Team Coordinators in Haiti, Honduras and the Navajo ministry!  An additional 8 couples have expressed an interest to serve as volunteer work team coordinators.  We praise God for this as well!  Some will be training in Haiti and the Navajo ministry next spring and summer.  Team Coordinators are the “tour guides” on the mission field with our work teams: leading and guiding them through the various ministries and work projects during their mission trip with Lifeline.  



  • Praises for the new playground at the new Grand Goave Children’s Home!  What an awesome and fun place for the children to play!



  • The Ocotillo Christian School had their parents meeting this past Sunday.  More than 200 parents heard Pastor Jose Luis encourage the parents and review the school’s 5 core values, which have been integrated into the school’s teachings.  The school administration is thankful for the parents because they are involved in the school, and for the opportunity to share God’s Word in Lifeline’s schools! (see photo)


United States

  • Duane Gray, former Student Pastor at Westerville Christian Church and long time supporter and volunteer, will join our staff November 3!  He comes highly qualified and will serve as our Projects & IT Director.  We are really excited that God has arranged for this wonderful addition and ask for your prayers for a blessing filled future as he serves God through Lifeline. (see photos)

  • Last weekend, Lifeline coordinated 5 meal packing events in 4 states! There are many, many more events to come as we meet the physical needs of people in Haiti. If you would like to host an event, simply contact for more information.

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the upcoming men’s team to Haiti as they continue the march toward completion of the new Grand Goave Children’s Home for the kids to move in this January.
  • Please pray for the team leaders who will be bringing work teams to Haiti in 2015.  The team leaders are a key component to successful work teams!  They recruit and encourage people from their church to come on the trip, handle all of the many details of conducting informational and prep meetings with their teams, and keep in contact with our office staff in planning for their experience on the field.  Please keep them in prayer as they see to all of the details to prepare their team to experience a mission trip with Lifeline.  
  • Pray for Lifeline’s volunteer work team coordinators and those who are training to be coordinators.  We are thankful for each of them and praise God for them!


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A Glimpse Behind His Tapestry

When you travel as much as the staff at Lifeline does, you encounter plenty of delays and headaches.  Flexibility is our rallying cry.  Last week I got hit by the “perfect storm” — a hurricane in the east, tornados from the west, and mechanical failures on my re-routed flight in Charlotte.  It was clear I wasn’t going to catch the last flight into Haiti.

My team had surprisingly dodged trouble and were on their way, which made matters even worse.  They would have to start the next morning’s leadership seminar without me.  They didn’t know Haiti.  The Haitians didn’t know them.  All of our effort seemed headed for disaster.  God… why?
Somewhere mid-flight I sensed God’s answer: This is MY seminar, Andy, not yours.  While I acknowledged He didn’t need my permission to mess things up, it took me time to actually begin to trust Him.

The next day, I arrived mid-day to see the seminar going well.  The Haitians had adapted and bonded nicely with my team.  There were double the number of leaders as the previous seminar.  No need for me to swoop in to rescue anyone.  
Later that week, as we were wrapping up our visit to Haiti, a friend in the U.S. who manages a “prayer warriors” list emailed me.  Included in his weekly list of prayer requests was a Cincinnati couple whose new granddaughter, born in Costa Rica, was premature and very sick.  While I’d never met those anguished grandparents, I discovered our stories were closely intertwined. 
During one of those re-routed flights on my dreadful day of delays and cancellations, I sat next to a bright, young girl from Washington DC.  We’d chatted briefly about her new career with a faith-based lobbyist, her roots in my hometown and her destination.  She was heading to Costa Rica to be with her sister who had given birth prematurely.  
As I stared at that email and pondered the miraculous connection that had been made, the scope of God’s great enterprise hit me.  Not only did He have HIS seminar covered in Haiti, but He’d also used that moment to affirm and encourage a fellow Christ-follower along with her anxious parents, whose prayers were being answered days before they’d even asked.  
It reminds me how far ahead of us God really is.  The gift was God allowing me to look behind the tapestry of His will to see the tangle of circumstances and encounters He works with daily.  Maybe now I’ll trust Him with life’s frustrations, delays and wrecked plans.  Maybe I can start believing He knows my need BEFORE I pray.  
Maybe this kind of thing happens all the time… but we just don’t see it.



written by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director