God is great and God is good, 

and we thank Him for this food YOU.
We pray that your prayers and assistance will always be forthcoming!
Without YOU, great updates like the following one, would not be possible.

ministry photos  


  • Lifeline participated in the “Love High River” service day at a town south of Calgary that was impacted by last year’s devastating flood. This was a community effort with volunteers coming together from the local churches and organizations like Samaritan’s Purse Canada and Habitat for Humanity.  Almost 150 volunteers worked on a variety of projects around town.  The Simms Family worked all day with a team to remove the remaining silt in one homeowner’s backyard, uncovering hidden walkways and landscaping stones.  It looked much more like a home following the team’s efforts!



  • The container filled with peanut butter and ABC food arrived this past Saturday in Haiti!



  • Happy Birthday Anglela Sofia!  She’s one of our beautiful girls at the Omoa Children’s Home and she just celebrated her 10th birthday. 


Navajo Ministry

  • After a couple years, Brian Schultz and his wife Alicia both gave their life to Christ! We went out to Clear Creek and baptized them in the middle of the fishermen…they were catching fish as we baptized Brian and Alicia. What a praise to be able to baptize them. In 2012, we had the privilege of baptizing their two boys, Seth and Aiden, and now the parents have also surrendered their life to Jesus Christ.  Praise God! 

United States
  • Lifeline is blessed to be an exhibitor and organizing food packing events at the upcoming NACC (Indianapolis, IN) and ICOM (Columbus, OH) conventions.  Individuals can pre-register for the NACC or register the day of the conference. For ICOM, churches can register their entire congregation online.

broken garage door Prayer Requests
  • The garage door at Red Sands Christian Church (Navajo ministry) needs replaced: the cable broke, causing the door to crash down, rendering it unusable. (see photo) Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. The entire package of the door, springs, and framing is needed since the springs had not worked for many years. We are finalizing quotes this week, but so far we are looking at about $1800 to replace a 16 ‘ x 8’ steel garage door. This is needed quickly as many of the needed tools and food packing equipment cannot be used until this door is able to be opened.  Please pray for individuals or churches to assist with this need; contact Brian@Lifeline.org if you can help us.

  • In Honduras at the Omoa Children’s Home, they are planning a camp at CaryHill to focus on values, respect, honesty, and self-esteem. Please keep them in your prayers as they try to be an example and invest in the lives of these beautiful girls, so they can learn and understand from an early age what it means to follow Jesus. 
  • Prayers for Loretta, one of our Volunteer Receptionists, who is having additional testing.
  • Pray for Kesaia, who is working in Honduras this summer.  She is helping at the Ocotillo Health Clinic and at the Omoa Children’s Home.

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Special Prayers Requested


So many times we’ve asked you to pray that the needs of Lifeline be met as we assist our spiritually and physically needy ministry recipients.  We again thank you for honoring our requests.  
As you’ve unselfishly considered our needs, now I ask you to consider each others needs…I know of situation after situation wherein you, our faithful supporters, have graciously, generously, and sacrificially given.  So, now I ask that time be set aside for all of us to specifically pray for Lifeline’s great family of supporters.  Please join Lifeline’s staff in praying for all of you!  We’re praying for your health, spiritual growth, prosperity, and discernment as you continue to serve our precious Savior.  


Thank you again, and God bless you.  


Your Brother in Christ, 
Bob DeVoe, Lifeline President & CEO 


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You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

Adventure 2014 People, Projects & Programs

Adventure 2014: 

Ohio to Erie 


It’s cycling for a cause on the Ohio to Erie trail!  This unique opportunity enables cyclists to share the enjoyment of bicycling, utilizing the contiguous Ohio to Erie trail system in Ohio, while benefiting a great cause – Lifeline!  


Beginning near the Ohio River, the journey will take cyclists up the scenic Little Miami River, through Columbus area via the beautiful Olentangy River trail, through the Amish country of Holmes and Wayne counties, and along the historic Erie Towpath into the Cleveland area, concluding near Lake Erie. Cyclists will cover 50 to 80 miles per day at a self-set pace, gathering each evening for a shared meal, worship, and fellowship.


Cyclists are encouraged to raise donations (for example, collect donations per mile or per day), with 100% of the donations benefiting Lifeline!


How you can be involved:


Join the ride!    

The ride is September 1-5, 2014 with the initial registration deadline in July. Space is limited to 18 cyclists!  Visit www.Lifeline.org/BikeRide for details and be sure to share this with a friend!


Donate to Lifeline!  
Any amount is greatly appreciated.  If you know a cyclist who is participating, you can even donate towards their goal!  Donate online today.

Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Hogs for Haiti YouTube sponsor a child
Alone with God


Psalm 23:1-3 Now it is important to remember that some of the most profound ministries of the Spirit of God are not public or loud or large.  Sometimes his most meaningful touch on our lives comes when we are all alone.


I urge you to include in your schedule time to be alone with God.  I am fortunate to live within ninety minutes of the mountains … and less than forty-five minutes from the beach.  Those are great places to commune with God.  You do have places where you can get away for a long walk, don’t you?  I hope it’s in a wooded area.  The gentle breeze blowing through the forest is therapeutic. Sometimes just being alone out in God’s marvelous creation is all that’s needed for the scales to be removed from your eyes and for you to silence the harassment and the noise of your day and begin to hear from God.



excerpt from Flying Closer to the Flame by Charles Swindoll