Trusting God” is the title of today’s devotion (below).  

It was written by our own Keith Dimbath, and clearly  
is about YOU, our great supporters; and about Lifeline.  

Thanks for being YOU!

  • The spiritual growth in the believers in all of Lifeline’s Central American countries affirms the work of the Holy Spirit but also the amazing leadership of those who oversee each country.  We are grateful for Carlos Cojon (Honduras), Darwyn Sanchez (Honduras schools), Antonio Orellana (Honduras), Jose’ Rodriguez (El Salvador), Eduardo Otero (Cuba), and all our  pastors serving in Central America.
  • Praising God for the amazing leaders we have in Haiti also.  Lifeline has had a couple financially difficult years with several periods where contributions dropped off unexpectedly and without reason, never quite “catching up”.  The leaders are placed under great stress when this happens so we praise God for their faithfulness and for giving them strength.
  • Thanks to IDES (International Disaster Emergency Services), individual donors, and churches for their funds for both the flooding in Honduras and the fire in Haiti.



  • The Northern Hills church celebrated another baptism last week!  The family had received a church mailer in January and connected with the church.  James was baptized and his wife is still searching, so keep both of them in your prayers.  (Lifeline is a partner is this new church plant in Calgary.)



  • Praises for the response to the fire in Haiti; we have been able to purchase 2 generators, do all the repairs and actually improve the set up for our power needs.  The generators are now on an automatic switch that no longer relies on individuals to turn on the generator when the public power goes off. 
    work in Honduras
  • Progress in Haiti on the new children’s home continues; our goal is to place children there in August, in time for school in September.


  • The men’s work team, the MEET (introduction) team, and the leadership seminar team all made it to Honduras safely without delays and accomplished the tasks and goals set before them. (see photos on right)
  • The roof on CaryHill is coming along well. (see photos on right)
  • There has been some additional flooding in Honduras but not as much loss.

Navajo Ministry

  • Join us for an entertaining evening at “Desert Song” – a benefit concert for Lifeline’s Navajo ministry on March 29 at 6pm in Cincinnati.  You’ll find details at www.Lifeline.org/DesertSong 


  • In March & April, 50% of any proceeds from sales of “Another Hero is Headed Home” (by Steve Rew, Lifeline supporter & veteran work team member) will go to Lifeline. The song is currently playing on Christian Country/Gospel stations around the country and debuted at #79 on the Inspirational Country Music charts. Steve will be recording two new original songs in the upcoming months; the producer is excited about their potential!


Prayer Requests
  • Septic work for the Red Sands church and school (Navajo ministry) will begin in April but we are still seeking about $30,000 to complete the required septic system upgrades.Pray for churches, individuals and organizations to step up and assist with this need. Contact JD@Lifeline.org if you know of anyone who could assist.
  • Eduardo Otero (Cuba) has herniated discs throughout his neck/cervical spine; it is very painful.  Pray for relief from pain and swift resolution.  If he obtains treatment in Cuba it could take a long time to get the care he needs. The possibility he could come to the U.S. for care also exists. It is in God’s hands at this point. 
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, is battling cancer of the esophagus; treatments have been suspended for a couple weeks due to the severity of the radiation burning. Praying for God’s healing – but for God to be glorified – and most immediately for relief from pain. 
  • Karen Kennison’s stepfather away this week; her mother is grieving very much.  Pray for the family as they have the memorial services this coming weekend.  Karen is Lifeline’s Executive Assistant.
  • Keith & Christi Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Directors, are off to Haiti; they are eager to return and spend a few weeks overseeing the work team ministry.
  • Kesaia Cojon, Carlos & Paty’s daughter, is in the Dominican Republic with Johnson Christian University group, for spring break mission trip.  Please pray for their safety and effectiveness in ministering for Christ there.  Last year Kesaia spend about 6 weeks in Haiti interning. She is from Guatemala; her parents are the directors of our Omoa Children’s Home in Honduras and Carlos is our administrator for Honduras.
  • Vehicle issues: We have 2 vehicles “down” in Arizona at the Navajo ministry and 2 vehicles “down” in Honduras.  Funds are needed to accomplish the repairs.  Contact JD@Lifeline.org if you know of anyone who could assist.
  • Brian and Barb Snyder, (Navajo Administrator & Missionaries) will be in Ohio this month for meetings at Lifeline’s office.  Barb is coordinating a benefit concert in Cincinnati for the Navajo ministry. Everyone is invited! See below and visit www.Lifeline.org/DesertSong for details!
  • Many food packing events this month and next; praising God.
  • We are shipping 4 containers to Haiti this month; pray that customs will release this food in a timely manner. After providing the ABC food to all of Lifeline’s 12 schools in Haiti, our children’s home in Port au Prince, and to other designated missions, only 1 container (out of 9 containers) of food is left in Grand Goave to provide the need for that school and community; this food will last about 2 months based upon providing food to feed over 2500 people daily.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

Desert Song benefit concert

Join us for an entertaining night with our featured artists 

(which includes our own Barb Snyder!),  an update on the Navajo ministry 

and a meet & greet time with the Snyder family after the concert.

6:00p :: Saturday, March 29


Free Admission!

Spring Starr Pillow

Chrissy Kirk Banks

Barbara Adams Snyder

Guests will have the opportunity to financially contribute to Lifeline’s ministry to the Navajo in Arizona


 Additional details, artist bios and downloadable posters available:


Trusting God


With all your heart
you must trust the Lord
and not your own judgment.
Always let him lead you,
and he will clear the road
for you to follow.
Proverbs 3:5-6 (CEV)


Most if not everyone reading this would say that they trust God.   That is the desire of every follower of Christ, to trust him completely in all ways in every situation.  But, how deep does the trust we claim to have run?


Trusting God completely is actually a choice of faith.  There are those moments we face that while we want to trust God, at the same time we want to take control.  It’s not because we don’t love God, but making a faith choice to trust God means that we have to allow him to work in his way in his time.  We want to see the results, the end game so to speak.


How do we overcome that tension?  Not surprisingly, scripture lays out some answers to that question through the inspired words of Paul.


Romans 12:1 – “Present your body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” 


Philippians 2:34 — “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his interest, but also for the interest of others.” 


Paul lays out a basic premise of priorities in these verses – Jesus, Others You.  Interestingly the first letter of those three words spell out “JOY.”  We can have joy in our lives when we completely trust God.  Joy is different than happiness.  Happiness is based on circumstances.  Joy is based on relationship with God.   When things are in the right order of priority only then is there a real sense of joy in seeing what God can do when we submit ourselves to him and the people of Haiti. 


We are called to sacrifice ourselves on the altar of service.  Sacrifice is the idea of giving up something that causes us to focus on ourselves.  Sacrifice control; control of yourself, of your circumstances, and of others.  Sacrifice the desire to be heard, to be right, to be comfortable, and to having the last word.  The often used saying, “It’s not about you,” certainly applies.


To trust God completely means…

  • Giving up control of our circumstances and trust God to provide for our needs and to be thankful in all things.   
  • Giving up control of others and trusting God to enable us to have a heart to serve others.
  • Giving up the need to be right and trust God to put within us a heart of submission to him. 
  • Giving up our personal agenda and trust God to set the agenda and follow it.


Trusting God is humbling, because we have to get ourselves out of the way.  It’s a step of faith, because we allow God to guide our steps.  But it’s also exciting, because His ways are above ours – and they are always right!


by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Co-Director