Definition-  Truism noun  \’tru-i-zam\  An undoubted or self-evident truth


Read below about what God’s been doing through Lifeline

  • Every day God reminds us that he is in control by providing new relationships with churches, donors, work teams or other partners who are excited about Lifeline’s vision and eager to get involved.


  • The trusses are continuing to go up on the new Grand-Goâve Children’s Home.
  • Adam (Lifeline’s Administrator in Haiti) and wife Ruth are expecting their second child!  We celebrate with them and pray for good health.

wedding pictures Honduras

  • Congratulations to Lourdes and Ebert on their wedding!  Lourdes is one of the girls from the Omoa Children’s Home and she married a Godly man. The bride and groom were lovely in the wedding attire and the flowers were beautiful!  We are so very happy for them!  (see photo on right)

Navajo Ministry

  • ONE NIGHT ONLY!  Tomorrow Saturday, March 29 is “Desert Song,” a benefit concert for Lifeline’s Navajo ministry.  Can’t join us for the concert but want to partner in the Navajo ministry?  Donate online or join a work team.


  • We have been pleased to welcome several guests this week at Lifeline’s office: Paul Mercer from the Gideons organization in Canada; NoNo, our Lovelink Assistant in Haiti; and Brian and Barb Snyder, our Administrator with the Navajo in Arizona.
  • NEW!  Support Lifeline through AmazonSmile!  AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know…same products, same prices, same service!  Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Lifeline whenever you shop.  Plus, from now through March 31, 2014, an extra $5 will be donated to Lifeline for each customer who makes an eligible purchase!  Contact Abby@Lifeline.org if you have any questions.
  • At the office, we hosted the Westerville Area Ministerial Association (WAMA) meeting last week, which is a gathering of the local church pastors. We had the opportunity to share Lifeline’s ministry and many of the ministers commented that they didn’t realize the scope and the diversity of Lifeline’s outreach.  It was a good time of fellowship and prayer and connecting with the local churches!

Desert Song
Prayer Requests
  • Eduardo Otero, Lifeline’s ministry partner in Cuba, continues to struggle with chronic back pain that is limiting his capacity to minister there.  Pray for healing.
  • Pray for Mauricio, Johanna and their toddler Samuel as they prepare to plant a new church in Santa Cruz, Honduras.  Mauricio is a graduate of Lifeline’s Bible Institute in El Salvador and has been serving in various churches as well as being caretaker at CaryHill.  They are excited about this new adventure, but so many changes and challenges lie ahead.
  • Pray that God would open hearts to sponsor a child!  We need more sponsors for the children we are serving.  Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/Sponsor.
  • Prayers for safety for Dana Krahel, Lifeline’s Volunteer Director, as she travels and make contacts for the Ohio88 food packing events.  Pray for successful meetings around the state of Ohio.  


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

People, Projects & Programs
Serving Together

In last week’s email to sponsors, Audra Norman shared her experience on the women’s work team, which distributed sponsor gifts and served the Haitian families in January.   We wanted to share her article with you who may not sponsor a child or have experienced a work team…we hope you consider impacting a child or joining an upcoming work team!



They [Lifeline] have 
authentic love for the 
Haitian people they are 
serving, training, equipping 
and discipling to be 
followers of Christ 
and leaders in their communities.



It’s hard to put into words just how amazing the women’s work trip was for me.  II experienced a whole new side of Lifeline that drew me in so much more than I already was.  This experience confirmed to me once again why I love Lifeline so much!  They have authentic love for the Haitian people they are serving, training, equipping and discipling to be followers of Christ and leaders in their communities.  Lifeline lives out this authentic love intentionally through their ministries to the people every single day!


There are so many highlights that I could share!  I really enjoyed seeing the gift distribution.  I was blown away by how Lifeline went the extra mile to make this program so personal for those that sponsor.  The staff spends so much time, energy and effort into making this program special, not only for the children and families involved, but for us – the sponsors – to feel connected to our kiddos.  It was truly amazing to walk through the line with several children and watch them receive their Christmas gifts, get their photo taken and be measured.  What an honor to be a part of delivering over 1,000 Christmas gifts and seeing all of those precious smiles!!  I will treasure them in my heart always!


enjoying the experience!

Ladies Day was a wonderful experience!  We saw women travel in from all of the Lifeline churches on this one day of the year, wearing their beautiful costumes and singing such heavenly songs.  These ladies know how to have church.  The music was awesome and we danced right alongside our Haitian friends.  It was a pleasure to be a part of a day that encourages women in their walk with God.  It’s not easy for them to leave home for a day, but they did and I believe they were blessed by it just as much as we were.  


It was also a highlight to be a part of several home dedications.  I hadn’t anticipated home building on this trip, so that was an added bonus.  Especially since one of the homes built was sponsored by farmers from our community in Iowa.  It was a special privilege to represent those farmers by gifting the home owner with a Bible inscribed with a message and prayer for the home to glorify God always.  While we were visiting another home to be dedicated, the homeowner shared interest in becoming a Christian, and we asked him if he wanted to know Christ personally.  When he said YES, and we prayed with him to receive Christ, I knew right then and there that this is what it’s all about!  Nothing happens at Lifeline without prayer, and because of that God continues to soften hearts to hear the gospel message.  And this man heard it and received that precious gift!  There wasn’t a dry eye amongst the 63 women present there!


Visiting the churches of Torbeck and Lazile was such a blessing.  I was anxious with excitement to experience Lifeline’s outpost schools and churches.  We were received with open and welcome arms, music, dancing, a feast and prayer.  They prayed for years for American visitors to come and we were the answer to their prayers…how humbling!  We were blessed to hear Pastor Philipe share a message and to see how much his people loved him.  It was also an honor to serve the children by fitting their feet with brand new socks and shoes.  It truly brought our theme of taking our towel off and serving like Jesus did as he washed his disciple’s feet a reality for me.  I held back the tears when I took off the sweaty, dirty shoes and socks of a young child. I chose to see past the dirt and the grime to the beautifully designed child he placed in front of me.  Fitting them with new socks and shoes and then seeing their smile was all I needed to confirm once again why I love serving God so much!  We are his hands and his feet on this earth, and called to do his work in His name!  I’m so grateful to be a follower and servant of Christ!  God is so good!


It will always be a highlight for me to spend time with my sponsor child of 13 years and his family.  It completely fills my heart with joy that they all know who I am when I arrive to their home, and that they know my name.  I am greeted with many hugs and kisses from young to old!   They show it in their affection toward me and they always make me feel so welcome!  I look forward to seeing how God works in their lives and how my family will continue to be a godly influence through prayer and example of love in their lives.  It’s awesome to see our sponsor child grow in to a young man who loves God and tell us he wants to become a Pastor!  I look forward to seeing the plans for his life unfold!


Serving alongside 60+ of the most incredible women from the States and all of the incredible Haitians that spend their time with us has left me going through withdrawal of not only the country of Haiti and its people, but of the friendships that I developed while I was there.  I cherish my friendships with the Haitian staff and translators and look forward to seeing them again someday.  I was also able to serve alongside my aunt, who came to know Christ as Savior while we were in Haiti.  And it was through some very special kindred friendships that were established on this trip, and their testimonies, that helped lead her to that decision.  God is so good in how he ordains EVERYTHING.  His sovereignty never ceases to amaze me!  We learned from one friend that there are no coincidences!  He reveals himself in all things!  I was so blessed to be able to spend this special time with these women and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to do so!  I hope to revisit Haiti during a women’s trip again for it is a very special experience and one that will remain in my heart forever! 



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Waiting Hearts



The Lord is good 

to those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks Him.


Lamentations 3:25 (NKJV)



The Scriptures are replete with references to the value of waiting for the Lord and spending time with him.


When we do, the debris we have gathered during the hurried busy hours of our day gets filtered out, not unlike the silt that settles where a river widens.  With the debris out of the way, we are able to see things more clearly and feel God’s nudgings more sensitively.


David frequently underscored the benefits of solitude.


I am certain he first became acquainted with this discipline as he kept his father’s sheep.  Later, during those tumultuous years when King Saul was borderline insane and pursuing him out of jealousy, David found his time with God not only a needed refuge but his means of survival…


God still longs to speak to waiting hearts…hearts that are quiet before him. 



an excerpt from The Finishing Touch, by Charles Swindoll