plural noun: supporters
1. a person who approves of and encourages someone or something

“the charity relies on its supporters”

Thank You Lifeline Supporters!!! 

photos from the ministry field

  • Last week’s mission trip to Calgary was great! A team of 14 people served with Northern Hills Church, which is Lifeline’s church plant in Calgary.  The team touched the lives of 300+ families in the area the church serves through service projects and acts of kindness projects. (see photos) On Wednesday, they saw the fruit of planting churches when Mike was baptized! (see photo of team praying over Mike)  The team also contributed 200 volunteer hours at Alberta Bible College doing a variety of tasks (painting, garden work, tearing out old carpet, etc).  
  • Praise God for a good meeting in Canada this week. Bob and Gretchen DeVoe (Lifeline Founders) met with the leadership at Gideons’ Canada and are excited about how we might get more Bibles into the hands of the people in Central America and Haiti.


  • The basketball court at Deuxieme Plaine was completed this past week and dedicated by the work team. Thanks to Discover Christian Church for funding this project. (see photo of the dedication)
  • Great strides are taking place in Haiti on the renovations to the Deuxieme Plaine and Laregal Christian Churches.



  • The work team from Richwood, Ohio is accomplishing a lot of work. They distributed sponsor gifts to children; worked on the pastor’s home/parsonage at Omoa Christian Church; worked at the children’s home; had fun at a birthday party for one of the girls at Omoa home; worked in clinic; and much more. Thanks to Richwood and Brenda Johnson, Lifeline Coordinator, for their hard work and love!
Navajo Ministry
  • School has begun at Red Sands Christian School; it is a bee-hive of activity!
United States
  • The Hogs for Haiti trip has been receiving more opportunities to speak in churches and to share our mission for the children of Haiti.  
  • Cindy Garland, author and Lifeline work team member, has released her latest book “How Do I Get Out of this Mess?” with a portion of each book purchase benefiting Lifeline.  On August 8 is a special concert and book signing by Cindy and the illustrator; learn more at Cindy’s website:

Prayer Requests
  • That we would use every opportunity to share Christ and the work of Lifeline on the Hogs for Haiti ride.

  • Funding is still needed to completely finish the new Grand Goave Children’s Home in Haiti (about $23,000).  Contact for a detailed list of items needing funding.

  • Pray for comfort and peace for Abby Fusco (Lifeline’s Finance Manager) and her family at the passing of her grandmother.

  • Continue to pray for strength for Keith & Christi, Lifeline’s Work Team Directors, as they minister all summer in the mission fields.

  • Pray for the Mead Family on the death of Marilyn Mead, one of our former receptionists.  Marilyn served with Lifeline for about 6 years and has been battling various health issues for the past few years. She was 82 years old.  A beautiful service was held for her last week.
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, as he continues his chemotherapy for cancer; next week the doctor plans to run tests to see how effective all the treatments and radiation have been. Pray for Rob as the chemo takes a great toll on his body.
  • Erma Hartman, Lovelink Coordinator, is retiring August 15 and will be greatly missed. She has worked with Lifeline for nearly 10 years and has had the primary oversight of the office work for the child sponsorship program.  Pray for Karen Kennison and Elaine Angell as they continue to work with the sponsorship program and assume much of Erma’s responsibilities.
  • Fundraising for text books for Haiti schools; Lifeline needs at least $40,000 to purchase the needed books which will then be “handed down” from year to year.  We are seeking donors to fund books for an entire class ($2,000 per class).  Details online.
  • For two work teams ministering to the Navajo these next 2 weeks: pray for safe travels, effective ministry, and impacted lives through this experience.
  • Richwood Christian Church as they head home this week; they have been ministering in Honduras.
  • In Haiti, pray for the last work team of the season, which is coming August 1; pray for safe travels and effective ministry.
  • Containers in customs in Haiti: they have been moving swiftly and this week we are expecting the container to be delivered that has sponsor gifts from October 2013 and February 2014 gift deadlines.  We plan to distribute these gifts in September and October.
  • New teacher hiring for the Red Sands Christian School (Navajo Ministry). 
  • Upcoming fall food packing events.
  • Hogs for Haiti ride to Canada in August (fundraiser for the new Grand Goave Children’s Home).
  • The Ohio to Erie bike ride through Ohio to raise funds for Lifeline’s children’s ministries and home building ministry.
  • Homes For Haiti construction is going well; we have homes funded to be built through October 2014 and some funds coming in for construction in 2015 during work teams, where sponsors will be present.  Pray for more donors to continue to provide for this great need in Haiti.
  • Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director, as he travels for Leadership Training in El Salvador.
You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at



People, Projects & Programs

Thank you for loving the children, Erma!

by Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s Children Ministry Director


Lifeline is preparing to say “farewell” to Erma Hartman, our Lovelink Stateside Coordinator, who is retiring on August 15.  


Erma has faithfully served the children in the Lovelink office for nearly 10 years by overseeing the processing of child sponsorship materials, new sponsorship assignments, correspondence, and much, much more.   Erma’s compassion and tender heart have made her an ideal person for the work she has done in Lifeline’s children’s ministries. 


For those who don’t know, Erma is Bob’s younger sister.  

(see the third photo of three of the DeVoe siblings who have worked with Lifeline: Esther is on the left, then Bob DeVoe, Founder, and Erma)


Erma and her husband, Denny, will be residing in Florida.  


Although Erma will not be working with Lifeline in an official capacity, she will continue to help out where needed, take trips to her beloved Haiti and Honduras to see her sponsored children, and keep connected with all God is doing through Lifeline. 


We say “thank you” to Erma and will be highlighting her time with Lifeline in an upcoming sponsorship newsletter. She is going to be missed by the staff and sponsors alike!


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Adventure 2014 - Ohio to Erie ride AmazonSmile Hogs for Haiti
Memorials & Honorariums
Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by Nhu & Cory Sullivan, Debra Travis, Leslie J Hill, Stephen Hill, David Sandefur, and Cynthia Robertson


In memory of Marilyn Mead, given by Lawrence & J.J. Mead, Scott & Leah Bryant, Derrell & Bonnie Althauser, Charles & Nancy Townley, Jean Hummel, James & Charlene Roloson, Wanita Chevalier, Martha Cannon


Anything But


Discipline is easy for me to swallow. Logical to assimilate. Manageable and appropriate.


But God’s grace?Anything but. Examples? How much time do you have?


David the psalmist becomes David the voyeur, but by God’s grace becomes David the psalmist again.


Peter denied Christ before he preached Christ.


Zacchaeus, the crook.  The cleanest part of his life way the money he’d laundered.  But Jesus still had time for him…


Story after story.  Prayer after prayer.  Surprise after surprise.


Seems that God is looking more for ways to get us home than for ways to keep us out.  I challenge you to find one soul who came to God seeking grace and did not find it.


excerpt from When God Whispers Your Name by Max Lucado