19  “Go ye therefore, and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of
 the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  20 Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with
you always, even unto the end of the world.”  Matthew 28:19, 20
Thank You, for the Great Commission, Jesus; and
thank you for your obedience, Brothers & Sisters.




  • Last week there were six young people who were baptized.  Praise God!  Please keep our new brothers and sisters in Christ in your prayers: Toussaint Dialintha, Eduard Yvanne, Desramaux Gerald, Celine Josias, Casimir Geralda & Desrosiers Wilfrid


  • The 2004 Ford pickup truck was able to tow the semi home from where it was stranded in town.  A 10 year old V8 Ford pulled an 18-wheeler loaded with 40,000 pounds of food through town safely.  God is good!



  • “Student’s Day” was celebrated in Honduras this week with the Ocotillo and Gonzales middle schools.  Around 220 students participated in activities where we were able to share our five core values (truth, purpose, affirmation, integrity and generosity) through teaching God’s word and games.   Recently, 2 schools from the government told Darwyn  (the school Superintendent) they liked the system of core values and would like to use it in their schools.  Darwyn was able to give them all necessary information to help them implement these very important core values.  Praise God!



United States
  • Abby, Erma and Karen enjoyed volunteering with WARM this week.  They passed out free lunches to the children in the Westerville area.


  • Andy Sims is beginning to feel better after a horrible time with sickness and in the hospital.  Praise God his health is improving!


  • Bob and Gretchen had a nice vacation and enjoyed connecting with churches along the way!



Prayer Requests
  • Last week, Lifeline’s semi that was hauling ABC Food from the port broke down.  Please pray for speedy repairs for the semi and that the $1500 needed to replace the clutch comes in quickly.

  • Work teams are currently in Haiti and Navajo Trails and some major projects are underway
  • Upcoming ABC Food Bagging Events at the NACC, Crossroads, Eagle Eyrie, Woodlands and Miamisburg
  • Funding ($750) for a new clothes washer for the mission house in Honduras

  • Funding ($35,000) to proceed with ADA required upgrades at Red Sands Christian Church, Navajo Trails  


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

People, Projects & Programs

golf outing

Register today at www.Lifeline.org/Golf


Come join us for a great day of golf to benefit Lifeline!  


July 19, 2014  |  Deer Creek Golf Club, Clayton, Indiana 


How can you help support Lifeline’s ministries?


Join us on the golf course!  

Your $80 registration includes green fees, cart, and buffet lunch, with an optional purchase of mulligans and a yardstick the day of the outing. Great team and individual awards will be given out during the buffet. Register online


Be a sponsor!

Help us make a hole-in-one with our outing fundraising!  Numerous levels of sponsorship are available to businesses, churches, and individuals…hole sponsors, cart sponsors, and more! Details online or contact Karen@Lifeline.org.


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Men's Haiti work team twitter Adventure 2014 - Ohio to Erie ride
God is already there


On a recent trip, I was privileged to baptize five women off the shore of Cuba.  You can imagine the thrill.  Regular trips to this island country closed to American tourists are a part of my ministry with Lifeline Christian Mission.  Still, I never dreamed a moment like this would be happening to me. 


The setting was picturesque.  Beautiful Caribbean waters.  A small gathering of friends clapping and singing.  Believers so eager to start anew.   It wasn’t until we were climbing the steps up from the ocean that I began to take in my surroundings.  


I Didn’t See That Coming

Why were there steps leading down into the water on an otherwise vacant shoreline?  Then, I noticed a concrete bunker with a system of tunnels leading to other bunkers along the shore.  The structures were badly weathered and obviously neglected for years.  Yet, the gun turrets cut into the concrete every 10-15 feet left an ominous feeling.  What was this place?


I was told these bunkers were built by the Russians during the Cold War era, designed to protect against an American invasion.  The irony instantly took hold of me.  Here I was baptizing five Cubans at the very place built to keep Americans out.


God is Already There

Why are we so surprised when God shows up?  Whether it be in Jacob’s dream (Genesis 28:10-22) or on a Cuban shoreline, the Lord is well ahead of us.  He’s present and active.  His timing is perfect. He doesn’t miss a thing.


I’ve spent a good portion of my life inviting God to join me, not realizing He’s already busy in places I may never see.  Our best hope is to look for Him everywhere we go, to join in the things He is already doing, or to acknowledge His ownership of each moment.


Jacob’s awakening was to a God who is everywhere.  That same God is calling each of us out of our limited existence into his vast, exciting enterprise.  The scope of His plans might surprise you. Chances are your dreams aren’t nearly as big as His are.



by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director