Spring has sprung!  Praise the Lord!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue…
Keep reading below,
What GOD’S doing through YOU!

  • All praise to our Lord and King Jesus for all that He has done for us!



  • Our chicken coop owners are continuing to develop their business skills and are gaining confidence with each cycle of chicks.  Not only has God provided for these families, but they are part of an emerging economy that is vital if Haiti is going to thrive.  We’re grateful to be part of this blessing and transformation from Him.


photos from Honduras Honduras

  • Praise the Lord!  Berta was baptized last Sunday at Omoa Christian Church. Please pray for her new life in Jesus Christ. See photo on right.
  • Happy birthday Elizabeth!  She lives at the Omoa Children’s Home and just turned 11; see photo on right.  Gretchen explains more about celebrating birthdays in Honduras: 

    Birthdays in Honduras are very, very special times, just like for us.  Although they do sometimes celebrate differently.  Typically piñatas are  a key ingredient in birthday parties. 


    At our Omoa Children’s Home everyone gets in the act and the cakes are some of the most delicious you can ever taste!  Singing, playing games and all the typical fun things take place.


    I once heard that in the Latin American countries, birthdays are celebrated by doing something really messy: breaking eggs and then pouring flour and water on the head of the birthday person.  I haven’t figured out what this is about …although these are all key ingredients in a cake!  Glad I haven’t been to Honduras for MY birthday!

  • The schools in Honduras had a parents meeting to discuss the new Core Values being integrated from the teachers seminar last month.  147 parents were present and were excited about helping to integrate these values into their children’s lives.  God is opening doors to impact entire families through future meetings these parents have asked for to help them practice these values at home.  See photo on right.


Navajo Ministry

  • We are nearing our funding goal for the septic upgrades at Navajo Trails.  The Desert Song concert was a huge blessing and we look forward to God continuing to provide for this need. Contact JD@Lifeline.org if you would like to partner with this need.  
United States
  • Lifeline’s most recent annual ministry report is available to download from our website.  Print copies will be available soon.

Prayer Requests
  • Please be in prayer for those considering going on this year’s Men’s Work Team to Haiti and for those who have already committed.  The trip is September 15-24, 2014. If you or someone you know is interested in joining us, please contact Keith@Lifeline.org.  
  • Pray for more work teams to partner with Lifeline in Honduras.  The ministry there is thriving and needs churches to partner with them to help with evangelism, church planting, medical or children’s ministries.  Prayerfully consider if God might be calling you or your church to Honduras.  
  • Pray for the upcoming event to share more about Lifeline’s ministries to potential new ministry partners.  

  • Pray for the smooth closing of the home in Indiana that was donated to Lifeline.

  • Pray for the open doors God has given Lifeline in Guatemala and Panama.  Pray for discernment, provision and boldness as our pastors launch house churches and develop new leaders to restore hope among their own community.  


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

People, Projects & Programs

Coordinate a Sponsorship Drive 


There are thousands of children in Lifeline’s Christian schools, nutrition programs, and Children’s Homes who are waiting for a sponsor.  You can impact the lives of these not-yet-sponsored children by hosting a sponsorship drive at your church, organization, work place, etc!  We’ll provide you with photos of children who need a sponsor, instructions, sign-up information, a short DVD presentation, and more!


Simply contact Erma (Erma@Lifeline.org or 614-794-0108) and she’ll help you get started!  

Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support Lifeline…

sponsor a child Lifeline's WebThriftStore Another Hero is Headed Home
Desperate Reliance


Psalm 86:1-4

I met Santiago on my first trip to Cuba.  The house church he leads meets in a converted garage that overflows onto the street.  His job as a Havana defense attorney earns the same $30 per month stipend that everyone in that communist country receives.  He has a beautiful, young family of four, but lacks most of the comforts we take for granted.  Santiago is teaching me a lot about dependence. 


I got a glimpse into how different our circumstances were when he told the story of his wedding.  Fresh out of college, Santiago was eager to get married.   But, he had no money for a wedding or their life together.  Things like that take time in Cuba.  The waiting list for government housing can take years.  


“I knew God put her into my life,” he said with a smile, “so I prayed.”  Convinced there was a lesson in his story for me, I dug deeper.  He recalled the exact words, maybe because he’d prayed them many times. “Lord, you are my only resource…”


My Only Resource

Americans like me always have options.  Even though we like to complain, opportunity is around every corner.  The problem with our prayers is that God is rarely our only resource.   There’s always a plan B. God becomes a convenient “safety net” in case our original plan falls through.


Desperation is often the precursor to God moving in power.  Yet to openly declare such poverty is an affront to our dignity.  Still, it’s much better to NEED a miracle than to just WANT one. 


Quit Laughing

Having more resources may actually hinder us.  We don’t have to depend on God day-to-day.  We quit expecting the impossible.  We laugh – like Sarah did when God told her she’d have a son in her old age – instead of daring to dream big.   How much are we missing?


There’s not much difference between “I could never do that” and “you are my only resource.”  Either way, we’re empty handed.  Our preoccupation with self simply needs to change into a desperate reliance on God.  You will discover real power in God’s promises just like Sarah did…


…and that’s nothing to laugh about.



by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Director of Leadership Development