L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

church ministry
Planting a church on a mountain
Morne Tata

Morne Tata is a 45-minute hike farther up the mountain from Laragale.  Since most would consider Laragale a remote location for a church and school, it’s hard to describe Morne Tata.  The higher you climb, the better the views.  Not a place you’d expect to plant a church.
Yet, advancing the Kingdom in Haiti isn’t just about applying sound strategies.  It’s about empowering Haitians to take responsibility and to lead.  Even if that means planting a church in a location few of us would ever find.
For months, town leaders have been asking the congregation in Laragale to help them plant a new church.  Rather than asking a team from the U.S. to do it for them, the Haitian Christians in several Lifeline churches have been praying and planning.  They’ve sent teams to share the gospel in homes.  Offerings of spare wood, tools, tiles, food, and more were collected and had to be carried in on foot to build a gathering place.  
In late July, 33 people worshiped in Morne Tata, Lifeline’s newest church!  From those humble beginnings, though, we see great progress.  These Haitian Christians are leading with their vision, generosity and passion.  They are trusting God to build His church and to restore hope in their country.  
Your monthly giving to Lifeline is an investment in people — not projects or programs — and it is working.  We may never bring poverty to an end, but hope is inspiring.


  • We praise God for the 19 people who served as volunteer work team coordinators, or were in training, in 2015.

  • Congratulations!  The church celebrated their first anniversary!  The house churches came together to worship and celebrate how God is moving in their church and communities.  One young lady was also baptized.  Please continue to keep these house churches in your prayers. (see photos)

ministry in Guatemala
Celebrations in Guatemala!
  • The churches held their annual fellowship service last week, and it was a huge blessing for everyone because they met each other, worshiped together, enjoyed great teaching, shared experiences, and ate together. They were also excited to have the new church at Santa Cruz de Yojoa and the church of Tegucigalpa join them.  The churches feel called by God to plant a new church in the city of Villanueva, which is about 10 miles away from San Pedro Sula. They invite you to join them in prayer and for God to show the way. (see photos)

annual all-church fellowship
The churches in Honduras enjoyed great fellowship together!
United States
  • Hogs for Haiti had a great trip around the U.S. & Canada, which included numerous conversations and opportunities to share Lifeline’s message.  Thus far, over $18,000 has been donated!   You can still partner with the riders to continue to meet the needs of the children in Haiti; donate today!  At the end of the ride, the riders posted:

6,285 miles behind us and the third annual Hogs for Haiti ride is in the books. Thank you to all the great people in this beautiful country that helped us along the way and made the ride such a success, and to those that joined the ride for a bit. And a special thanks to the 7 men that were willing to give their time and energy to make the entire ride “For the Kids”.  

  • Lifeline’s benefit golf outing in Ohio was a great time of fun and fellowship this past weekend!  We appreciate everyone who golfed, was a sponsor, and donated prizes. Through your involvement, lives are being transformed through Lifeline’s global ministry. Thank you!  Congratulations also goes to our grand prize winner, Royce Cheeseman, who receives a credit towards a Lifeline mission trip.

Ohio golf outing
It was a great day for golf!  Congratulations to Royce (far left) for winning our Grand Prize.

memorials and honorariums
Gifts given to remember
In memory of Rod Sellers, given by Joy Sellers


In memory of Sue McHugh’s mother, given by Michael & Susan McHugh


In memory of Barbara Hess, given by Mark & Lisa Watson


child sponsorship ministry
Sponsors: email your child!
Did you realize you can email your sponsored child?  This is the quickest way to communicate with your child, and of course, the children love hearing from you!  It’s a great way to stay in touch with your child and their family.  It’s simple:
1) Email your letter to Lovelink@Lifeline.org.
Be sure to include: 
– Your complete name & Lifeline account number/AN
– Sponsored child’s full name and school ID number (on your photo card)

2) We send the email to the field staff and translators read the email to your child.  The child (with parent assistance, if needed) will respond.  A translated reply email is sent back to Lifeline’s office.
3) In about a month, you’ll receive a reply back from Lifeline, via email.  
Please keep in mind: 
  • Emails may be sent once each quarter throughout the year. Please email during the child’s school year; it can be difficult to locate the students during summer break.
  • You can still mail letters & cards to Lifeline’s office for your sponsored child, but it may take up to 6 months to reach your child and then months before you receive a response.  Letters & cards are sent following the 3 gift deadlines (February, July, and October). 

Lifeline in 30 seconds
watch video

Because of God, you are restoring hope among the nations with Lifeline! 

get involved
Upcoming events & opportunities

Serve at Lifeline
Do you have a welcoming smile, a cheerful voice, love to serve, and some free time during the day?  We have an opening for a volunteer receptionist at our Westerville, Ohio office on Wednesdays 1-5p and Thursdays 9a-1p. If you are interested, please contact Dana at 614-794-0108 or Dana@Lifeline.org for additional information. 

Volunteer at the Home & Garden Show
At our booth at the Central Ohio Fall Home & Garden Show, we’ll promote our ABC food ministry to bring awareness to the ongoing struggle in Haiti with adequate and nutritious foods. Select your shift and get a free t-shirt!  Learn more.

Women’s work team
November 2-9, 2015
Ladies, you’ll share hope with the Honduran women and children when you join Lifeline’s Women’s Team to Honduras! You’ll distribute gifts to hundreds of sponsored children and minister to the ladies in Lifeline’s churches.  Contact Cathi@Lifeline.org or 614-794-0108 for additional information!

Israel tour
November 2-11, 2016
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land.  Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, will host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open to reserve your place on this unforgettable trip!
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations