L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity
A new perspective
This past summer, 40 students and 10 leaders from Christ’s Church of the Valley (Royersford, PA) experienced Haiti through a work team.  One of their leaders blogged their trip for the parents at home and below is an excerpt from their last day. (Reprinted with permission)

If I had to summarize this trip into one thought, it would be “a new perspective.”  I feel like students and leaders alike are going home with a new vantage point than they could have ever had before.  Many times before you have watched commercials with poor third world country children looking lost with flies landing on them.  However your world changes when you are holding one of them in your arms.  Your world changes when you know the name of that child.  Things can’t be the same when you leave that family a permanent house that will last them for generations.  These are just a few of the thoughts that our group has shared each night throughout the trip.  Today really put everything together and put it all into perspective for us.

Today was the day that we presented the three houses that we built to the families.  It’s hard to describe what it is like leaving it for them.  It’s also hard to describe what it’s like seeing fifty students and leaders lay their hands on the house and pray over it. At each ceremony today we also gave them a Haitian Bible with a short note of encouragement in it.  It’s special because tomorrow we will be home, and they will still be here.  They will still be here with a house, and God’s Word.  Both give them all the foundation they need.

Among the houses, a few groups also did home visits and layettes.  What both of those activities did was brought us into the homes of the people we have been serving the last 9 days.  It was special, heartbreaking, hot, difficult, hot, shocking, beautiful and did I say hot?  It’s brought us all to an attempt at the question “how is all of this going to matter to me when I go home?”  This has been the topic of conversation today.  Be warned parents, your teen may not be the same.  Some it will last for a week, some it will last for the rest of their life.

When you are in Haiti, it changes you.  When it isn’t just a country, but names… it changes you.  When you wake up at 4AM to pray for those people, it changes you.  When you walk into someone’s house that is smaller than every student on our trip’s bedroom… it changes you.  I believe these changes are for the better.  Tonight we got the opportunity to lift up people that encouraged us or played a role in that change.  It was really special to see the difference between nine days ago and now. 

I’m sure that your teen will be excited to share all of their [photos] with you (after they sleep for 48 hours probably.)  We are all torn in between being excited to get home and wanting to stay here and keep working.  I couldn’t have asked for a better group.  Thank you all for your prayers and trusting us with what is most precious to you.

Thanks for a great trip.
Until next year,

serving in Haiti
Serving in Haiti
  • Many of our 2016 work team dates on all fields are filling up!  We praise God for this and are looking forward to welcoming old and new friends alike to a Lifeline mission trip.
El Salvador
  • Two weeks ago Manuel was baptized!  Please keep this new Christ follower in your prayers.

  • The sports ministry continues to have great success!  Continue to keep the leaders and participants in your prayers.

  • Last week, a Leadership Seminar team visited, worshiped, and encouraged many churches in El Salvador!  Leaders from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador also came together for encouragement, great teaching and learning (by seminar leaders & participants!), good fellowship, and strengthening their biblical knowledge.  The leaders in Central America wrote: 
The seminars are a great blessing for us!  Thanks Lifeline Christian Mission, Andy (Lifeline’s Leadership Director), and the churches and pastors of the United States who support our Latino leadership to enlarge the kingdom of God.
ministry in El Salvador
Encouraging and building up leaders in El Salvador
  • One of the most exciting happenings in recent weeks has been the “graduation” of about 100 little toddlers from Toddler Nutrition Program in Grand Goave, Haiti to Preschool.  Hope you enjoy seeing these precious little faces below.  Yet, behind every cute face is a heart that is hungry for Jesus!  Would you keep them in prayer? And keep in mind that many of them do not have sponsors so if you want to take one to your heart, simply contact Audra@Lifeline.org
new preschoolers
New preschoolers in Haiti!
Navajo Ministry
  • We are so excited about our new school year at Red Sands Christian School. At the close of last school year our attendance was 24 students.  This year however, we have 37 students currently attending the school.  God is doing some great things here at Red Sands; the school staff is just holding on for the ride!

    Also we are excited about the addition of Mr. Todd Hunt who is our new Principal. We are however, still in need of a Jr. High teacher.  Would you please pray with us that God would lead this person to the school?  Pray that He would prompt the heart of the person who is to be here so that we could put them into place quickly. 

Prayer requests
  • Pray for Keith Dimbath’s mother who has end stage Alzheimer’s. Prayers for comfort for her and all the family members during this time.  Keith is our Work Team Director.
  • Jose, our Administrator in El Salvador, is taking Romaldo and Enrique to Panama; Romaldo will be for three months and Enrique will be for a month. They will be encouraging churches in Panama. Please pray for them. 
A doorway to the world
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Upcoming events & opportunities

Serve at Lifeline
Do you have a welcoming smile, love to serve, and some free time during the day?  We have openings for volunteer receptionists at our Westerville, Ohio office.  If you can assist for a partial day during the week, please contact Dana at 614-794-0108 or Dana@Lifeline.org for additional information. 

Save your Box Tops!
Looking for a way to help the Navajo mission in a big way? Save your Box Tops and Campbell’s soup Labels for Education!  Simply mail them via the U.S. Postal Service to Barb Snyder, Navajo Ministry Lovelink Field Coordinator at: 

Red Sands Christian School

229 State Route 99

HC 61 Box 25

Winslow AZ 86047

Women’s work team
Ladies, you’ll share hope with the Honduran women and children when you join Lifeline’s Women’s Team to Honduras! You’ll distribute gifts to hundreds of sponsored children and minister to the ladies in Lifeline’s churches. We hope you join us!
Israel tour
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land. Join Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, as they host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open for this unforgettable trip!
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations