  • Praise God for for His blessing of 800 work team participants on our ministry fields in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Canada, and Navajo Trails in 2014.  They were a huge blessing!
  • 2015 work teams are filling up rapidly!  We are now offering teams several times each year to El Salvador and soon to Guatemala.  Panama won’t be far behind!
ministry pictures El Salvador

  • Successful Leadership Training Seminar in El Salvador and visiting time Guatemala. We are thankful for Rusty Russell and Russ Smith (both of New Day Christian Church, Port Charlotte, FL) and Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director, who invested in the lives of these leaders. See photos of Russ, Andy, and Rusty with Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador.



  • The text books are being distributed in Haiti; thanks to all who helped fund them!
  • The men’s work team did a phenomenal job, working tirelessly to get the new Children’s Home ready for the kiddies to move in.  Dedication is scheduled for October 23, 2014.



  • Funds have been donated to replace the broken water pump in Honduras at Ocotillo (this pump provides water for the school, kitchen, clinic and parsonage).  Thanks to Christian Campus Ministry ISU at Terre Haute, Mark Gallagher, and the board and staff for this generous gift.
United States
  • Praise God for increased number of volunteer work team coordinators He has provided.  Others will be in training this next work team season on various fields. 
  • Many churches are starting their fall missions and faith promise events.  Lifeline is blessed to be attending many and our staff will be presenting the ministry for multiple congregations each week.  If you would like to schedule a speaker or host an event, just contact
  • Last weekend we were blessed to package 1 million meals in 24 hours at Southland Christian Church in Lexington KY.  Each year we are amazed at the creativity and volunteerism at our partner churches.  If you would like to join in the fun and host your own food packing event, simply contact
  • All the food-packing events in September have gone really well and we give special thanks to all those churches that have partnered and provided this month: McComb Church of Christ, Compass Christian Church, Southland Christian Church, WARM, Brownstown Christian Church, Northside Christian Church, and Worthington Christian Church.  See the photos of just a few of the recent food packing events!
  • Lifeline is hosting a Work Team Coordinator appreciation luncheon at the Westerville office on November 1.  We are thankful for our Coordinators and Trainees!


Opportunities to Serve & Meet Needs
  • A new (used) diesel school bus is desperately needed for Navajo Trails work in Arizona. The bus is used for 2 primary purposes:  transporting students to and from Red Sands Christian School and work teams.  We also need $1200 to repair the current van. Contact

  • Lifeline has so many not-yet-sponsored kids this holiday season…you can sponsor a child or host a sponsorship drive at your church.  Contact for details. Let’s make these kids aware of how much God loves them!  
  • We have a goal to sponsor 1,000+ new children by the end of the year!  Since Lifeline’s support base is spread throughout the United States, we are about to launch our Lovelink Regional Coordinator Program, which are committed Lifeline supporters from each state that serve as volunteers.  As Coordinators, they will be the key to new sponsorships!  If you are interested contact

  • Assist with Christmas gift distribution to the sponsored children in Honduras!  Brenda Johnson, Volunteer Work Team Coordinator, still needs one or two women to join her on the trip, which is the end of October.   If you would like to join the fun, please contact and

  • Lifeline is seeking an Advancement Director and will also be continuing to be open to God’s provision of a person to help complete our Transition Plan, which is scheduled for 2016; this requires that a special person be chosen as CEO.  Contact



pray for little Luis

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for plans and funding for work team accommodations at Navajo Trails.

  • Continue to pray for 12 year old Luis from Guatemala, who is in need of open heart surgery.  Because of his age and size, the doctors will determine if he can handle the operation.  Keep him in your prayers.  (see a recent photo of him)

  • Pray for all the staff traveling to various places this next month; pray for safety and good health.

  • All those Lifeline friends who are suffering with illnesses, such as cancer.  Keep praying for Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, who continues to persevere through chemo treatments.  Pray for strength, that his body will respond to treatment and that his walk will continue to draw closer to the Lord and feel His peace and comfort through all he is going through.

  • For Ascar Jean, Lifeline’s watchman who was badly burned and in the hospital in Port au Prince, Haiti.

  • The Lifeline-Canada board meeting is the first week in November.

  • Ben Simms, previously Lifeline’s Executive Vice President, as he begins a new ministry with The Solomon Foundation.  Ben will still serve on our Board of Directors and Janet continues to work for Lifeline. 

  • Keith & Christi Dimbath are taking a well-deserved vacation this week!

  • Recently, Emmanuel & Ruth Adam had a new baby girl; pray that all will remain well and that she will be blessed.  “Adam” is our Haitian Administrator.

  • Pray for the food packing event in November in Springfield, Missouri; this is coordinated by Jake and Karen Wood of Friends Against Hunger and Lifeline is the recipient of containers from them.  They have been doing an amazing job; their generosity is commendable!  Pray that they will have a good turnout of workers and finances for this event.

  • Pray that the shipment of Christmas gifts will get to Honduras in a timely manner.

  • Pray for Brenda Johnson as she prepares to go to Honduras to distribute Christmas gifts. 

  • Gretchen DeVoe, Bertie LaCorte, Elaine Angell, and Julia Keener as they travel to Haiti for teacher seminars, clinics, sponsor gift distribution, Children’s Home work, and work team leadership.  Christi Dimbath will be joining them, as will Karen Kennison and Karen Lydick for this busy, busy time that includes photographing the new students. 

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

Get Involved

Eat Wings & Support Lifeline’s Ministries

Friends, if you’re in the Central Ohio area, please join us on 

Monday, September 29, 2014 

Buffalo Wild Wings 

2137 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, OH 43240-2022


You’ll help Lifeline provide nutritious ABC food to hungry kids in Haiti when you join us because 10% of all pre-taxed sales will be donated to Lifeline from Buffalo Wild Wings!


Simply print and present this fundraising ticket 
to your server.

See ticket for specific details
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A huge thanks goes out to Brian, one of our volunteers, who works at Buffalo Wild Wings and helped coordinate this event.  Perhaps your business also organizes fundraising events that could benefit Lifeline’s ministries!  Simply contact 

Join the fun at U vs Hunger!
While the Buckeyes are away battling Penn State, we’re taking over The ‘Shoe to tackle hunger! 

Saturday, October 25
Ohio Stadium
$10 per person
How else can you get into The ‘Shoe for just $10…and package a nutritious, rice-based food for hungry kids in Haiti?  Bring your scout group, family, church, friends, organization, etc.
Register today!

Sponsors play an integral role to keep this a fun, low-cost event for all ages to participate in…
learn how you can be a partner at 

Who Are You Listening To?

One of my favorite memories as a young boy is of spending a week or two in the summer at my grandparents’ house.  They lived in the country, and had a few acres of land where my grandfather had a few sheep.


Each morning during my visits I would go out with my grandfather to feed the sheep.  They usually were gathered toward the back of the lot.  My grandfather would go to the fence, and in a high pitched voice call out, “Sheep!”  Instantly the sheep perk up their heads and look his direction.  Again he called out, “Sheep!” and in unison they came toward him.


As a little boy I was fascinated by that.  Later in the day I would go to the back fence alone and mimic the cry I had heard my grandfather make, “Sheep!”  No response, not even a sideways glance my way by the sheep.  “Sheep!”  Again, no response.


Why wouldn’t those sheep come?   When I asked my grandfather about it, he explained that the sheep didn’t recognize my voice.  They only responded to the voice that they were used to hearing.


In John 10:14  Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep, and my sheep know me.”  Later in the chapter in verse 27 he says, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”   In these statements he speaks to a close personal relationship that is evidenced by how the sheep respond to the shepherd.


So, for every Christ follower the question is, “Who are you listening to?”   There are a lot of “voices” out there, all clamoring for our attention and claiming they have the answer and direction for our lives.  But there is only one voice that comes from the one who made us, loves us and died for us so that our lives can have purpose, meaning and salvation.  It’s the voice of the Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ. 


The key to shutting out the other voices is taking steps to deepen our personal walk with him.  The others may try to mimic his call, but as we grow in him, we will listen only to him.   Take the necessary steps to eliminate the voices that are not Christ like.


by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director

Memorials & Honorariums
Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by Andrew & Jennifer Schamerloh


In memory of Carolyn New, given by Eloise New