L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity
A time of leadership transition
Friends of Lifeline, 
In 1980, Bob & Gretchen DeVoe answered God’s call to minister to a small community in Haiti: 37 Haitians attended Lifeline’s first church service and 60 children enrolled in our Christian school.  God’s vision was bigger and He opened many doors.  Today, through Bob & Gretchen’s leadership, Lifeline’s ministries now include 8 countries where thousands of children are educated, numerous churches & house churches that are influencing their communities, and many other ministries to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people!  We deeply appreciate Bob & Gretchen’s example of faithfulness.   And as part of Lifeline’s family, you have had the opportunity to serve alongside us and contribute to these ministries.

As Lifeline’s Board of Directors, we want you to know that Bob & Gretchen have begun to officially start the transition process from their current roles as President & CEO and Vice President & Chief Ministry Officer.   Their transition has been planned for several years and the final steps in this process are now being implemented.

While there are many details to determine, we want you to know that Lifeline’s Board of Directors is taking intentional steps to hire a new CEO & President and to determine the best course for future staff roles and responsibilities, both in the short-term and long-run.  Once the transition is complete, Bob & Gretchen will assume new roles within Lifeline and continue to be valuable contributors to the advancement of the ministry.

This decision may create a variety of feelings and emotions for you. Transition means change.  And change is neither a negative nor a positive word…it is what we make of it.  The board and Bob & Gretchen think this is a very positive change!

We, as the Board, value you and the role you play in helping Lifeline to accomplish its mission.   Please feel assured that the Board is developing a solid game plan for the transition and for the ministry after the transition. The Board is excited about the continued bright future for Lifeline!

We anticipate you will have more questions than we can answer at this time. But we will do our best to keep you informed as details develop and as there is more to share.

Please be in prayer for the board, for Bob & Gretchen, for the next CEO & President, and for Lifeline as we make this significant transition. 

In Christ together,
The Lifeline Board of Directors
Mark Stier, Chairman of the Board

  • We are excited about the first work team coming to Guatemala November 14-21!  This team from New Day Christian Church (Port Charlotte, FL) will worship at house churches and our principal church, visit church members’ homes to encourage and pray for them, host a children’s program, and deliver child sponsor gifts.  Please keep this team and the Guatemalan people in your prayers.
  • A huge “thank you” to the school parents for making their children’s school a more beautiful place! Recently, 15 parents spruced up the garden at the Ocotillo Christian School; they planted new plants, weeded, and put it in better condition.
parents get involved with school upkeep
Parents “dug in” to beautiful the school garden
United States
  • The International Conference on Missions (ICOM) is in full swing!  ICOM is a time to reconnect, form new friendships, and for ministry partners to encourage one another.  Lifeline is blessed to be a part of this conference, as we connect with many of our supporters!  Stop by and visit us in the exhibit hall.
  • Connect Christian Church (Concord, NC) is packing 1/2 million meals this weekend!  Please be in prayer for all who are involved: our staff who are traveling, for Connect’s leadership team who is organizing this event, and for all of the participants that are exposed to an awesome ministry that provides food to millions of people!  
Prayer requests
  • A small team of women will be traveling to Honduras next Monday, and what a blessing it will be for this team to distribute gifts to the children and minister to the women! Please be in prayer for the ladies as they travel, for their families back home and for the ministry that God is already paving the path for.  
  • Keep Bob and Gretchen, Lifeline’s Founders, in your prayers as they have a heavy travel schedule this upcoming month.
WANTED: trees!
$1800 is needed to purchase 16 red flowered flamboyant trees, 6 royal palm trees, and 24 banana trees to be professionally planted at our Grand Goave Children’s Home (Haiti). This landscaping project will help keep the children’s dormitories and buildings cool, as well as provide fresh fruit for our beautiful children.  Contact Bob@Lifeline.org if you or your church/group can assist with this.
the yard is bare at the Children's Home
The Children’s Home yard is bare!  But the addition of these 
3 different variety of trees will look beautiful in the yard!
tree image credits: 
“Royal Poinciana” by Averette – Digital photo taken by Marc Averette. Own work by uploader. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons – 

“Roystonea regia”. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons – 

“Banana Tree 01”. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons – 
Gifts given to remember
Thank you for the donations given in memory of Ruth Gabel, the mother of Karen Kennison, our Executive Assistant.
Go. Disciple. Equip.
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Upcoming events & opportunities
Save your Box Tops!
Looking for a way to help the Navajo mission? Save your Box Tops and Campbell’s soup Labels for Education!  Simply send them via U.S. mail to Barb Snyder, Navajo Ministry Lovelink Field Coordinator at: 
Red Sands Christian School

229 State Route 99
HC 61 Box 25
Winslow AZ 86047

Israel tour
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land. Join Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, as they host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open for this unforgettable trip!
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