Restoring hope among the nations!
L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity
Providing hope
Through your partnership with Lifeline, you’ve provided hope to thousands of Haitians the past 35 years through education, homes, medical care, and nutritious foods.  Many of our staff in Haiti are a result of your generosity, and they, in turn, are paying it forward as they encourage and meet the needs of their neighbors, students, etc. Sometimes, though, the needs are too great for them to meet alone.  
Samuel, our Haiti Field Lovelink Coordinator, recently shared this with us: 
There are 8 people in this family, all living in this home (see photos below), which is not a good home. When it rains, they cannot sleep. Can you try to find sponsors for the 3 children?  Please. God bless you.

Could you help provide hope to this family?
We need you to be an advocate for these children.  Simply share this with a friend, co-worker, or family member who may be interested in connecting as a sponsor with one of these children. They can contact for additional details. The children are Woodeline Beneche (ID# GGINP995), Jhonly Beneche (ID# GG3427), and Claudia Docirin (ID# GG17375). 
It doesn’t end there, though.  We would love to bless this family with a new home!  If you would be interested in donating a 2-room, cement block home for this family (or other families in Haiti with similar needs), simply contact  
Thank you for sharing God’s love with the children and families of Haiti!

a Haitian family in need
You can bless this family with a strong, secure home!
  • Last Sunday’s worship had 20 adults and 25 children.  Continue to pray for this young, growing congregation.
El Salvador
  • Bob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founder, is having a great trip!  While in El Salvador, he visited 11 house churches and two principal churches: Santa Tecla Christian Church and Sonsonati Christian Church. The church work there is going great as our brothers and sisters are extremely evangelistic and are very excited to see God growing the church. 
  • Congratulations to Jose & Rosa, who are celebrating their 25th anniversary!  Continue to pray for their marriage and ministry. Jose is our Administrator in El Salvador.
ministry in El Salvador
Top photos: Bob visiting one of the house churches; 
Bottom photos: celebrating Jose & Rosa’s anniversary
  • The work team from Indiana, Nebraska and Arizona (the Navajo ministry) are having a great experience.  This is a family trip, with several younger children with their parents.  They are having a wonderful time and are a great blessing to the Haitian people. 
  • One of our ladies, who was part of our prenatal clinic, just brought her newborn triplets into our clinic!  (see photos below)  Both the work team members and the clinic staff were delighted to love on these precious little ones! We are also thankful to the family who is sponsoring these infants.
blessings in Haiti
These precious, newborn triplets are a blessing from God!
  • Romaldo and Enrique have been visiting and encouraging the house churches; they are spending 3 months in Panama to help grow the ministry and prepare for the church anniversary celebration in December. The native pastors have been very happy with their visit.
Enrique and Romaldo teach the Indians in Panama
Enrique and Romaldo teach the Indians in Panama 
United States
  • Thank YOU! Last week over 190,000 meals were packed at five different churches across four states by over 900 volunteers!! Thank you for taking some time from your day to pack meals for hungry kids in Haiti.
  • Eastpointe Christian Church (Blacklick, OH) is off to a great start to their two week Child Sponsorship Drive.  11 children have found new sponsors who will walk beside them to encourage them in their spiritual and educational growth!  Praise God!  Pray that more children will get connected with families who will say “YES” to sponsorship! 
  • We are grateful to partner with Grace Evangelical Free Church (Stewartville, MN) and Bettendorf Christian Church (Bettendorf, IA) for responding to the call to host Child Sponsorship Drives!  We are excited for what November will bring!  Contact for more information about hosting a drive.
Prayer requests
  • Please pray for the family of Beverly Hill, who passed away recently.  Beverly was a faithful child sponsor, who, along with her sister Hazel, have been sponsoring twins in Haiti for years.  We are thankful for the legacy of love that Beverly has imprinted on the lives of these sponsored children!
  • Please keep Karen Kennison (our Executive Assistant) and her family in your prayers. Karen’s mom, Ruth Gabel, has gone home to be with Jesus after battling Alzheimer’s. 
  • Please pray for our financial situation; expenses are exceeding income.
  • A graduate of our Deuxieme Plaine Christian School (Haiti) became a dentist, and, at 33 years old, she recently died of lung cancer.  Please keep her family in your prayers.  Her name was Fabiola Mayard Joseph. 
  • Keep our staff in your prayers, as they are travelling this month.  Bob (Lifeline’s Co-Founder) is in Central America, while Gretchen (Lifeline’s Co-Founder), Keith & Christi (Work Team Directors), Brian (Navajo Administrator), Bertie (Clinic staff), Elaine (Child Sponsorship Program) and Dawn (Navajo ministry) are in Haiti. Our stateside staff are also traveling to numerous food packing events around the U.S.
  • Jose Rodriguez, our Administrator in El Salvador, will be visiting the U.S. for meetings and speaking engagements; pray for safe travels and productive meetings.
  • Pray for the upcoming elections in Haiti at the end of October.
  • Pray for these upcoming work teams in November: the women’s team to Honduras and the New Day Christian Church team to Guatemala.
Sponsors: don’t forget the gift deadline!
It’s time to send in gifts to your sponsored child! You’ll find helpful information at our website, including gift suggestions and items available to purchase through Lifeline.  Don’t forget to review the packaging & mailing instructions, along with this video
A few gift ideas
Go behind the scenes…
watch video
Wonder how gifts are distributed?  Take a look at sponsor gift distribution in Haiti!
Upcoming events & opportunities
Save your Box Tops!
Looking for a way to help the Navajo mission? Save your Box Tops and Campbell’s soup Labels for Education!  Simply send them via U.S. mail to Barb Snyder, Navajo Ministry Lovelink Field Coordinator at: 
Red Sands Christian School

229 State Route 99
HC 61 Box 25
Winslow AZ 86047

Serve with Lifeline
We have openings for volunteer receptionists to serve at our Westerville, Ohio office. Simply contact us (614-794-0108 or for additional information. 
Israel tour
We’ll see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land. Join Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders, as they host the trip through Jerusalem Tours, International. Registration is now open for this unforgettable trip!
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations