You changed this little boy’s life…
boy you helped

Did you know that you helped this boy and ministered to his family this week?  Jose, Lifeline’s Field Administrator in El Salvador, shares this story with us:


An Indian sister in Panama accidentally gave her son a poisonous drug that almost killed the child. They called my son, Christopher, who provided first aid and he took the child to the hospital. The child was in the hospital all week.  Please pray for Melvin.


Because of your partnership, Lifeline was able to provide this family with food & transportation and purchase medications for him.  


Thank you changing this little boy’s life!  


ministry pictures Cuba

  • Andy, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director,  just returned from another trip to Cuba.  His team led seminars in 3 different house churches that included leaders from 13 house churches.  In addition, they spent time encouraging the churches, evangelizing in neighborhoods and leading a marriage seminar for 24 couples at Campo Amor, the main facility in Havana.
  • Andy was able to discover more details for shipping Bibles and ABC food to Cuba, as it appears God is opening doors.  Pray for the successful delivery of 20,000 Bibles given through Canadian Gideons.  We are also working on a shipment of ABC food.  Due the strained political relationships and Cuban regulations, these dealings are complicated and constantly changing.

El Salvador

  • The Santa Tecla Christian Church continues to grow; around 300 people attend each Sunday.
  • The house churches continue to grow every day!

  • The house churches are growing  and doing many activities with the children to reach out to more people.



  • The men’s work team has almost finished work on the Children’s Home; they’ve done a great job.  Bob DeVoe heads back to Haiti Monday and hopefully all “finishing touches” can be complete.  Thanks to Bobby Curlee for going back to Haiti to head up this team of specialized men/workers.  It appears move-in will take place around January 10.
  • After a bit of a slowdown, funding for homes for Haitian families has increased this past week and 2015 is looking to be another banner year.  (At the end of 2014 we will have constructed 133 homes this year!)



  • Brenda Johnson, our volunteer team coordinator for Honduras work teams, recently returned from there where she led a group of ladies in delivering Christmas gifts to children that were sent by their sponsors.  The children enjoyed receiving the gifts and the ladies team had a very productive time.   (see photos)



  • New volunteer leaders continue to be added to the work in the indigenous area of Panama. (see photo)
  • The houses churches are doing activities to strengthen them.


United States

  • Audra Norman has accepted the position  of Lovelink Child Sponsorship Development Coordinator.  She is in Ohio for meetings, preparations and ICOM.  God’s timing is always best…we have been hoping and praying that our Lord would lead the way for Audra to join Lifeline.  Praise God.  Audra’s primary duties will involve growing the child sponsorship programs. (see photo)
  • The amazing work our Lifeline staff have performed in preparing us for ICOM this week (International Conference on Missions), here in Columbus, Ohio. (see photo)
  • The visa issues for Carlos Cojon, Lifeline’s administrator in Honduras, were eventually worked out and he arrived in Columbus this week in time for ICOM.  We are trying to reschedule the visits he missed from last week while he is here.  
  • Carlos’ daughter, Kesaia, is in Columbus for ICOM.  She is working and continuing her education while living with her aunt and uncle in Texas.

  • Food packing events are going strong and God has blessed by allowing those containers to clear customs in about 2 to 3 weeks’ time.  Thanks to everyone who invests in feeding people spiritually and physically through the ABC food packing events.  Contact if your church or group would be interested in holding your own event.

Prayer Requests
  • That more doors will be open and more relationships created at ICOM.  

  • Keith & Christi, Laborlink Directors (along with other Lifeline staff) will be at ICOM this week.  Please pray that this will be an opportunity to renew friendships with team members and leaders from past mission trips, and that doors will be opened to connecting with new people and churches who might be interested in future trips.

  • The season of giving will open people’s eyes to global needs not just personal wants.

  • Rob DeVoe’s battle with cancer; appears the doctors are going to put a stent in to the tumor that has returned and he is being tested for new chemotherapy.  Rob is Lifeline’s Database Manager.
  • ICOM and Lifeline’s reception Friday night November 14. (see below)
  • Daryl and Connie Pomranke on the loss of her brother, Robert (cancer); for all his surviving relatives and especially his parents and children.
  • Flooding in Honduras at Ocotillo: the entrance that goes in front of the church is impassable due to flooding.
  • Lifeline’s finances: November has started off a bit slow; praying that God’s people will provide.
  • Continue to pray for Eduardo Otero, Lifeline’s partner in Cuba, whose neck/back/shoulder issues continue to hold him back from full participation in ministry activities.  He is undergoing daily physical therapy treatments, but needs surgery to repair the damage.
  • Pray that we can work out the details for Andy to lead a team to the eastern side of Cuba (Baracoa, Santiago, etc.).  There are many house churches there, but the 16 hour drive from Havana has made it impossible for us to visit and encourage them.  Pray that we can find a way in 2015.

Thank you for serving!
work team coordinators

On Saturday, November 1, Keith and Christi Dimbath, Lifeline’s Laborlink Coordinators, hosted a luncheon for our volunteer Team Coordinators.  This was the first time we have had the majority of the coordinators all together; twenty-seven were in attendance.  

The event was used as a time to say “thank you” to these dedicated volunteers.  Several of these couples are leading teams “solo,” some are in training, and a few are considering joining the ranks. 

After lunch, Dan Hamilton, minister of the Croton Church of Christ (Ohio) gave a devotional message.  Many folks lingered after the formal closing of the event, visiting and becoming better acquainted. 

We are grateful for these team coordinators.  Please pray for them as they prepare for the 2015 work team season.  And, pray that God will continue to lift up people who will serve in this ministry. 

your partnership

ICOM – the International Conference on Missions – is this week and we’re excited to have it right here at the Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus!   ICOM is a great conference to learn about missions, hear exciting speakers, participate in interesting workshops, and see how God’s moving around the globe.  If you are in Central Ohio or will be at the conference, please stop by and see us! 



Here are a few ways you can connect with Bob, Gretchen, the Lifeline staff, and Lifeline’s global ministry at ICOM this week:

  • Step into the mission field at our interactive booth in the exhibit hall
  • Reconnect with Lifeline friends and staff as we gather on Friday, November 14 following the evening main session
  • Find your place in Lifeline’s history and leave your imprint on tomorrow’s ministry at our History Room
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Visit for more details!