L.I.F.E. Circle - Love Is For Eternity

ministry in haiti
What’s missing in this picture?

What’s missing in this photo below?  Our beautiful kids at the new Children’s Home in Grand Goave, Haiti are pointing to an empty computer table.  We need $1,300 for a large TV/monitor computer system.  It will include the TV/monitor, computer, DVD player, and printer and will be internet ready.  Can you help?

what's missing from this photo

We also have a couple other needs at our new Children’s Home that you can assist with:

  • 1 double and 2 single screen doors for the Kitchen/Dining building: all 3 for $475. 
  • A donation of $3,000 is needed to complete the last 130′ section of security wall around our 7 acre Grand Goave campus.  The campus includes the Children’s Home, a church, school, work team dormitory, medical & dental clinic, workshops, storage depots, athletic fields, etc. Note that we are also training and upgrading our Security Team, which includes 13 men. 

Simply contact Bob@Lifeline.org if you can assist with any of these projects.  Thank you! 

concrete countertops are installed and the Home's exterior
Top: New concrete countertops being installed; bottom: the exterior of the home

  • We are thankful to IDES and the opportunity to share some of our ABC food with other ministries in Haiti that minister to the children.
  • The Haiti work team was able to participate in Flag Day celebrations in Grand Goave on Monday, May 18, which is a national holiday in Haiti.  They had a wonderful time sharing in this day with the Haitians.
ministry in Haiti
top: sharing food with other ministries; bottom: celebrating Flag Day
  • Thank you!  The washer for the Omoa Children’s Home, the floor for Guangolola Christian Church, and the classroom module repairs/remodel at Ocotillo Christian School have all been fully funded!  We did not get full funding for the vehicle repairs but we are praising God for everyone who contributed and made this possible.  If you could help with the vehicle repairs, please contact Info@Lifeline.org.

  • A special thanks to our ministry partners at Okolona Christian Church (KY) for their vision of pure water (physical and spiritual) for Honduras!  Gary Leathers and Walter Reeves, both from Okolona, went back to Honduras again and installed a second water purification system, this time at the Omoa Children’s Home.  The children at Omoa are celebrating today because they have clean water to drink!  Note: We are hoping and praying for the funding for 3 more systems to install one at Gonzales Christian Church & School, CaryHill Mission Campus, and Guangolola Christian Church.  Cost is $3,000 per system and about $1,000 for the men to fly to Honduras; contact Info@Lifeline.org if you or your organization/church could help.
  • We are also praising God for the 40 Honduran children that have recently been sponsored by families at Okolona Christian Church!  God is good!
new water purification system
The children at Omoa are celebrating because they have clean water to drink!
Navajo Nation
  • Our school buses at Red Sands Christian School have been running smoothly, thanks to the many donors who donated funds earlier this year for much-needed bus repairs.  Brian, Lifeline’s Administrator at our Navajo ministry, sends his thanks and appreciation!

United States
  • Over the last two weeks, Lifeline partnered with Chandler Christian Church (AZ), Valley View Christian Church (CO), and Centerbug Church of Christ (OH) and packed over 600,000 ABC meals.
  • We are praising God for Bethel Church of Christ (Ada, OH) for getting 5 children sponsored during their recent sponsorship drive!


  • We are also praising God for Greenwood Christian Church (IN) for hosting a sponsorship drive over the last two weeks.  So far, 12 children have been sponsored!

Teaching the little ones

Sharing Jesus’ love with the little ones in Ohio and Haiti

watch video

Prayer requests
  • Lifeline has long had a vision to have a high school at our main campus in Grand Goave, Haiti.  We do this by adding a grade each year.  It is our desire to add 7th Grade in time for school this fall.  In order to add this one class we need to raise $10,000 for the construction and start-up expenses including teacher, books, furnishings, etc.  We know that a lot of educators support Lifeline and we are hoping and praying that some will come forward and willingly donate for this project. If you can make a donation, please footnote it “7th Grade Class (Haiti)”.

  • Continue to pray for the church and the 4 house churches in Guatemala, along with Pastor Deybee who began overseeing the ministry there last year.  Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, travels to Guatemala regularly to encourage the church leaders.
  • Please pray for Julie Gulley, one of our volunteer work team coordinators.  She is returning from Haiti to be with her father, who is having serious health issues.  Please keep the family in your prayers.  
  • Prayers for Lifeline students who are teenagers, as we need sponsors to encourage and come alongside them in their last couple of years in school.  Please contact Audra@Lifeline.org if you’d like to sponsor a teen today!

God is for you
God is for you.  Your parents may have forgotten you, your teachers may have neglected you, your siblings may be ashamed of you; but within reach of your prayers is the maker of the oceans, God!
God is for you.  Not “may be,” not “has been,” not “was,” not “would be,” but “God is!”  He is for you. Today.  At this hour.  At this minute.  No need to wait in line or come back tomorrow.  He is with you.  He could not be closer than he is at this second.  His loyalty won’t increase if you are better nor lessen if you are worse.  He is for you.
Can your purpose be taken or your value diminished?  No.
No one can defeat you.
God is for you.



excerpt from “In the Grip of Grace” by Max Lucado

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations