L.I.F.E. Circle - Love Is For Eternity

education ministry
You’re investing in the children…

Through your support, our staff and teachers in Honduras are pouring into the students lives at Lifeline’s Ocotillo and Gonzales Christian Schools.  Darwyn Sanchez, Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras, shares how you are investing in these young lives…


In April, our 12th graders received training about relationships with others and orientation in work-place behavior. In Honduras, 12th graders are required to do a work experience before graduation, and some businesses give the students an opportunity to do this for a month and a half.  We were training them for do the best for the Lord.


We had our worship day with the entire school; all the students were praising God and learning His Word at chapel. Thanks to God for the opportunity that we can teach them the Bible.


The students participated at special election day event to train the children how to elect our authorities; they were voting for schools leaders. They choose the best for our schools.


Every quarter we focus on one of our five core values. This quarter we are talking about truth. We made a big banner for the students, and everybody who visits us knows our values.


The students are enjoying clean water from the water purification system.  They have started to drink at special place we built for this purpose. The teachers and students are thankful for this!


The young students are receiving dental classes from Wendy Castillo, who is Dr. Loyda’s assistant.  The children are happy learning how to best clean their teeth.


Every day all the teachers and staff at our school gather for devotion before classes start.  We spend 15 minutes to read the Bible and pray for others. I love to have this devotion time with the staff; it is a blessing!
Thanks to God for all these activities and for every sponsor, volunteer and person involved through Lifeline. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME.
Many blessings for your life,
Darwyn Sanchez
Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras
investing in young lives in Honduras

  • For a very productive time of work, service and ministry by the work team members from Prince Edward Island (Canada) and the U.S.  We had 11 new sponsors from the work team!
  • The first men´s gathering was held at Omoa Christian Church where the men were challenged to keep their responsibilities and roles as Christian men with their family, at church and in society. Thank you for your prayers and we ask that you continue praying for these men.

men's meeting in Honduras
First men’s gathering in Honduras
United States
  • We are thankful for Joy Curtiss, who has volunteered with Lifeline for many years and has been a faithful and consistent help to the ministry!  She is moving to South Carolina to be closer to her daughter and the warmer weather.

Contagious passion

Everything changes after you visit Haiti…

watch video

Prayer requests
  • Prayers for safe travel for the work team traveling home from Haiti.  Also, please be in prayer for Anthony & Victoria Taylor and Julie Gulley as they lead the next team. 

  • Pray for safe travels and good health as Bob, Lifeline’s Founder, leaves for Haiti and then Central America, traveling to various countries and encouraging the brethren there.

Serve Volunteer Ministry

your opportunity
Could you lend a hand?
We have some mailings that we could really use some extra help with. Do you have a couple hours that you could lend a hand in our Ohio office?  
Wednesday, May 20: 10a-12p or 2-4p

Thursday, May 21: 10a-12p or 2-4p

Friday, May 22: 10a-12p or 2-4p

Come one day or several days; we’d love to have you join us!  We need 4-6 people per shift, so invite a friend and introduce them to Lifeline’s ministry.

Please let us know you’re coming: simply contact Dana@Lifeline.org or call 614-794-0108.

Just suppose…
Suppose, just suppose, you knew the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was near.  Suppose you knew for certain that by this time next year you would be standing before your God and your Lord, giving an account of how you have lived as His child.  (Romans 14:10-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10)


Would it make a difference in the way you live today?  This month?  This year?  Are you prepared to see Jesus?


God says that everyone who has the hope of being like Jesus purifies himself even as He (Jesus) is pure. (I John 3:3)  The days ahead should become days of cleansing as you examine yourself and put away those things – sins, habits, weights, possessions, activities, excesses – that keep you from pursuing His holiness (Hebrews 12:1-2, 14).


Dear heavenly Father, You have made it clear in Your Word that each of us will one day stand before You to give an account of our deeds, good or bad.  On that day how I long to hear from You, “Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of your Lord.”  Oh, please reveal to me anything that holds me back from serving You.  Show me what needs to be purified in my life so that I can glorify You in all I do, in all I say, in all I am.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



excerpt from “Search My Heart, O God!” by Kay Arthur

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations