Rex & Christine Morey are the missionaries who helped start Living Hope Ministries (LHM) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras 11 years ago. In February, Lifeline was contacted by LHM’s stateside Board of Directors. They asked us to explore the possibility of Lifeline assuming the responsibility for their mission because the Morey’s had decided to move back to the United States.
Prayers continued as we sought to ascertain God’s will. Additionally, many conversations and meetings took place, including mission site visits to Tegucigalpa, where the LHM Ministry Complex is located, and face to face meetings with both organizations’ Honduran leaders. Seemingly, God’s will is still being followed.
Next, a meeting of the LHM board and Lifeline’s executive staff took place wherein, with much prayer and deliberation, LHM, after a unanimous vote, officially requested that Lifeline assume responsibility and ownership of their assets, including their Honduras holdings, to continue the work.
It was agreed that with approval of Lifeline’s Board of Directors (later approved) and compliance with several “action points” being fulfilled, that the transaction would follow. A detailed “Memorandum of Understanding” was later executed. Note that the action points were: (1) Agreement of Honduran Nationals. (2) Sufficient ongoing contributions; from existing LHM donors to sustain the work. (3) Sufficient ongoing contributions from existing donors; to complete construction of the Ministry Complex. (4) Compliance with appropriate legalities in USA and Honduras.
Important note: We still need to positively hear about ongoing support from existing donors prior to arranging an official “transfer/closing” (See points 2 & 3 in above paragraph). This will, prayerfully and hopefully, take place in a few weeks. (Pray!)
Now, let’s finish with all of this informational and business talk: Here’s the good stuff!
Lifeline has been given yet another opportunity to participate in Kingdom Building in another place! This time we can even take advantage of a beautiful and well located existing mission complex w/church and training center worth several hundred thousand dollars! We can take advantage of a 150+ person Christian Church body of believers already growing and reaching out to the lost! We can take advantage of a well-trained, experienced and successful ministry staff that loves our Lord…. And, perhaps most important of all; this transfer will allow a well-established and vibrant Kingdom Building Work to successfully continue serving our Lord. Please keep this new opportunity in your prayers! The bottom line:
God is good, all the time!