Thank you for your prayers for the precious children and families 
connected with Lifeline’s ministries.  
You are making an eternal difference in their lives!   

pictures from the ministry fields Praises
  • All our summer works teams are going great!  Lifeline’s Coordinators are doing an outstanding job and new trainees are engaging and showing that they have what it takes to lead teams for Lifeline.  Want to join a trip or organize a team?  Visit for details!


El Salvador

  • We are excited about next week’s work team from Christ’s Church of the Valley (PA).  This team is focused on outreach to the children by leading day camps for the kids in Lifeline’s ministry communities; the team has worked hard to put this together and the folks in El Salvador are excited! 



  • Two new churches have expressed interest in taking work trams to Haiti. Please pray for the MEET trips they have scheduled.  Contact if you are a church leader who is interested in joining a MEET team (teams where we share Lifeline’s mission work and vision with future partners)
  • Homes for Haiti continues to bring great blessings to the Haitian people.  We’ve been able to keep up with the schedule so that work team members have not been disappointed due to weather delays.
  • Construction continues on the Children’s Home in Grand-Goave; it’s looking great!  Thanks to everyone who helped make this much-needed facility become a reality. Our goal is to be ready for occupancy in August. (see top photos)
  • All the containers to Haiti are flowing well.  Praise God for the new system they have in place.



  • Praises for the many special activities taking place in Honduras at the schools.  Darwyn, Director of Schools, has reason to be proud and praise God as our students in these communities that house the some of the neediest families are rising above and are developing into amazing young people. Both schools now are going to go through high school.


Navajo Ministry

  • Praise God!  Last week, one of the work team members gave their life to Christ!  The team went down to Clear Creek where Jarvis was baptized by Miranna and Asha. (see bottom photo)


United States
  • Rob DeVoe’s radiation treatments ended over a month ago and his pain level is way low. Now the chemo is kicking in. We are praising God he’s had some time to rest and spend time with his family.  Continue to keep him in your prayers.  (Rob is Lifeline’s Database Manager and Bob & Gretchen’s son.)

Prayer Requests
  • Pray that the trailer makes it safely to the Navajo ministry in Arizona.  Also pray that the Lord would lead someone to donate a vehicle to help us pull it for the work teams; contact

  • All of our staff and volunteers traveling to lead mission trips, churches, food packing events, conventions, etc.
  • Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director, is still recovering from an intestinal illness.  Continue to keep him in your prayers.
  • 3 containers in Haiti are going through customs clearance; 2 of those are “mixed” containers which tend to take longer to approve than the “all food” ones. Pray they will not get held up or duty charged.
  • Child Sponsorship Drives: Lifeline is praying for more sponsors to impact the lives of these precious children.  Contact for more information on hosting a drive.
  • Prayers for comfort, peace and salvation for Veronica Freeman who unexpectedly lost her husband.

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

People, Projects & Programs

NACC Food Packing Experience 


Are you traveling to the NACC in Indianapolis in July?  If so, then come pack food with us!  


Lifeline has a food packing event set up at the NACC exhibit hall for attendees and locals to pack a nutritious shelf-stable, rice-based food.  Each 45-minutes session is $25 per participant.  For your convenience, there are numerous packing sessions scheduled all day around workshops and main sessions.  But don’t come alone…reconnect with old friends while packing food, register your church to pack together, gather your student group, or make it a family event!  


  All ages are welcome, as we pack food for hungry kids in Haiti! 


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NACC Food Packing Sessions:


Tuesday, July 8 

 2:00 pm
 3:30 pm
 5:00 pm
 6:00 pm 
 8:30 pm 

Wednesday, July 9 

 9:00 am
 11:30 am 

 1:00 pm (SOLD OUT)
 2:00 pm (SOLD OUT)  
 3:30 pm (SOLD OUT) 
 5:00 pm (SOLD OUT) 

 6:00 pm
 8:30 pm 

Thursday, July 10 

 9:00 am 
 11:30 am 

 1:00 pm (SOLD OUT) 
 3:30 pm (SOLD OUT) 

 5:00 pm  

 6:00 pm (SOLD OUT) 

 8:30 pm 


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Registration is now open at


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Hogs for Haiti continue the conversation on Facebook golf outing
Love that Thaws the Heart


Last year, my wife and I took our granddaughters to the movie, “Frozen.”  They loved it!  Grandpa and Grandma enjoyed it too, but we also enjoyed watching the girls’ faces and reactions as the story unfolded on the screen.  Our granddaughters still love it.  They have seen it over and over again on dvd.  During every visit with them since then at some point we hear their rendition of the song, “Let It Go.”    


The movie was inspired by Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale, “The Snow Queen.”  It’s the story of a fearless princess who sets out on a journey to find her estranged sister whose icy powers have inadvertently trapped the kingdom in eternal winter.  It is the highest grossing animated movie of all time, grossing over $1.2 billion worldwide; $400 million in the U.S. and Canada. 


Throughout the movie there is an underlying theme of love and redemption.  Love is presented as something that comes with a great personal cost.  Olaf, the little comic relief snowman delivers a poignant and wise view of love when he says, “It’s putting the needs of somebody else above your own.”   That is played out as Anna sacrifices herself to save her sister Elsa in the climax of the film.  Elsa had ignored Anna for most of her life.  But the lesson is that true love does not depend on how others treat us.


That’s a great lesson, but there is more to it than two sisters being reunited to live happily ever after in a kingdom where the eternal winter has been broken.  In fact, Paul shows us in Romans 5:8 the real example of a love that puts the needs of others first.  “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”   


Jesus’ love is not based on what others do for him, but his love is personified through personal sacrifice.  He put our needs ahead of his own when he went to the cross to pay the debt due for our sin.  This is agape love; sacrificial, unearned, unconditional love.  


That’s the type of love that we are to show others; our child’s teacher, our boss, our co-workers, neighbors, family, and friends; or the clerk who rings up our groceries, the mechanic, the waiter or waitress at the restaurant.  Sometimes when we cross paths with these and others their hearts are frozen. They are focused only on themselves, their issues and needs.  But Jesus’ example of agape love shows us that’s when we need to put our needs before theirs and show them his love through a smile, a kind word, or some other act of love that shows them a glimpse of him.  Sometimes it’s those acts that melt a person’s heart so that they can see fully the love that God has for them.


Jesus made the first move to show us his love when he died on the cross for us.  Let’s make the first move by putting our needs aside to focus on the needs of others first so that the love of God is seen in us. 



by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director