L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

ministry in haiti
Remembering Etta

Over the years, Lifeline has had the privilege of developing relationships with supporters and team members who join us in the mission fields to serve.


Etta Howard is one of those people who was significantly impacted by her mission trips, and who impacted the people of Haiti too.  She fell in love with the children and their families and went back home to engage others to share in the joy of service.


On her last trip to Haiti, JoEtta (her daughter) was with her.  Etta and a translator had gone to visit her sponsored children’s homes.  Everyone is told to be back before dark or 6 p.m. for supper (whichever comes first).  Etta did not come back. We were about to panic and were thinking how we could send the cavalry out for her when she came into the yard with her translator, just beaming and all excited about the blessing of visiting her children’s homes.  Although she had our hearts skipping some beats, the excitement and joy on her face made it worth it.  


Etta was a giver and so compassionate. When she was a sponsor, she had one sponsored family that could never pay the rent on their home. So Etta paid for the rent several years.  She also helped raise money to complete a home that her church-sponsored children needed finished.  They had started a home but couldn’t finish it.


We will always remember her and how much fun she was and she is really missed here in Haiti.

Etta in Haiti
Etta serving in Haiti

Meet Etta…

by JoEtta Martes (Etta’s daughter)


Etta Howard went on her first Lifeline mission trip in the early 90’s and it was at that time she fell in love with the Haitian people and their country.  After her initial visit she encouraged her small group from church to sponsor two children in Grand Goave.  Whenever she was in Haiti she visited them.   On one visit, she noticed the living conditions for one of the families had declined substantially. Etta was such a big-hearted and generous woman, and even though she was living on her fixed Social Security income, she paid the family’s rent ($300/year) for several years. During this time the children’s father was able to build a new home for his family.

In 2000, Etta had a new idea to help the children in Haiti.  She started a sewing group in the recreation room of her mobile home park to make dresses for the little girls.  The group soon became too big for that area and it was moved to Beaverton Christian Church. Over the last 15 years, ladies have made four to five thousand dresses and now sew shorts for the boys as well.  In the last few years, Etta was unable to attend the monthly sewing times; however, her influence of humble service lives on as women still gather monthly to sew dresses, shorts and most recently quilts for the Children’s Home in Grand Goave.  This is truly her legacy.  As other churches saw what Etta had started they too began a sewing group.  I’m not sure Etta ever believed her idea of sewing clothing for Haitian children would still be going strong after so many years nor that it would influence other churches. Her example should inspire us all to take what we have and know and allow the Lord to bless it tenfold. After all, He tells us He wants to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Etta had many passions in her life. In her late 30’s and in her 40’s, it was music, and she was part of a duo called the Musical Saw.  Etta played drums and sang while her partner played everything else. However, once she accepted Christ and grew in her relationship with the Lord, her faith soon became her passion. Her family of three children, five grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren was also so very important to her, and she was a living testimony to each of them of her passion for Christ. 
Her passion for Haiti took her to the beautiful country seven times and it is this passion she passed on to me. The Lord escorted Etta into his arms on May 1 this year and, to keep her passion going, our family is raising funds to build a home for a family in her memory.  I’m excited to say, Lord willing, I will be part of a team that goes to build that home in January 2016.

  • To date, 475 people have participated in a Lifeline work team in our ministry fields in 2015. We are praising God for changed lives, renewed commitment to and enthusiasm for missions, and ministry that has been accomplished.
  • Kianna was baptized by her father last week at Northern Hills!  Pray for Kianna and her new walk with Christ.
  • The work teams from Christian Campus Ministries (Indiana State University/Terre Haute) and Cox College spent time with our kids at the Grand Goave Children’s Home. They had a great time together!  
fun at the Grand Goave Children's Home
Having fun together at the Grand Goave Children’s Home
  • The girls at the Omoa Children’s Home held a fun festival to make learning scripture a treat!  For every scripture they memorized, they got to play a special game.  It was a fun day!

  • Congratulations to Carlos and Paty Cojon, our Omoa Children’s Home Directors and Administrator, who celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary! 
having fun at the Omoa Children's Home
Having fun with scripture at the Omoa Children’s Home
Navajo Nation
  • The Red Sands Christian School presented “Go West”…great job everyone for all the hard work you put into this production!  We are so proud of our students and staff!  

Go West, presented by the Red Sands Christian School

Prayer requests
  • Please pray for Lifeline’s Work Team Directors, Keith & Christi Dimbath. They are leading teams in Haiti during June and at Navajo Trails in July. They will also be training prospective volunteer coordinator couples on the field.

  • Pray for Jeff & Julie Parker, one of Lifeline’s volunteer coordinator couples, as they lead a team at Navajo Trails June 13 – 20.

memorials and honorariums
Gifts given to remember


In memory of Elizabeth Ward, given by Greg & Ruth Combs

In honor of Rob DeVoe, given by Ron & Karen Lydick

It’s more than a mission trip…

Discover your calling.

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No matter what
“I’ll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved.”  Romans 9:25 (MSG)
God loves you simply because he has chosen to do so.
He loves you when you don’t feel lovely.
He loves you when no one else loves you.  
Others may abandon you, divorce you, and ignore you, but God will love you.  Always.  No matter what.
Excerpt from A Love Worth Giving by Max Lucado 
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations