L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

child sponsorship ministry
Room for 3 more?

By Heather Kucman, a new sponsor from Ontario, Canada


We are like most North American families…. Just regular people trying our best to make a difference for God in the world. We ask for direction and wisdom and how to serve Him best. Sometimes it’s not easy to know what God’s plans are and sometimes it’s crystal clear.  That was the case for us on a regular Saturday in April. 


We had never attended the Ontario Christian Conference before, as a matter of fact we didn’t really make up our minds to go until just a week before. It was mostly our girls who really pushed us; Ella (10), Allie (9) and Maddie (6) were really excited to attend the children’s program and so off we went.

During the first intermission we came across three smiling friendly faces standing at the Lifeline booth and, in a way that only God can move,  all 5 of us were drawn over to introduce ourselves. The girls immediately were drawn to “the spider man” from Prince Edward Island 
(Jim Dewar, Lifeline Volunteer Work Team Coordinator) who told them wonderfully (scary) stories about the tarantulas in Haiti! 

As they were engrossed with all the details, I got to chat with Audra (Lifeline’s Lovelink Development Coordinator) about what Lifeline does and how it’s making a difference. While we chatted I felt an immediate connection to this lovely lady and soon we were planning future family mission trips. 🙂

Than it happened…out of the corner of my eye I saw them…3 perfectly lined up sponsorship cards: 2 boys and a girl.  I was led to go look and was taken back because all 3 of them matched my children’s birth years.  “But we already sponsor a child,” I thought.

Another session was starting and we said goodbye, but when I sat down I couldn’t shake it… God was telling me to go sponsor those children.  I told my husband who smiled and said we would talk later. The session began and it was full of wonderful teaching, however all I could hear was God’s still small voice telling me to “act and do it now”

Dinner break came and I walked by the booth again and thought “I can’t sponsor all 3…that’s a lot of money…”

“Too much for me?” I heard in my heart.

We went outside and Ella my oldest said “your thinking about those little kids aren’t you?”

And that was it. I had to obey God and go back in. I went to my husband Joe and said “God has asked us to go sponsor all 3 of those children… The ones with the same birthdays as our girls!”

With a smile he said, “You better go do it then”

The second I told Audra I was back to sponsor them, the joy on her face really made me emotional; this is not a job for her, it’s a mission.

We are blessed to have met Lifeline and we are thrilled to be partnering with them in this work.
Thank you for being God’s hands and feet In a world where children are too often overlooked and under appreciated.

The Kucman family
Left and center: The Kucman girls and family with their newly sponsored children
Right: Audra, Jim, and Taylor at the Lifeline-Canada booth

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Learn more about Lifeline Christian Mission – Canada, 
our sister organization in Canada, and how Canadians 
can partner with Lifeline-Canada at 

  • Praise that work team members signed up to sponsor 11 children in Haiti last week!  This work team is from Mt Olivet Baptist Church (Columbus, Ohio), Delaware Christian Church (Delaware, Ohio), Crossroads Christian Church (Lafayette, Indiana) and Southland Christian Church (Lexington, Kentucky).
  • A container of food arrived at our Grand Goave campus!  Our work team prayed over it before it was unloaded. (photos below)
a container of food arrives in Haiti
Praising God for the arrival of more food in Haiti!  Thank you to everyone who packaged the food!
Navajo ministry (Arizona)
  • Bob & Gretchen, Lifeline’s Founders, had a great visit to Arizona! It appears the fall enrollment goal at our Red Sands Christian School will be exceeded. They also had a great visit at Chandler with the Haitian American Church; 10 children were sponsored.

  • Thank you!  The horse purchase for our house churches in Panama has been funded!

United States
  • Loundiana now has a sponsor!  Thank you!  She was abandoned in the latrine, discovered by a Haitian woman, and brought to Lifeline’s clinic for evaluation.  Loundiana is now a healthy little girl who is growing as part of our Infant Nutrition Program.  Thank you for caring for these precious little ones!

  • Praise God for Greenwood Christian Church (Indiana) who helped get 18 children sponsored during their recent drive!   You are transforming the lives of these children!

Prayer requests
  • Please be in prayer for the team from Jamestown, Ohio at Navajo Trails through June 20.  Pray that they will be effective in ministry and service to the people of the Navajo nation. 

  • Our deepest condolences to Joy Sellers, a friend of Lifeline, on the loss of her husband, Rod.
  • Prayers for the student camp being held this weekend for more than 100 students in Honduras.  Pray lives will be transformed for the Lord!
  • Pray for churches to step forward to host a child sponsorship drive this summer and fall!


  • Prayers for God to continue to rise up volunteers and volunteer leaders to help us lead in the ministries He has called us to.  Without our volunteers and volunteer leaders, we simply could not do it all!  We appreciate every Work Team Leader, every Volunteer Coordinator, every Sponsorship Drive Coordinator, every ABC Event team leader, every Volunteer in our office and warehouse, and every prayer warrior!!  Thank you!  Take your first step to learn learn more about volunteering and serving with Lifeline: simply contact Dana@Lifeline.org. We would love to connect you to what God is doing in and through Lifeline!

Missing worship in Haiti?

The contagious worship & passionate singing is what many work team members remember and miss from their time in Haiti.  Go ahead…join in worship with them…

watch video

memorials and honorariums
Gifts given to remember

In memory of Jim Brinkerhoff, given by Byron Grate


In honor of Carole Haverland, given by Garry & Janice Adams and Jerry & Norma Goddard


In honor of Guy Balcerak, given by the Christian Church of Demotte

it’s all for the kids!
15 days & 5000 miles…

The 3rd annual  “Hogs for Haiti” ride sets out from Lifeline’s Ohio office on August 14 to bring awareness to the needs of the impoverished children in Haiti.  The bikers will travel 5000 miles through the Midwest U.S., Central Canada, and the Rocky Mountains, all the while sharing Lifeline’s ministry with churches, groups, and fellow travelers.  The rides the past 2 years have raised over $45,000 for the Children’s Home in Haiti!  


Here’s how you can help transform lives in Haiti:


It's all for the kids...and you can help transform their lives! Join the ride

Experience the beauty of the Midwest U.S.A., Central Canada, and the Rockies on August 14-29, 2015.  Join other motorcycle enthusiasts for a portion of the trip or the entire ride. More details are on the brochure or contact HogsForHaiti@Lifeline.org


100% of your donation goes directly to the Children’s Home ministry.  You can give online today.


Follow the ride

Pray for the journey and preparation at facebook.com/HogsForHaiti


Share the message

The need is bigger than us, but you can help bring awareness to the needs of the children by telling others.  Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/HogsForHaiti


We hope to see you there!
The NACC (North American Christian Convention) is next week, June 23-26 in Cincinnati, and we’re looking forward to it!  Not only is it a great time of worship and encouragement, but it’s also a great place to reconnect with you, meet new faces, and hear your part of Lifeline’s story.  


You’ll find us in the exhibit hall in 2 different locations: 

  • Lifeline exhibitor – booth 535 
  • Service Project Partner – booth 751 (food packing station)

We have a variety of staff who are eager to meet you: Bob & Gretchen (Founders), Matt (Vice President & ABC food Director), Will (Operations Director), Duane (Advancement Director), Taylor (Project Manager), and Janet (Communications Assistant).


We hope you stop by and see us!

save the date
Ohio golf outing
Mark your calendars and join us for a great day of golf to benefit Lifeline’s ministries: Saturday, August 29, 2015 at Clover Valley Golf Club in Johnstown, Ohio.  Watch your inbox for more information.  Interested in being a sponsor?  Contact Duane@Lifeline.org.
And don’t forget about our golf outing on July 18 at Deer Creek Golf Club in Clayton, Indiana! All proceeds benefit Lifeline’s Homes for Haiti ministry, with a goal to raise enough funds to construct 2 homes for needy Haitian families.  Registration is open for teams and individuals, and sponsorship opportunities are still available.
Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations