L.I.F.E. Circle - Love is for Eternity

ministry in el salvador
10 year milestone

WOW! Pastor Jose and his leadership team in El Salvador has done a terrific job!  Our “Scatter and Gather” church planting philosophy and methodology is working.  In just 10 years, in a country of six million people without a previously established Christian Church presence, there are now ten principle and 55 house churches.  God is good! 


So it was time for celebration.  Arrangements were made to utilize a Santa Tecla City Park for the occasion.  Preparations were made: 25 leadership team members began working at 2 AM, preparing food and getting ready for the big day! A stage was built, tents were put up, chairs were brought in, a plastic swimming pool baptismal was filled, pinatas were hung, games were made ready, the band was assembled, and the celebration began.  The invitation had gone out and way more than 1000 happy and blessed church members came to celebrate.


And here’s what they experienced…

Greeters cheerfully welcomed attendees at the heavily bannered entrance.


The Christian band began playing as folks arrived, were seated, and began worship. 


Fervent prayer prepared each soul. Introductions were made as many were recognized for various outstanding accomplishments.

prayers & introductions

The scripture was proclaimed, as preaching God’s desire for His children was shared.

preaching by Bob and Jose

Serving The Lord’s Supper witnessed to those yet unsaved, as the Christians were blessed, fed and filled.

serving communion

Nine new brothers and sisters claimed Jesus as Lord and Savior and were baptized.


Worship and sharing continued as the service evolved into one of fellowship, feasting and fun!


Each church was invited to enter the poster contest.  This one was chosen as the winner.

poster winner

12-15 pinatas were the delight of the hundreds of “candy-starved” children.  Kids also enjoyed the bounce house inflatable, greased pig catch and the slippery pole climb!

fun for the kids

Adults had fun too: Pastor Jose has many skills, but bronco riding isn’t one of them. See the full ride in the video below!
fun for the adults


Add Fireworks to Fellowship, Fun & Feasting for a Fantastic Finish to a Fabulous Function!


Please pray with us that God’s will continues to be done in El Salvador.

Join the celebration!

Thank you for making this celebration possible through your faithful partnership!

watch video

  • We are praising God for our International Staff and Administration!  They are so helpful in getting needed information to the U.S. office, and we are so appreciative of their servant hearts!  They are the hands and feet in our schools, churches and communities and we pray God’s continual blessings on them! 
  • The work team from Delaware Christian Church (Ohio), Mt. Olivet Baptist Church (Ohio) and Southland Christian Church (Kentucky) is having a great experience.  There are many first-timers on this team.  
  • Our work team members serve God and the Haitian people diligently in the mission field! Recent teams have been busy working, building houses, painting, cleaning, sorting sponsor gifts, and so much more! And all the while, they serve with a smile!  Thank you!
work team members working hard
work team members serving God and having fun!
United States
  • We are praising God for how we’ve been able to utilize social media to bring more attention and awareness to the child sponsorship ministry.  7 children have new sponsor families and will be blessed by these new relationships! 
  • If you are interested in hosting a child sponsorship drive at your church this summer or fall, please email Audra@Lifeline.org to arrange a date.
  • Lifeline is blessed by many selfless volunteers who give of their time for others. These ladies (see photo below) spent a few hours cleaning and organizing donated eye glasses that will be distributed at the Haiti eye clinic. You can also donate your old eye glasses to help the people in Haiti!

volunteers preparing eye glasses for Haiti at our Ohio office

Prayer requests
  • Pray for the team from Jamestown Church of Christ (Ohio) who will be traveling to Navajo Trails in Arizona on Friday for their work team trip.  Also, please pray for Jeff and Julie Parker, who are the volunteer coordinators of this team

  • Please pray for Loretta, our Bus Driver at Red Sands Christian School, whose husband is dying from cancer; hospice has been called to help him.  He doesn’t know the Lord, so also pray for his heart and relationship with Christ.

  • Pray for Todd Hunt, our new Principal at Red Sands Christian School, who will begin June 29.

  • One of our supporting churches is considering helping us purchase a much needed 23 passenger van to help with our work team and school transportation in Honduras.  Pray for God’s will as needs are met through this congregation or by other means.

  • A prayer of thanksgiving to God for allowing the Grand Goave Children’s Home in Haiti to become such a blessing for the children and all concerned! A Haitian government social worker recently visited and stated that our children’s home is one of the very best in Haiti!
  • Continuing prayers for Rob DeVoe, our Database Manager and son of Bob & Gretchen DeVoe (Founders), as victories are being won concerning his health; especially better pain control.  He has even been able to do some boating and fishing! God is good.
  • Pray for Diane’s daughter, Vanessa, who needs a liver transplant; they are part of our Navajo ministry.
  • A horse, which costs $420, is needed to be utilized by our growing house church ministry in Panama.  If you can assist, please contact Bob@Lifeline.org.

golf outings
Mark your calendar for a day of golf to benefit Lifeline’s ministries!
Indiana outing
Saturday, July 18 at Deer Creek Golf Club
Registration is now open for individuals & teams
Ohio outing
Saturday, August 29
Sponsors are an integral part to make each outing a success!
You’ll promote your business while influencing lives for Christ through many different levels of sponsorship.  Sponsor today

sponsor needed
Baby abandoned in a latrine

This darling little girl, Loundiana, was left in a latrine in Haiti.  A Haitian woman found her and brought her into our Grand Goave health clinic for belly pain.  Thankfully, this little girl is a healthy baby after doctors examined her and thanks to the Infant Nutrition Program.  She is being cared for by the woman who found her.
As part of our Infant Nutrition Program, this precious little one needs a sponsor.
Would you or someone you know open your heart to sponsor this girl? Sponsorship is $35 per month (or $420 per year) and helps provide the food, vitamins, and health care that all infants receive in the Infant Nutrition Program.  
Name: Loundiana Lauzin (ID# GGINP20756)

Birthday: 11/23/2014
Location: Grand Goave, Haiti
Prayerfully consider this and email Audra@Lifeline.org if you are interested.

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations