L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

education ministry
You can further their education!

As you may know, it has been our prayer and hope for many years to be able to include a high school as part of our Christian school in Grand Goave, Haiti.  Now, our dream is becoming a reality! 


We are requesting matching funds of a recent gift of $50,000 to construct the high school, which includes 12 classrooms & offices and a large, state-of-the-art digital learning center. Now, at $3,000 per course of cement blocks, just 13 gifts ($39,000) are needed to get us to the roof.  Will you help by donating just $3,000? We want to have the first 2 classrooms ready this school year! A total need of $105,000 is anticipated.  


Please pray with us that the Haitian students will be truly blessed as this project comes to fruition. And, how about a prayer of thanks and blessings for the generous couple donating the $50,000 seed monies!  God is good.  Perhaps your Sunday school class, your church, or your friends or family would like to know about this giving opportunity? Thank you.  


Contact Bob@Lifeline.org for additional details.

help these young students further their education
You can influence the future of these young students!

El Salvador
  • A team from Christ’s Church of the Valley (PA) just completed a successful trip to El Salvador.  They conducted a Kid’s Camp program and helped launch our new church, Ahauchapan Christian Church.
kids camp in El Salvador
Kids camp fun in El Salvador, including the launch of a new church!
  • 143 middle & high school students attended camp last week, which was 3 days connecting with God through His word.  Please pray for these students, who have asked for prayer: Laura, Ever, Benich, Gabriela, Fernanda, Olman, Yenis, Milton, Manuel, Darwin, Reyna, Claudia, Marlon, Betha,Yessi, Kimberli, Nimsi, Keily, Willian, Melvin, and Ena.

student camp in Honduras
Student camp in Honduras

holy land tour
Walk in Jesus’ footsteps

A 10-day Israel Tour is tentatively planned November 2-11, 2016, assuming Lifeline supporter interest.  The trip will be hosted by Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s founders.


To host a great trip, we need to make sure we have an adequate group size! If you are even remotely interested, please complete the form to let us know if you (or others) would like to join us on this unforgettable trip! 


View additional trip information & interest form



Prayer requests
  • Please be in prayer for our Honduras team coordinator Brenda Johnson as she prepares to lead three teams there in July. 

Ministering to the Navajo
watch video

memorials and honorariums
Gifts given to remember

In memory of Billy Dalton, given by Monteal Spencer-Howell and Martha Woodfork.

golf outings
It’s a great day for golf!
Mark your calendars for an enjoyable day of golf to benefit Lifeline’s ministries!
Indiana outing
Saturday, July 18 at Deer Creek Golf Club
Ohio outing
Saturday, August 29
more details coming soon!

Be a sponsor!
Sponsors are an integral part to make each outing a success!  You’ll promote your business while influencing lives for Christ through many different levels of sponsorship.  Sponsor today

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations