

  • We praise God for Mike and Sandy Gleason.  They are Lifeline’s newest volunteer team coordinators.  They did an excellent job leading the January 19 – 28 Haiti team.  Sandy also helped with the Haiti ladies trip.  We look forward to them serving again.
  • We’ve had some productive meetings about our ‘Chick Chalet’ poultry program and are preparing to add several more coops.  The coop size has doubled to allow our chicken farmers a better profit margin.  There will now be 400 chicks per cycle (6 cycles per year).  Contact for additional information.
  • The transition at the Grand Goave Children’s Home has gone well, even as adjustments are still being made.



  • Scott McFarland, Rick Ruble and Eric Longoria are finishing up the Leadership Training Seminar with Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director.  Part of the their time was at our new Living Hope Mission facility in Tegucigalpa (first time there) where 34 of our pastors and leaders from El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala and Honduras gathered to participate. (see photos below) The balance of their time is for training our teachers in San Pedro Sula and is being held at the Ocotillo Christian Church.
  • Late last year we officially assumed responsibility for the Living Hope Ministry outreach in Tegucigalpa.  We’re off to a great start!  We recently were able to stay at the newly remodeled mission house.  It’s great and can comfortably house 24 member work teams.  Now we need to have additional team signups, so feel free to contact, or for information.  
  • Bobby Curlee, Lifeline’s Plant Manager, is on the way from Haiti to join Bob DeVoe as they’ll firm up plans to continue the construction at the Living Hope Mission Center.  Partial funding has already been been designated allowing us to move forward with this great project.  They will also be assessing construction needs at CaryHill and Omoa.
  • Tuesday night after the seminar there was a blessing filled church service at the Living Hope Ministry Center.  (see photos below) More than 150 were in attendance as the visiting leaders from the various countries where Lifeline ministers were introduced.  All were warmly received by this very loving congregation.  It’s great to see God’s plan in action!!!


Navajo Nation

  • Thanks to wonderful Lifeline supporters, a new (used) van will soon be on the way to Arizona to become part of our school/church transportation fleet.


United States

  • We are thankful for all the new child sponsors, who are helping all the needy and precious children in Haiti and Honduras.
  • JD, Lifeline’s Advancement Director, had a great time sharing Lifeline’s ministry with Grace Bible Church In Rockwell, NC.
  • JD also had an opportunity to launch the Feed the Hungry event at Connect Christian Church in Concord, where they will be packing over 570,000 meals this October!
ministry photos from Honduras
top left photo: seminar leaders Rick Ruble, Eric Longoria, Scott McFarland, and Andy Sims
top right photo: Andy leading one of the seminars
bottom photos: church service at the Living Hope Ministry Center in Honduras 

Prayer Requests
  • A team of health care professionals travels to Haiti on January 29.  They will be seeing patients in clinic and having mobile clinics at some our outlying churches and schools.  Please keep them in prayer as they travel to Haiti, and for safety, wisdom and discretion as they serve.
  • Continued prayers for Rob DeVoe and Bob Angell, who are both struggling with health issues.
  • That God will knit our churches together through the mission and ministries of Lifeline.

  • Locating and training new Chick Chalet farmers and subsequent coop start ups.  Also prayers for current poultry farmers as they continue with their projects.
    • Continuing smooth transition at the Children’s Home, for children and staff, and securing balance of operation funds.
    • Traveling safety for leadership training teachers and participants and for Bobby and Bob; as well as all of our work team travelers.
    • Please continue praying for pastors Eduardo and Miguel, and all of our new family at the Living Hope Ministry Center in Tegucigalpa.


    Serve Volunteer Ministry

    your opportunity
    Volunteer here = Impact there

    You can transform lives around the world by volunteering at Lifeline!

    • Lovelink Child Sponsorship volunteers*:  inventory & organize the supplies; clean and prep Lovelink area; print photo cards; make copies for promo events; process gifts for the February gift deadline
    • On site warehouse volunteers*:  organize eye glass project shelves; pack any formula; organize duffels; clean and organize the duffel packing area
    • Home and Garden Show volunteers: represent Lifeline at the upcoming Central Ohio Home & Garden Show at the Ohio Expo Center.  Show date is February 14-22 with numerous shifts available

    *These opportunities are at Lifeline’s Westerville office during office hours (M-F 9a-5p). 


    Office address:

    Lifeline Christian Mission

    921 Eastwind Rd, Suite 133

    Westerville, OH 43081

    Contact us:

    Men's work team to Haiti
    Share Lifeline's Homes ministry at the Home & Garden Show

    Tools in God’s Hands

    All of us have used tools at one time or another.  They make our work easier and more effective.  Depending on the size of the job, tools may be large and sophisticated; or smaller and simple.  Yet without them, even the simplest of tasks (ever tried to remove a screw without a screw driver?) can be difficult.


    Of all the tools that God could have chosen to do His work on earth, He chose human beings to be His hands and feet.  We are imperfect and flawed, yet God made us in His image to have a relationship with Him and to use us to build His kingdom to honor Him.


    Note Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 4:7, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”   The treasure is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The jars of clay are you and me.  This is how God works.  It shows how powerful the gospel is.  It can transform imperfect lives in a way that God is honored and people are drawn to Him through His servants.


    Not only are we the tools that God has chosen to use, He also places three basic tools in our hands that we can choose to use to accomplish his purposes. 


    TIME…   God gives us 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week.  His desire is that we use it to accomplish His purposes, but it’s up to use to make that choice with that time.  At times  Christians will say, “I don’t have time to give for that.”  While it’s true we can’t do everything, the fact is, we make time for the things that are most important to us. 


    Do we put a premium on reserving time for God and His work?  Are we making good use of the time He gives to us?   Paul has some thoughts on this in Ephesians 5:15 & 16, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”   The King James translation reads, “redeeming the time.”  In other words, make good use of the time God gives us, because “the days are evil.”  There are people all around us who need to hear about the love of Jesus Christ and their need for a relationship with Him.


    TALENT…  The Bible refers on many occasions to the church as a body with many parts, each one with its own unique function for the good of the body. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.”  (Romans 12:1)  Sacrifice  is giving up or surrender; willingly giving of ourselves and the talent that God has given to us to do His work here on earth.      


    In Romans 5:5 Paul notes, “…so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”   Every person, every talent is needed in the work of the kingdom.   No one is more important than the other.  Are we using the gift that God has uniquely fashioned in each of us to help build His kingdom?


    TREASURE…  There is a saying that’s been around for a while, “If you want to see the story of a person’s life; to see what their priorities are, just take a look at their checkbook!”  That probably needs to be updated to say look at a person’s online account, but you get the idea!  Jesus said in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” How we use money says a lot about what is most important to us.  We need to be responsible in paying our bills, and keeping our financial commitments.  But of all the things that money can be used for, the work of building God’s kingdom should be top priority.  God always blesses those who do this.  


    To be effective tools in God’s hands requires that we be willing to be used fully by Him.  We will be effective tools when we are willing to use the tools that God has given us.  Let’s allow God to work through us so that He is honored and people are drawn to Jesus Christ. 



    by Keith Dimbath, Laborlink Work Team Director