
El Salvador: 

  • Maira was baptized!  Please pray for her new life in Christ. (see photo below)
  • The Christian Crusades continue with extraordinary success; keep praying for the lives who are impacted through these activities.
  • The pastors and leadership had a great meeting, as they planned new activities.



  • Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, visited Deybee and Yoselin to encourage the ministry in Guatemala.  The houses churches were happy and very encouraged by with the visit. (see photos below)  Two Bible Institute students will be traveling soon to assist Deybee for a couple weeks; continue to keep this new ministry in your prayers.


  • The ladies who were part of the annual ladies Haiti trip returned home safely last week.  They had a wonderful time and accomplished a lot of ministry and gift distribution.  Many new faces were introduced to Lifeline’s ministry in Haiti.



  • The Omoa Christian Church held a VBS for the children of the community and over 130 children came to hear and learn about Jesus! (see photos below)
  • Praise the Lord!  Yeni and Ana were baptized in the Omoa River!  Pray for these two girls and their new life in Christ. (see photo below)
ministry photos from El Salvador and Guatemala

Left: baptism in El Salvador; Middle & Right: encouraging the churches in Guatemala

ministry photos from Honduras

Left: & Middle: VBS in Honduras; Right: baptisms in the Omoa River

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for Mike and Sandy Gleason, one of our volunteer coordinator couples, who are coordinating the work team in Haiti this week.  Please keep them in prayer as they host and lead the team through their various activities and ministry opportunities.  Also please pray for Don and Lisa Kaylor as they are in Haiti for coordinator training. 
  • Prayers for the upcoming Leadership Seminar in Honduras for our Central American Pastors and Leaders and lead by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director.
  • Prayers for Bob Angell, Lifeline volunteer, who had a heart attack.

  • Pray for the leaders and teachers of the Sunday Bible School, who will have a meeting and study to pray for the mission in Panama.

  • Pray for the upcoming leadership seminar in Honduras and the pastors/church leaders who are traveling to it.

Exponential East

your partnership
Save $100 on your registration!

Your willingness to invest in our leaders in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador and Cuba has fueled the amazing transformation we are seeing in these leaders, churches and communities.  So, we would like to say “thanks” for your investment in our leaders.


As one of the sponsors of this year’s Exponential Conference (April 27-30 / Tampa, FL), Lifeline has a limited number of $99 registrations (regular price is $199) that we’d like to offer to you or your team members.  Our supply is limited, so it’s up to you to get back with us as quickly as you can.  Contact with your interest or additional details.

We hope to see you at Exponential!

Serve!  Volunteer Ministry

your partnership

You can transform lives around the world by volunteering at Lifeline!

Contact, Lifeline’s Volunteer Director, for more information on how you can be involved!

  • Lovelink Child Sponsorship volunteers*:  inventory & organize the supplies; clean and prep Lovelink area; print photo cards; make copies for promo events; process gifts for the February gift deadline
  • On site warehouse volunteers*:  organize eye glass project shelves; pack any formula; organize duffels; clean and organize the duffel packing area
  • Home and Garden Show volunteers: represent Lifeline at the upcoming Central Ohio Home & Garden Show at the Ohio Expo Center.  Show date is February 14-22 with numerous shifts available. 

*These opportunities are at Lifeline’s Westerville office during office hours (M-F 9a-5p). 


Office address:

Lifeline Christian Mission

921 Eastwind Rd, Suite 133

Westerville, OH 43081

Contact us:

Men's work team to Haiti

your opportunity
2015 Men’s work team
September 29 – October 8, 2015 
Register today!  Details online

Rehearsing your troubles
Come to Me, and rest in My loving Presence.  You know that this day will bring difficulties, and you are trying to think your way through those trails.  As you anticipate what is ahead of you, you forget that I am with you – now and always.  Rehearsing your troubles results in experiencing them many times, whereas you are meant to go through them only when they actually occur.  Do not multiply your suffering in this way!  Instead, come to Me, and relax in My Peace.  I will strengthen you and prepare you for this day, transforming your fear into confident trust.



excerpt from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young