

  • The medical team is doing well: some are working in the Grand Goave clinic, while others are doing mobile clinic in outlying areas. Many physical needs are being met, and most importantly, the clinic patients are being shown the love of Jesus through the devotions and prayers of the doctors and nurses.



  • Our first leadership seminar hosted at Living Hope Church in Tegucigalpa was a tremendous success this past week.  The facilities there are very nice and the congregation provided a warm welcome to all the visiting leaders.  As this ministry has become part of Lifeline, God has introduced us to some great leaders who are passionate and committed to grow His Kingdom.  Doors have already  been opened, extending our ministry outreach. Praise the Lord!
  • God has provided an extraordinary team of leaders in Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemala who are united in purpose and who enjoy working as a team.  Last week’s leadership seminar concluded with us taking communion together, acknowledging our dependence on Christ as we serve as one Body.
  • On Tuesday, February 3, Lifeline’s English Lab building was dedicated at the Ocotillo Christian School.  Children, parents and community leaders were present and everyone was truly excited! This is especially noteworthy because the construction money was donated by the school children’s parents! More than $10,000 was raised.  You may recall that they also paid most of the cost to construct the Library building and the Computer Lab building in the recent past. And, this is even more special when we consider this is a very, very poor community.  Our leadership team and teachers have done a super job! Thank you Darwyn, Antonio, Carlos, and Ebelena (also known as Scarlett) our English teacher. (see photos below)
  • This past Monday, classes started at our Honduras Bible Institute.  Old and new students celebrated after the initial meeting, by having a pizza party.  Isn’t there something in the Bible about “breaking pizza” together on the 1st day? Anyway, 6 or 8 “live in” students along with more that 20 others are off to a good start.  We’re still looking for a house parent couple to live at the Bible Institute/Church facility.
  • As was mentioned last week, Lifeline is now at the Living Hope Christian Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  Take a look at the beautiful banner that will soon adorn the church wall there.  That’s pastor Eduardo doing the baptism. (see photo below) 
  • Since Mauricio moved from CaryHill to start a new Lifeline church, we had to find another caretaker family.  God provided the perfect couple: Beto and Cindy, who have 2 children, and are off to a great start! God is good. (see photo below) 


United States

  • Bob Angell is coming home from the hospital, who has been having heart troubles. Bob is one of Lifeline’s volunteer work team coordinators.
English lab dedication in Honduras
The dedication of the English lab, and our English teacher, Ebelena (far right photo)  
New church banner and new caretaker at CaryHill
Left photo: new banner for the Living Hope Christian Church in Tegucigalpa;
Right photo: Beto & Cindy, our new caretakers at CaryHill

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the leaders in Tegucigalpa, Honduras (Living Hope Church) as they build relationships with other Lifeline pastors & leaders and integrate into the vision and values that have proven to be so effective in our ongoing ministry there.
  • Pray for innovation and endurance for our leaders in Central America.  Lifeline’s work there is expanding rapidly and new opportunities continue to surface.  While this is exciting, the demands on our leaders is intense.  Pray for their development, protection, balanced living and encouragement
  • The health team is leaving on Saturday and the next team will be arriving on Monday.  Please pray for safe travels.   
  • Pray for the Omoa Children’s Home in Honduras, as we still need funding for the waste-water system; contact if you can help.
  • To find Christian house parents for the Honduras Bible Institute 
  • For a smooth start up for all of our schools in Honduras, including the Bible Institute and classes at the English Lab
  • Safety in travel for our work teams, Bobby as he heads back to Haiti and Bob while in El Salvador
  • For Beto and Cindy in their new job.  They are also leaders in the Choloma Christian Church where Mordecai preaches.  

Serve Volunteer Ministry

your partnership
Volunteering: a Doorway to the World
video - Volunteering: a Doorway to the World
Alex shares his experience

Meet the Westerville South High School Key Club, a service leadership organization for teens. Under the leadership of David Buxton and John O’Conner, we are blessed to have these teens serve at Lifeline’s Ohio office twice a month. The Key Club President and Senior, Alex Chapman, has volunteered with Lifeline for the past two years, and serving allows him to reach across the world to give back to others.  He shares his experience in his own words.


The Key club has been assisting in the “Eye Glass Project” at our office. The students clean and sort donated eye glasses that will be used in the eye clinic in Haiti. This project is vital so that we only ship clean glasses that are in good condition to avoid shipping waste, and to help the scanning process in the Haiti clinic.


The Key Club also enjoys processing the sponsor gifts that are brought or mailed to the office for the children of Haiti and Honduras. Our sponsorship program continues to grow and many volunteers are needed to prepare the gifts for shipment. Marissa Banks, a Junior, has been volunteering for three years and is a leader in the gift packing area. She knows the process and can communicate it well to others.


Groups like the Key Club are a great blessing to Lifeline’s volunteer ministry.  The service time they spend with us is a treasure, and we are pleased that they choose to serve with us!


Learn more about the opportunities for your group to volunteer, email

Share Lifeline's Homes ministry at the Home & Garden Show

Don’t Expect Affirmation

Where did Christians get the idea that we’d be appreciated, affirmed, and admired?  The Savior himself taught that blessings are reserved for the persecuted, for those who are reviled, for those against whom folks say all kinds of evil…falsely…(Matthew 5:10-11)…


It sure is easy to forget those words and get soft, becoming too tender, too sensitive. Fragility is not a virtue extolled in Scripture.  Saints with thin skin get distracted and, shortly thereafter, discouraged.  There is a long, demanding course to be run, most of which takes place in the trenches and without applause.  I suggest we lower our expectations as we intensify our determination and head for the goal.


Endurance is the secret, not popularity.



excerpt from The Finishing Touch, by Charles Swindoll

memorials & honorariums
Gifts Given to Remember

In memory of Rich Cady, given by George & Rebecca Allen, Patrick Michel, Jeffrey & Shelly Benson, Raymond Crabtree, James & Ethel Jervis, Beau & Pamela Nichols, Albert & Alice Sands, Timothy & Jane Stehle, Jeffery & Bonnie Williams, and Steven & Dianna Williams


In memory of David Dietrich, given by Shirley Starr


In memory of Dorothy Dodds, given by Linda Clarke


In memory of Laura Speicher, given by Sophia Durbin, Ann James, and Carol Ramsey