L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity
Jenny’s future is bright because of you
You are providing a bright future filled with numerous opportunities for children and students involved in Lifeline’s ministries!  You may never meet these students, but they are very grateful for your generosity.
Carlos, our Administrator in Honduras and Director of the Children’s Home, shares Jenny’s exciting news:
This is Jenny.  She is one of our older girls from the Omoa Children’s Home who is living in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.  She recently finished her studies as a Nurse Assistant. While she was studying, Jenny worked at Lifeline’s clinic at Ocotillo in the pharmacy. She is grateful for you and Lifeline to support her to finish her studies. God is good!  
I want to say “thank you” to all our donors because you make it possible 
for these girls to have a better future in this country.
Jenny at graduation
Congratulations, Jenny, on your graduation!
Upper left: Jenny with Carlos
  • Thank you, work team participants, for sharing God’s love in Lifeline’s communities this past year!  Over 900 individuals experienced a Lifeline trip in 2015, with countless others praying and supporting their trip.  There’s still room for you to join a trip in 2016!

  • Our first team to Guatemala from New Day Christian Church (Port Charlotte, FL) had a great trip!  You can experience the team’s trip in their own words.

  • Thanks to a generous donor and through your support of Lifeline, Charlot Weadman graduated from his residency in medicine in the Dominican Republic. Congratulations!  Weadman is Haitian and will join us at Lifeline’s clinic in Grand Goave. 
  • Many volunteers from our Grand Goave Christian Church removed the old roof in preparation for work on our new building, which will more than double the seating capacity! God is good. Bobby Curlee (Lifeline’s Project Manager) and Mark Gulley (volunteer) are in Haiti this week to oversee installation of the new trusses and work on several other projects. This is Bobby’s first time back to Haiti since his heart operation last spring. Please pray for safety for him, the work team and for all of those working on building the new roof system and other projects.
the church building in Grand Goave
The old roof is gone and its ready for new trusses!
  • 3 young ladies were baptized at Santa Cruz Christian Church, and a young man was baptized at Omoa Christian Church.  Please keep these ladies – Delmis, Jessica and Diana – and Brayan in your prayers.  (see photos below)
  • Praise the Lord for a first year of work at Santa Cruz Christian Church! The first anniversary was celebrated November 29, and the Ocotillo, Gonzales and Omoa churches were part of this special celebration, filled of joy and praises. This celebration was also special because there was a baby dedication. Please continue praying for Pastor Mauricio, Joana, and their children, Samuel and Bryan. (see photos in middle row below)
  • The youth group from Living Hope Christian Church (Tegucigalpa) came all the way to the Omoa Children’s Home to visit the girls. The youth group and girls had fun at the beach, playing fun games and sharing a devotional. It was a day full of joy, laughter and great fellowship. We are thankful for Living Hope’s friendship and love for the girls at the Children’s Home. (see photos on bottom row below)
baptisms and celebrations in Honduras
Baptisms, celebrations, and making new friends in Honduras!
Navajo Nation
  • The kids helped decorate the float with a Dr Seuss theme in the Winslow Christmas parade.  Everyone had a great time!
  • The students at Red Sands Christian School had fun with their first day of shooting within the National Archery in Schools Program! 
Christmas parades and archery
Having fun in the Christmas parade and archery begins at the school!
United States
  • Thank you Bettendorf Christian Church (Bettendorf, Iowa) for restoring hope!  Hundreds of volunteers packed 100,000 meals for hungry families and 13 children found sponsor to love and encourage them!  We are thankful for you! 
  • We praise God for all of you who sponsor a child.  You are pouring into the lives of these precious children through your love, care, and prayers.  Thank you!
  • Jose and Rosa are safely back home in El Salvador after a whirlwind trip in the U.S. They were privileged to speak at Christ’s Church of the Valley (Royersford, PA) and at Southwest Church (Springboro, OH). Additionally, they visited The Creek and Greenwood Christian Church in Indiana. Besides these great opportunities, they also shared in their first American Thanksgiving with Bob & Gretchen (Lifeline Founders) and their family. Please keep Jose & Rosa in your prayers as they continue to work in church leading and planting in El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama.
Jose & Rosa with the Lifeline staff
Jose & Rosa – center – with the Lifeline staff & friends at the office
Opportunities & upcoming events
You’re #RestoringHope

Hope is such a small word that’s filled with endless possibilities, and hope is what you give a child…a mother…a family…a community when you come alongside them and donate to Lifeline’s ministries. 

Hitting the stores…online?
Learn how you can earn Lifeline donations through your online purchases.
Connecting kids & sponsors
We are praising God for the 600 + new children in 2015 who are now supported by a sponsor through Lifeline’s schools, nutrition programs, and children’s homes. We are praying for even more new sponsors in 2016!  Will you help us connect kids with sponsors through a drive at your church?  
Join the cause: contact Audra@Lifeline.org
An unforgettable experience
Join Bob & Gretchen DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founders, along with friends of Lifeline to see the Bible come to life as we follow Jesus’ footsteps throughout the Holy Land.  You don’t want to miss this unforgettable experience!
Immediate need for El Salvador
Our Bible Institute students have desperately needed new mattresses for their living area. Similar to college, these students live and learn at the Bible Institute, while receiving hands-on opportunities in Lifeline’s churches and house churches.  Can you help provide these dynamic young leaders with these mattresses?  Total cost is $2000.
Contact Info@Lifeline.org if you can assist with this need. 
mattresses needed in El Salvador
A few of the Bible Institute students with the much-needed mattresses; 
the rolled foam mats in the second picture are the students’ previous mattresses. 
Gifts given in memory and honor
Thank you for your gifts given in loving memory of Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager and in memory of Ruth Gabel, mother of Karen Kennison, Lifeline’s Executive Assistant.
Prayer requests
  • Please pray for the tutoring program at Omoa Chrisitan Church (Honduras). The older girls from the Omoa Children’s Home are tutoring children from church; most of these little ones struggle at school and have problems at home.

  • Pray for the high school graduation and the graduates at Ocotillo Christian School (Honduras) on Sunday, December 6. The graduates are: Cesia Cano, Claudia Sosa, Diana Rodriguez, Estefany Ortega, Fanny Martinez, Keilyn Maldonado, Reyna Hernandez, Yaritza Nufio, Carlos Mendez, Erick Araya, Franklin Posas, Jose Antonio Castillo, Jose Teodoro Callejas, Luis Zapata, Milton Perez, Samuel Murillo, Ricardo Turcios.
  • Prayers for funds to offset medical school in Panama and El Salvador for Christopher Rodriguez.  Pray that the scholarship he applied for is accepted.  What a blessing that would be for his parents, Jose and Rosa, who are missionaries in El Salvador.
  • As we wrap up a wonderful year of sponsorship drives and events, we are praising God for the 600 + new children who are now supported by a sponsor.  We are praying for even more new sponsors in 2016!  Will you pray with us?  Will you help us connect kids with sponsors?  Join the cause: contact Audra@Lifeline.org.
  • Continue to keep the ministry in El Salvador in your prayers, as they minister to the poor in their communities this Christmas season. The churches/communities have been collecting toys for the poorest in their communities; over 650 toys were donated during the first collection date!  They also distributed several shirts, shorts and sneakers to many poor children, which were donated from generous donors from the U.S.

distributing clothes and shoes to the needy
Distributing shoes and clothing to the needy in El Salvador
Restore hope - donate today_