L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

security ministry
Recycling old uniforms for Lifeline’s Haitian security team

Below you’ll read how our Haiti Security Team uniforms were provided.  Not mentioned is that James Dougherty, the main “Idea & Action” guy, had to cancel being with the team delivering the uniforms due to cancer.  We praise God and are happy to inform you that the disease is now gone or in remission! Pray with us that James will be able to reschedule a visit to personally see the result of his effort.  God is good!   


James writes…


During my first trip with Lifeline to Grand Goave, Haiti, I was speechless as I observed the need for the things that most of us take for granted.  Food, clothing, shelter, all seemed and are in short supply.  I was equally impressed by the efforts of the followers of Christ to find ways to meet the physical needs of the Haitian people.  Lifeline’s goal to lead people to know Jesus (spiritual need) was ever present in their efforts to care for people themselves (physical needs).  My initial impression was that Lifeline had thought of everything.  I found myself struggling with the question that I hope all Christians struggle with: “Can I (we) do more?”  The answer from God was “Yes, you can.  Listen to Me and I’ll show you how.” 

As a police officer and former army officer, I found myself taking in the security features of the mission.  Walls, gates and lights were all steps in the right direction but what about the guards?  I was told that there were men working on the mission who were in charge of security; watching the walls, opening the gates, making sure that everyone on the campus was suppose to be there, etc.  Then I met some of them; good men doing their jobs.  But where were their uniforms?  Some wore old polyester pants with unmatched shirts, some wore jeans and t-shirts.  Security teams should have uniforms.  In a country struggling to meet basic needs, uniforms seemed a lofty item.

Last winter, while cleaning out the basement, I came across several old police pants and shirts that were no longer serviceable: some of the pants were too small; the shirts were slightly faded.  Police supervisors are strict on appearance and any uniform that did not signify professionally dressed men and woman are ordered to the trash, never to be worn again.  Professional dressed people are respected in any community.  My department gives us a clothing allowance each year so each officer has plenty of new uniforms.  The old uniforms can’t be given away locally and most end up in the basement or are destroyed.  Before I threw the uniforms on to a brush fire at the back of my property, the Holy Spirit asked “can you do more?”  Suddenly, it hit me.

I put up a notice at work about seeking old police uniforms to be recycled, repaired and re-issued to Lifeline security guards.  The response was overwhelming.  Shirts, pants, hats, and belts were dropped off at my office daily.  Uniforms that should have been headed to the trash were washed, repaired and given new patches with little out of pocket cost. 

On the day I contacted Lifeline to ask if they wanted the uniforms, I was told by Bob 
DeVoe (Lifeline’s Founder) that he had just left a budget meeting where guard uniforms had just been cut from a wish list, as there was no money to buy them.  God had other ideas.

This past July, the uniforms were delivered to the guards with much applause and smiles all around.  Donations continue to come in and the uniform project has become the new way to “dispose” of old police uniforms at my department.

This was not MY project.  This was God’s plan played out through people looking and listening for the Holy Spirit’s direction.  Great things come together when God’s people seek out His plan and listen for His direction.  Be listening.  “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalms 46:10


Watch the video on Lifeline’s Facebook page, as James shares his story with the local news!

before and after
Left photo: security guards before; Right photo: guards with the work team

In his own words…
watch video

James Dougherty shares his story with the local news in Springfield, MO.

  • Praises and thanks for Lifeline’s great staff serving in all ministry fields. What a blessing they are!

  • The house churches are growing in Guatemala; praise God!

  • Praises for the funds that have been donated for construction of the middle/high school in Grand Goave!  Pray that the remaining needed funds – 6 courses of block at $3,000 each – will be donated soon. Contact Bob@Lifeline.org if you can assist.

  • This week concludes a great season of summer work teams in Haiti; much was accomplished and lives were changed and impacted for Jesus!  Thank you for serving!

  • A work team of 50 teens from Christ’s Church of the Valley (Royersford, PA) – of which all but five are first timers! – have had a servant’s heart and worked hard,  They have been a joy to work with. (see photos)

having fun in Haiti
Teens serving kids at the Grand Goave Children’s Home
  • So many great things were accomplished with the Richwood work team last week!  We appreciate their love and service to the Honduran people.  We are also thankful for all the wonderful work teams to Honduras this summer who accomplished so much ministry; they were a blessing to the ministry there! 

  • The funds have been pledged/donated for the new van needed in Honduras. Thank you!

  • Praise the Lord for Marco Antonio Cerrato and Juana Bautista, who were baptized in our church in Tegucigalpa.  Pray for them and for their new life in Christ! (see photos)
  • In June, Carlos (Lifeline’s Administrator & Children’s Home Director) walked Lesby down the aisle, the second beautiful girl from the Omoa Children’s Home to be married!  Lesby and Aldolfo, from Ocotillo Christian Church, were married with about 400 people from the church, friends, relatives and the community attending.  She was a radiant radiant bride!  Please pray for this young couple. (see photos)

ministry in Honduras
Top row: baptisms; bottom row: Lesby’s wedding
Navajo Ministry
  • Recently, 9 work team members (out of a team of 20) were baptized at the Navajo work!

United States
  • Welcome to our newest staff member, Rob McCabe.  He is working with Matt Collins (Vice President and ABC food Director) in our ABC food events, as well as speaking and representing Lifeline at churches and events.
  • Rob DeVoe’s surgery went well and he was discharged from the hospital.  He is getting some rehabilitation to strengthen his muscles and he is eating again.  Rob is the son of Bob & Gretchen (Lifeline’s founders).
  • The Lifeline staff picnic was a great time of fun and fellowship!
  • We have been extremely busy processing new sponsor packets this month!  That means lots of kiddies are getting sponsored!  We are encouraged by this and look forward to all God has in store for us in this fall!
  • Things are hopping at the Lifeline office as sponsor packages flood in for Christmas!  Our wonderful volunteers are busy processing them for shipping!  THANK YOU to all of the sponsors who took the time to send a gift for their sponsor children!  It’s a tremendous blessing to the child!  Thank you for showing Christ’s love through encouragement!

sponsor gifts are flooding the office
Thank you for sending in gifts for your sponsored child!

hogs for haiti
It’s all for the kids!
It's all for the kids...and you can help transform their lives!

The 3rd annual  “Hogs for Haiti” ride sets out from Lifeline’s Ohio office next week, on August 14, to bring awareness to the needs of the impoverished children in Haiti.  The bikers will travel 5500 miles through the Midwest U.S., Central Canada, and the Rocky Mountains, all the while sharing Lifeline’s ministry with churches, groups, and fellow travelers.  The rides the past 2 years have raised over $45,000 for the Children’s Home in Haiti!  


Here’s how you can help transform the lives of these precious children in Haiti:



100% of your donation goes directly to the Children’s Home ministry.  You can give online today.


Follow the ride

Pray for the journey and preparation, and then follow them around the U.S. and Canada as they see the sites and meet with numerous churches, groups, and individuals along the way!


Share the message

The need is bigger than us, but you can help bring awareness to the needs of the children by telling others.  Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/HogsForHaiti


golf outing

Join us at Clover Valley Golf Club (Johnstown, Ohio) on Saturday, August 29 for a great day of golf to benefit Lifeline!  All proceeds & donations benefit Lifeline’s global ministries.  Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/Golf.


Individuals & teams

$75 per player, includes green fee, 

cart, snack bag, and buffet lunch


register today

Make this outing a hole-in-one and be a sponsor! Numerous levels are available

be a sponsor



Prayer requests
  • Please pray for Marie Ange, the young lady who cleans at the mission in Haiti.  She has been very sick and the doctor said there is something wrong with her heart.  

  • Pray for the team from Bethel Church of Christ (Ada, Ohio) as they travel and serve at the Navajo ministry this Saturday.
  • Upcoming Hogs for Haiti motorcycle ride; pray for safety and good health for riders, as they share the message of the children’s needs in Haiti.
  • Joyce Krahel (mother-in-law of Dana Krahel, our Volunteer Director) as she struggles in the hospital with major health issues.  
  • Elections in Haiti this coming weekend; for peace and God’s will in the election results.
  • New middle school students in Haiti as they prepare to return for 7th grade.

holy land tour
Come walk in Jesus’ footsteps

Over 50 persons are interested in our Israel Tour, scheduled for November 2016!  Next week we plan to send out additional information and begin taking reservations.  It’s not too late to sign up for more information


memorials and honorariums
Gifts given to remember

In memory of Rod Sellars, given by Dustin & Rachel Ballinger, Michael & Audrey Birmingham, Bonnie Boots, Cheryl Brogla-Krupke, Marcia Buckles, Rick & Terry Buckles, Rodney & Connie Crouch, Rose Cuevas, Sheila Deluhery, Brian Eich, Steve Gelande, Roger & Donna Goodwin, Rick & Jean Hess, Tony & Rose Hoenig, Cindy Johnson, Rita Macken, Victor & Karen Manuel, Mary Ann Chervinko Revocable Trust, Suzanne McMahon, Brandon & Meghan Monroe, Ray & Cindy Parrish, Pam Perritt, James & Irene Reistroffer, Deanna Solis, Wayne & Patricia Thomsen, Dan & Kris Tobin, Terry & Patty Tobin, Douglas & Karen Truesdell, John & Clare Ullrich, Mark & Connie Van Lauwe, and Terry & Judy Weeks. 

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations