L.I.F.E. - Love Is For Eternity

hogs for haiti
It’s all for the kids…
Bobby, Lakey, and Moses
Left to right: Bobby, Moses, and Lakey
It began in 2013 when Bobby Curlee, Lifeline’s Plant Manager, integrated his love for the Haitian children and his Harley motorcycle.  Bobby knew first-hand how a child’s life is impacted by Lifeline’s Children’s Home: he and his wife Lakey sponsored Moses, a Haitian boy who called Lifeline’s Children’s Home in Mahotiere his home. Due to the influence of the Home, Bobby and Lakey watched Moses and the children grow and mature into young adults.
Bobby wanted to help provide for the needs of these children while ensuring that more children could call this home.  So, to bring awareness to the needs of the Haitian children and to raise donations for Lifeline’s new Children’s Home in Grand Goave, Haiti, Bobby and 3 others set off across the U.S.  They rode 9000 miles and shared the children’s stories along the way with churches, gas stations, groups, and more.
Thus, “Hogs for Haiti” was born and, since then, numerous riders have come together and have driven 14,000 miles across the U.S. and Canada with over $45,000 dollars donated for the Children’s Home!

The 3rd annual  “Hogs for Haiti” ride sets out Friday, August 14, 2015.  
The bikers will travel 5500 miles through the Midwest U.S., Central Canada, and the Rocky Mountains, all the while sharing Lifeline’s ministry with churches, groups, and fellow travelers.  Please keep the riders in your prayers and follow the ride online.

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The 2013 & 2014 rides have raised over $45,000 
for the Children’s Home in Haiti!  You can continue to momentum to help transform the lives of these precious children in Haiti:
Donate100% of your donation goes directly to the Children’s Home ministry to assist with the ongoing operations, maintenance, staff, and improvements of the Children’s Home.
Follow the ridePray for the journey and follow them around the U.S. and Canada as they see the sites and meet with numerous churches, groups, and individuals along the way!

Share the message: The need is bigger than us, but you can help bring awareness to the needs of the children by telling others.  Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/HogsForHaiti

The heart behind it all…
watch video

Back in 2013, Bobby shared the motivation for the first ride and how the first donations came in. 

  • To date, we have hosted 780 people on work team trips in 2015!   With three more trips coming up this fall, we will go over the 800 mark!  We praise and thank God for these missionaries who have joined with us on the mission field.

  • Please pray for these new Christians – Joselin,Sofia, Suyapa, Yolani, Fany, Dania, Mynor, and Marisol – who were baptized at Merendon Christian Church!  Roberto and Maryuri were also baptized and they attend the Tela Christian Church.  We join the angels in rejoicing over these new lives in Christ!
  • The 3rd & 4th grade students are thankful for the new roof on their classroom!  Thank you to the donors who made that possible!
  • The schools had a couple recent activities: 

  • The schools celebrated Indian Day to honor their national heritage.  
  • Congratulations!  The middle and high school received 2nd place in a special competition with other schools in San Pedro Sula, where they shared about the school’s core values.

ministry in Honduras
Top row: baptisms in Honduras; Bottom row (left to right): celebrating Indian Day; new roof on the 3rd & 4th grade classrooms; receiving 2nd place in the competition
United States
  • Tri-Village Christian Church (Pataskala, OH) completed a successful Child Sponsorship Drive over the last few weeks.  We are praising God that 17 children have been sponsored!  Thank you to Tri-Village for hosting a drive!  Lifeline is blessed by your partnership and support!
  • We have the best volunteers!  They have served 7,571 hours thus far in 2015.  Thank you!

Prayer requests
  • Please be in prayer for Mark Gulley, volunteer coordinator, who will be hosting and leading the annual men’s trip in Haiti this fall. 

  • There is an immediate opening for a junior high school teacher at our Red Sands Christian School in Arizona.  School has already started, so pray the Lord brings the right person to fill the position quickly.

golf outing
It’s a great day for golf!

Join us at Clover Valley Golf Club (Johnstown, Ohio) on Saturday, August 29 for an enjoyable day of golf to benefit Lifeline!  All proceeds & donations benefit Lifeline’s global ministries.  


Individuals & teams

$75 per player, includes green fee, 

cart, snack bag, and buffet lunch


register today

Make this outing a hole-in-one and be a sponsor! Numerous levels are available

be a sponsor


Learn more at www.Lifeline.org/Golf


child sponsorship ministry
Transform lives: host a sponsorship drive!
We are looking for churches and organizations to partner with Lifeline to host Child Sponsorship Drives this fall.  Are you interested?  
Sponsorship Drives offer us the opportunity to show families, classes and individuals how they can invest in the physical and spiritual lives of a child in need. Hosting a drive can be as small or large as you prefer.  We send you all the materials needed, along with photos of the children available for sponsorship.  A host can be trained to coordinate the drive or a Lifeline representative can come give a presentation to your church/organization.  

All of our sponsored and not-yet-sponsored children are involved in Lifeline’s schools, Children’s Homes or Nutrition Programs.  Sponsors help support the ministries that directly serve the children, such as education, health care and nutrition.  Through child sponsorship, sponsors can build a personal relationship with their child and their family through email correspondence, sending gifts and possible visits to the mission field where they live through work teams.  These experiences can be life-changing, for both the child and sponsor!

For more information:
Simply contact Audra@Lifeline.org and she will help you with all of the details in arranging your event and experience the blessing of getting children sponsored!


Men's work team to Haiti

work team ministry
Get your hands dirty
Men, it’s not too late to join us in Haiti for a great time of work and ministry!
Dates: September 29 – October 8, 2015
Cost: $1875 per person
Contact Cathi@Lifeline.org for additional details and to register today!

Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations