church ministry
Celebrating Easter

We all have special traditions for Easter.  In Lifeline’s ministry communities, many of their celebrations are similar to yours, but each culture brings their own unique twist: 

  • In Honduras, Lifeline’s churches have retreats for students, special services throughout the weekend, and outreach events to share Jesus’ love.  On Easter Sunday, some churches celebrate a 5am resurrection service, while others have dramas or show movies.   
  • In El Salvador, the Chalchuapa Christian Church celebrates with an all-night vigil, involving nearby Santa Ana and Volcano Christian Churches.  The house churches also visit neighbors to share the meaning of Easter.  And, each year the Santa Tecla Christian Church has a special 4am worship service on Easter morning, followed by communion at 5am.
  • In Guatemala, which is one of Lifeline’s newest ministry communities, the church has special services and the children have a musical performance on Easter Sunday.
  • Panama is another one of our newest ministry communities.  The church celebrates through an all night worship vigil on Saturday to dawn on Easter morning.  The children and youth are also involved in dramas.
  • Lifeline’s church plant in Calgary (Alberta, Canada) holds a carnival on the Saturday before Easter, which includes an egg hunt, bouncy houses, games and snacks.  Their first event (last year) event brought in 1000+ from the community and also united the new church members who served together in this outreach project.
  • In the Navajo ministry, Red Sands Christian Church gathers with area churches for a combined Good Friday service in nearby Winslow, Arizona.  Then on Easter Sunday, the Red Sands church celebrates with a dinner after service, including an Easter egg hunt and games for the kids.
  • In Haiti, many believers fast Good Friday until Sunday (from 6am-6pm or 6am-noon). Some churches have special services on Good Friday where the words and activities are centered on Jesus’ life and death, including the last seven words He quoted on the cross. Most churches have youth camps since this is when “Rara” is, which is a festival with parades, music, and dancing, including voodoo practices. The churches offer an opposite program to the Christian youth to keep them focused on Jesus.  On Easter Sunday,  everyone wears their nicest clothes to church. Everyone, and even the poorest people, try to have special foods, like beet and carrot salad, fish, rice and beans, and eat with their family and friends.
ministry pictures

  • We are praising God for the teams that have been on our mission fields in January, February and March.  Many people have been ministered to — nationals and team members — and much has been accomplished.  God has been at work in so many ways in the lives and hearts of his people.
  • Praise God for those who are contributing to the Omoa septic repairs!  (and it’s not to late to help – contact
United States
  • We are thankful for opportunities that continue to open for us to share about Lifeline’s ministries!  We are looking forward to representing Lifeline at Ohio Teens for Christ in Columbus, OH as well as the Ontario Christian Convention in Canada.
  • Praise God for Eastpointe Christian Church (Blacklick, OH) for surpassing their goal to collect 2,000 jars of peanut butter for Haiti this month!  We are thankful to all the churches and organizations who are collecting and bringing in peanut butter!
  • Praise God for all the volunteers that came to Lifeline’s office last week and this week to help package sponsor gifts for Haiti and Honduras.
  • Kesaia Cojon, daughter of Carlos Cojon (our Administrator in Honduras), is back in the U.S. after working as translator and helper for the Okolona medical team in Honduras.  She also spent her birthday and some time with her family.


  • We are thankful for Tonya Ritter, as she begins her new journey with Lifeline as our newest team member!  Tonya will be working with the Lovelink Child Sponsorship Program and our volunteers; we are happy to have her on board!

We love our volunteers!  Thank you for serving!

Prayer Requests
  • Keith and Christi Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Directors, will be traveling to Tegucigalpa, Honduras at the end of April to see the new work and lay groundwork for hosting teams there.  Please pray for this trip that it will lead to bringing teams to this new location in the future.   
  • Continue prayers for God to rise up volunteers who would be willing to host a child sponsorship drive at their church.  Contact if you are interested in more information on this.

  • Pray for opportunities to share how God is working through Lifeline Christian Mission with the presentation of HOPE. (contact
  • Prayers for Lifeline’s Board of Directors and their upcoming meeting on April 11. 

  • videos
    Homesick for Haiti?

    May these precious faces bring back warm memories and rekindle a fire in your heart… 

    Faces and Places of Haiti video

    opportunity to give
    Support Lifeline at the grocery store!

    It’s that time of the year again: sign up or re-enroll your Kroger Plus Card to earn donations for Lifeline through Kroger’s Community Rewards!  Kroger will donate a portion of every dollar you spend to Lifeline when you swipe your registered Kroger Plus Card each time you shop.  


    In 2014, Lifeline received over $1700 through this program!  


    Thank you to everyone who participated!  Every little bit adds up, as we share Jesus’ love to these precious children in our ministries!

    All participants need to re-enroll in the month of April in order to continue contributing to Lifeline.  (even if you just signed up in March, you must re-enroll) To

     re-enroll your card: 

    – Click “sign-in” and put in your email address and password that you used to enroll your card. 
    – Put in our group number 80241 or “Lifeline Christian Mission” and select the correct organization. 
    – Click Enroll. 
    If it’s your first time to register, you’ll need to set up your account first: 

    – First, enroll your card at 
    – Click “create an account” 
    – Put in your email address and password. Confirm password.
    – Enter plus card OR alt ID number 
    – Go to Community Rewards (near bottom) 
    – Follow through the steps. (Name, address, etc.) 
    – Put in the group number 80241 or or “Lifeline Christian Mission” and select the correct organization. 
    – Click Enroll. 
    You are now enrolled for the upcoming year of the Kroger Community Rewards Program! 


    At this time, only Lifeline is only registered and available to Kroger customers in the Central Ohio region.

    memorials & honorariums
    Gifts given to remember

    In memory of Elizabeth Ward, given by Brady, Ware & Schoenfield, Inc; Mary Etta Combs; Howard & Linnea Green; Charles & Marilyn Hobbs; Michael & Kathy McDonald; Bob & Suzette Powell; Thomas Rohe; Walter & Marcia Sieb, Jr; and Gregory & Pamela Smith.


    In memory of Norman Wortman, given by Norman Wortman & Janet English.



    Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations