For many, the start of a new year is a time of new beginnings. We can’t go back and change the past, but we can start from where we are to make changes and move ahead. We often refer to those changes as New Year’s resolutions.
If you are like me, you may have become frustrated with resolutions in the past. We start out with the best of intentions but by the end of January we have already broken a resolution – or all of them! We are determined this year will be better, but sooner or later we get off track.
Near the top of the list of New Year’s resolutions is losing weight/getting in better shape. There is an annual spike in fitness center memberships every January. Unfortunately many don’t stick with it. You will have a much easier time finding a parking place at the gym in February!
We can do the same thing as we seek to follow Jesus. We can make big promises about the great things we plan to do for him. We focus on performance, and often are disappointed when we don’t meet the expectations that we set for ourselves. But here are two important facts to keep in mind:
God’s love for us is dependent on His grace and not our performance. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) God’s love for us was settled by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We will never be good enough, but Jesus is. He paid the price that we could not.
This life is not about what we can do for God, but what He can do in and through us. “But we have this treasure (the gospel of Jesus Christ) in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2 Corinthians 4:7). This is amazing – God wants to use imperfect people to accomplish His God-sized purposes!
You see, the focus of our New Year’s resolution is not about saying that we will do this, or not do that, and then dropping the ball and falling short; that’s putting our trust in ourselves. It is about asking the Lord to help us each day, to fall deeper and deeper in love with Him, and to have a heart that is open to following Him so that He is honored and receives the glory.
By doing this, we aren’t setting the agenda – God is. We are simply stepping out in faith to join Him in the work He is doing and giving ourselves to be used by Him in whatever way He sees fit to accomplish His purposes.
The New Year is before us. God’s work continues. He desires to use us, imperfect as we are, to build His Kingdom. Together let’s humble ourselves, seek His leading, and see what He will do through us in the coming year.
devotion by Keith Dimbath, Work Team Co-Director