Much of what we do is because of youth!


photos from the mission field



El Salvador

  • Isn’t it great to see all of the children in the photo showing our newest house church in El Salvador?  Our leadership there has done a super job!  We now oversee 9 principal churches and 51 house churches there.  
  • Lifeline’s International Bible Institute has contributed greatly to the tremendous growth.  See the photo of it’s teachers and students at a recent prayer and planning meeting.


  • This pastWednesday evening, the Northern Hills Church Core Team and the Management Team (leaders from partner organizations) gathered for a barbecue.  Almost 50 people from Northern Hills came out for this event.  To top it off, the evening started with a baptism!  (see photo on right)  It was an evening of good food, good fellowship and getting to know one another.  Lifeline is looking forward to sending a team of 14 people in July to help the church with some service/outreach projects.   



  • 3 more food containers cleared customs and are delivered in Haiti!
  • The kitchen floor in the new Grand-Goâve Children’s Home is about finished and the roof is nearly complete.
  • Praising God for the homes being constructed in Haiti; so far weather hasn’t really impacted construction although it is rainy season.
  • Already many women have responded and signed up for the women’s trip in January! 



  • Our multipurpose facility is looking good with its new roof (see photo), even though a lot more work needs to be done.  We’re hoping to complete construction this year.  The electrical rough-in is next: Can you help?  Email
  • This group of Honduran leaders met with Bob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founder, at CaryHill recently to discuss the potential for an exciting new ministry outreach for Lifeline.  We’ll keep you posted.
  • This is a photo of Pastor Antonio Paz leading a church service for the “Ideal Christian Church” at our recently occupied Bible Institute complex.  Exciting!!!


Navajo Ministry

  • Lots of preparations are being made at Red Sands Christian School for the 2014-15 school year.  We’ll soon be announcing some wonderful changes that will greatly improve every aspect of this outreach ministry!  And, we expect enrollment will show a considerable increase (great for financial standing).  God is good.
  • Much praise (and more prayer) after nearly 3 years of searching: we’re interviewing a highly qualified Navajo Pastor to work with us at the Red Sands Christian Church and School. 
United States
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, is home from hospital.
  • Lifeline is coordinating food packing events at theNACC and ICOM this year
  • Special thanks to all of our “Team Champs” who faithfully support to Lifeline’s Greatest Needs.  You can join Team Champ!  Donate today or email with questions.    
  • Lifeline’s Connections Director, J.D. Hite, was in Greenfield at Greenfield Church of Christ to present Lifeline’s ministries and to preach for theirSunday morning worship.  We are blessed to be able to minister in this way with our partners in ministry.  If your church needs a supply preacher or would like a visit from a Lifeline representative, just call our office (614-794-0108) or  


Prayer Requests
  • The health care work team in Haiti now.  It has been raining a lot and the clinic flooded over the weekend.

  • 4  more food containers should arrive in Haiti in the next 10 days; pray that they too will clear customs swiftly.
  • Pray for more leaders to travel on MEET teams to learn more about Lifeline’s ministry and to encourage their congregations/organizations in what God is doing.  Contact for more information about these 5-day trips.
  • Andy Sims (Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director) and the Leadership Seminar Team in Cuba this week; pray for a great seminar and safe travels for the team.
  • Bob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founder, returns to Haiti to continue projects.

  • Erma Hartman, Lifeline’s Lovelink Coordinator, as she is retiring in August.  Karen Kennison (Executive Assistant) and Elaine Angell (Lovelink Specialist) as they take on Erma’s tasks.
  • Summer Interns: Lukas Mead, Isaac Allen, and Emily Peters
  • Finances. As the summer arrives, we often have a slowdown in contributions. We are praising God for His provision but ask for prayers that funds will continue to flow in.  With work team income and food packing events slowing down, we anticipate a bump in the road. Pray for a small bump, not a pot hole! Extra financial gifts would be appreciated.
  • Brent and Vicki Ferguson (Brent is Lifeline’s Board Treasurer) on the death of Vicki’s mother, Edith Casto; she was in her 90’s and had Alzheimer’s.  Praising God for her homecoming!
  • Heavy travel schedules for the staff and work team coordinators as they travel to Haiti, Arizona, Canada and El Salvador to oversee work teams.
  • Pray for Princess’s family.  She was a 5 1/2 month old Haitian baby at Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio and had heart surgery through “Haitian Hearts.”  The procedure went well but other complications arose and she is now at home with Jesus.
  • Pray for the family of Janice Brandon, who passed away Monday morning. She is the widow of Ira Brandon, who was a great leader in the Christian church faith.
  • Prayers for Pastor Amable and his family in Honduras – peace and confidence in God


  • Prayers for the upcoming meetings and Board Meeting for Lifeline-Canada.

  • There will be an upcoming evangelism program at the Choloma Christian Church in Honduras where the pastors will go out on the streets.  Prayers for a successful event!


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at


People, Projects & Programs 
Support Lifeline at the Grocery Store!


It’s that time again!  Time to sign up or re-enroll your Kroger Plus Card to earn donations for Lifeline!  Kroger donates a portion of every dollar you spend to Lifeline when you swipe your registered Kroger Plus Card each time you shop.  Last year, we received $300-400 dollars per month through this program.  Thank you!


Note: At this time, Lifeline is only registered and available to Kroger customers in the Central Ohio region.  


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

Women's work team AmazonSmile Hogs for Haiti
Digging for Treasure


I’ve been to my fair share of flea markets, antique malls or auctions.  While they typically sport a grandiose billing – “Come see the Antique Extravaganza!” – they’re all much the same.  Old stuff someone hopes they can make a buck off of.


It’s still fun to rummage through the dusty stacks of clutter, remembering the one you had just like it or trying to figure out what possible use an item could have had.  Occasionally, you find a real treasure, which of course, keeps you coming back. 


How Much?

What I’ve never been able to figure out is who sets the values on those things?  “It’s worth whatever you’ll pay for it,” they say.  But the line between “bargain” and “junk” isn’t always clear.


I wonder if Abraham’s two sons, Isaac or Ishmael, felt a similar confusion.  Most of us do.  It’s hard to place a true value on ourselves because all we’ve got to go on are ever-changing circumstances. How do you compare the blessings from one life to another?  Should we expect life to be equal or fair?


It’s hard to tell how Ishmael or Isaac felt about the hand they were dealt.  I know how I’d feel.  Both received God’s blessing, yet it hardly seems fair. 


You Are His Treasure

Resentment comes from our misguided attempts to place value on our own lives.  We tend to compare, question or forget.  Hidden insecurities lead us to assume our value is determined by the latest situation or our biggest failure.  If God really loved me, how could this happen?


The truth is, our value has been established.  While our journeys may be quite different, the Cross declares what God was willing pay for each of us.  And that was an “as is” price, despite our obvious need for repair.  Some might question that appraisal, but God never waivers.


The direction He takes with my life may not look anything like what he is doing in yours.  I just know He wants to restore us to be just like Him.  That process can be long and even painful. 


That’s okay, we’re worth it.



by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director

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