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You’re going to love this week’s update! 
Lots of really neat blessings are being realized.  
God is good! Thank YOU for being part of Lifeline.
(Don’t miss Andy’s devotion at the bottom; it will make you smile.)




food distribution in El Salvador El Salvador

  • There are 8 churches and 46 house churches in El Salvador; the churches are:
  • Santa Tecla Christian Church
  • Chalchuapa Christian Church
  • Buenos Aires Christian Church
  • Santa Ana Christian Church
  • Tepecoyo Christian Church
  • Las Higueras Christian Church – New church started 2 months ago!
  • The Cumbritas Christian Church
  • Sacatecoluca Christian Church – New church started last week!
  • 4 pallets of ABC food was shipped to El Salvador and the Bible Institute students unloaded the boxes.  Some of the food was distributed to several families in our new church in Sacatecoluca. (see photo on right)
  • Last week, a new house church was opened in Sonsonate and a new church was opened in Sacatecoluca!  Keep them in your prayers.
  • The women’s ministry had a special event and 60 women attended!

sign in Haiti, and new furniture and birthday wishes in Honuduras



  • Work is progressing at Lifeline’s Deuxieme Plaine Christian School.  The facility upgrades are a huge blessing to the students and staff.
  • A welcome banner identifying the 5 core values of Lifeline’s education reforms is now proudly displayed at the school in Grand Goave.  Under the guidance of our Education Task Force, this is the first school to make significant strides toward improving the education we offer students in Haiti.  Everyone has worked so hard, but we are grateful to God for the difference being make in our students’ lives. (see photo on right)



  • Praises that the Omoa Children’s Home received the new furniture! (see photo on right)
  • Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director, just completed another leadership seminar in Honduras.  God continues to expand the vision and capacity of our pastors and teachers.  They are planting new churches and even planning their own mission trip to Cuba.
  • We thank God that funds committed this week will enable Lifeline to rent a new facility for the Bible Institute and church in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.  The new facility is over 3 times larger and will enable us to continue investing in future pastors.

Navajo Ministry

  • Join us for a concert in Cincinnati to benefit Lifeline’s Navajo ministry.  Details, artists and more can be found at


  • Bob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Founder, celebrated his birthday on Monday!  Happy Birthday Bob!   (see photo on right of the Omoa Children’s Home sending Bob birthday wishes!)
  • Jill Stout of Plainfield is recovering from a broken leg; the doctor says she is 3 weeks ahead of the anticipated healing process so she can go to Haiti next week! 

Desert Song -
Prayer Requests
  • For the mother and her surviving 2 children whose tent burned down yesterday in a terrible fire, killing the toddler child.  Praise God they are going to get a home from Lifeline.  This story is another one that just affirms the huge need to get the people out of tents.  Learn more at

  • Hogs for Haiti planning is underway, Please pray for the riders and that the Lord would open more peoples eyes to what Lifeline is doing with the children’s home.  Visit for upcoming rides and events.

  • Cathi Lester, Lifeline’s Travel Coordinator, is having surgery Friday for a kidney stone.
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, is back on radiation and chemo.
  • Kesaia Cojon is currently on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.  Keep her in your prayers for safety and that the Lord will speak to her heart.  (Kesaia is a student at Johnson University and is the daughter of Carlos & Paty Cojon, Lifeline’s Administrator and Children’s Home Directors in Honduras.)
  • Pray for the new church preparing to launch in Santa Cruz, Honduras.  Mauricio & Yohanna (and their son Samuel) will be planting this new church in a beautiful small town 90 minutes outside of San Pedro Sula.  Pray for them as they prepare to move, for wisdom regarding a location for the church, and for people of peace within that community to help launch this new endeavor.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

Lydia delivers the peanut butter to Lifeline's office
Lydia delivers the collected
 peanut butter to Lifeline’s office
People, Projects & Programs
Fun for All Ages!


At Lifeline, we celebrate peanut butter – especially during March when it’s National Peanut Month!   Collecting peanut butter for Lifeline is a fun project that all ages can be involved with, and we love it when you share your stories with us.  So, when Lydia came to drop off her peanut butter, we just had to share her story with you! 
Lydia Schramm, her sister Liz, and cousin Clinton Zimmerman collected peanut butter for Lifeline. The kids went door to door in the neighborhood to distribute flyers and bags.  A few days later, they went back to collect the peanut butter and collected 137 jars!  They also had family help them out.
Thank you Lydia, Liz and Clinton – and everyone else around the country! – for providing much-needed food for the hungry kids in Haiti! 
Learn more about Lifeline’s peanut butter drive at


Your purchase benefits Lifeline!
More than a Contract


This shows the full 
meaning of the Scripture that says: 
“Abraham believed God, and God accepted Abraham’s faith, 
and that faith made him right with God.”
And Abraham was 
called God’s friend.
James 2:23 CEV


Okay, I’ll admit it.  I love the Disney Princess songs.


On a recent trip, we listened with great delight as our 3-year-old grand daughter belted out one song after the next.  Her ability to get the notes or words right didn’t matter.  Her exuberance (and overall cuteness) were enough to fill my heart. 


“Let’s sing it again, Papa,” she’d shout as soon as the final song ended.  So, we did.  Before long, I was singing along too.  How can you not love that?


More Than a Song

While they certainly are catchy tunes from timeless stories, that’s not why I love them.  The fondness I feel comes directly from the relationship I have with my grand daughter.  She’s stolen a place in my heart that nothing else could possibly replace.


When I read the story of Abraham, I see more than just promises being delivered.  There was something in that covenant relationship that went beyond the ordinary two-party contract.  I see a fondness Abraham may not have expected, but readily embraced. 


God will never stop pursuing us.  He has always wanted that heart-felt connection more than a formal agreement or polished performance.  Relationship beats religion every time.  Why settle for anything less?


Heart To Heart

Lately, I’ve caught myself popping in those Disney Princess songs when I’m alone in the car.  I know… that sounds creepy.  But in a strange way, it reminds me of that deep, beautiful connection my grand daughter and I share.  So, I risk being discovered when I roll up at stop lights in order to experience that bond one more time.


It’s worth going after THAT kind of relationship with our Father in heaven.  Abraham had it, so why can’t we?  Not a contract or deal or partnership.  Soul-mates. 


Just to be clear, there are other tunes on my playlist, but nothing that stirs my heart quite the same.  If I can love one little girl this much, try to imagine how God longs for you.  All this time, He’s been pursuing you.   Each day is a new opportunity to draw just a little bit closer.


by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director