Thank you for your prayers!
Current Prayer Needs and praises:

  • Please continue praying that we will be good students of the French language and that we will not be discouraged on the days that we just aren’t grasping things well.
  • Pray for our fellow students as well. There have been sick kids, sick parents, obstacles for some of us in getting bank accounts, and other hurdles to overcome. We had to take Ophelia to a doctor this morning because she probably has pink eye and is now housebound for the next week. We’re thankful it’s a short school week for us anyway and next week is winter break.
  • Continue to also pray for supporters for us. We have until the end of the year to be meet some support level goals.
  • Most importantly, pray for France. The French people see the world differently than Americans do, but that doesn’t make them better or worse as a whole. Pray that the Christians here can continue to shine a light into dark places and draw others to the God who deeply cares for them.
  • Praise God that we are even here and in school. This entire process has been out of our hands really and we think it was so we will continually look to God for the answers. If you weren’t aware, our visas came the day before we were to fly out, and travel was a bit stressful, but we arrived and met new friends and wonderful landlords who had bought us some basic groceries since the shops were closed and put child-proof covers on the electrical sockets in Ophelia’s room.
  • We’re so very thankful for the encouraging emails, notes, facebook messages and Skype calls that have come our way. We’re also thankful for being surrounded by supportive people at the school and also the family we are renting from. There is very much a sense among the students and teachers that we are all in this together so help and encouragement is all around (and teachers who remind us that others are sacrificing so that we can be at the school, so we need to take it seriously!).

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It means more than you may know!

God bless,
Greg & Nikki

Please feel free to share this with others who pray.