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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France


Sep 09, 2014 09:45 am

This was supposed to be an article about how confusing the French political system is to me. How I don’t understand how a government can be dissolved and the country seem to function just as if they aren’t missing anything at all. The clear fact is that we don’t want you (or us) to miss that there are real events everyday in France that will carry weight in how our work is to be done. What we hope that everyone who is a part of our work gains is the knowledge that there are governments outside of the USA which have to function and function differently than they do here. It doesn’t make our system better or theirs better (at least that is a discussion for another day over coffee or merlot) it just makes it different. 

Before we get lost in a subject that I need way more education on let me update you on what we know.

We’ve officially begun our visa process through CEF Albertville. This is exciting but nerve-racking at the same time. There is paper work to fill out, letters to send to the government, fees to be paid and so on. So first let me just give a quick shout out to individual supporters who help us through funding. Your donations go far! Our first payment to the school is around 650 euros ($893.07) which pays for various fees for Nikki, me and Ophelia. So thanks to all the families we know who made special gifts yesterday or months ago as your gift will cover this amount. 

As we begin this process which will hopefully lead toward us becoming students of French in just a few months we ask that you would for our stamina as we continue to raise more funds. Pray for our host family who have been such a blessing for us. Pray that our goals will be met and that we can help in the Harvest in France.

How can we pray for you? What needs do you have? 

We’ll be traveling again starting Saturday, spending a few days at a church near Pittsburgh before heading down to North Carolina and Virginia for what we hope are very positive meetings. Ophelia is doing really well through all of our traveling. It is nothing short of an enormous blessing for that!

So remember, always be a student because you never know when something on the other side of the world might change how you view your life right where you are today. 

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