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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France


Nov 12, 2014 07:30 am

During the last several months, we have had the fantastic opportunity to meet so many people from various walks of life and the underlying message that kept coming back to me was the unification we have under Jesus. We might dress differently, have different jobs, live in different places, but when we have Jesus in common it brings us together in amazing ways. We have been blessed to visit old friends and make new ones as we travelled throughout Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. We have been encouraged wherever we have gone which has in some ways enabled us to keep going regardless of difficulties and frustrations. We have been gladdened to hear the word of God accurately preached in all of these churches, which sometimes we might forget actually does happen outside of our own towns and our own circles. It truly is amazing to see how vast the community of believers is.

Today we are heading to ICOM (formerly the National Missionary Convention) in Columbus, OH to learn more about what God is doing throughout the world and help Kontaktmission recruit others to the fields of France. It was at one of these conventions that we were first introduced to Kontaktmission and signed up to receive prayer emails even though we weren’t exactly sure when or where we were truly wanting to serve overseas. I’m not sure we ever truly envisioned ourselves sitting at one to their tables recruiting others to come and do the same, but I’m definitely sure that when we first discovered them years ago that I never imagined we would be headed to France.  

This week during ICOM we will be meeting with the Kontaktmission USA director and looking over our support levels with him before we receive the verdict as to whether we have raised enough to go. The good news is that we have raised enough to cover school funds and have enough support to live on while attending there. The bad news is that our support isn’t *quite* to the level we were supposed to have by this point. More good news though is that we have continually gained more support over the last few weeks, so progress is progress and all of it is good! Our director wisely does not want us to have to worry about raising more support while we are already on the field since it can be even more difficult in some respects, so we will leave the decision in his and ultimately God’s hands, but your prayers on this matter will mean a great deal to us. 

If you’re going to be at ICOM this week, we’d love to chat! We’re truly looking forward to seeing friends there that have already contacted us and we’d love to see you too. We’ll be with the  Kontaktmission crew and waving some French flags (or at least sitting near one)! 

Au revoir!

ps – We will not be wearing berets. Even most French people don’t really wear them!