News You Might Have Missed

Steve wrote some personal notes and prayer concerns this month.

"My personal thanks to everyone who has really pulled out all the stops to ensure the mission fulfils its mandate. I am encouraged and we are all working hard to seek and save the lost wherever they are found. There have been a number of baptisms in the congregations which host regular CBS classes. So many send their greetings in Christ from South Africa and beyond." – Steve Zimmerman (read entire letter)


Update on Heather

Changing policies in Africa are causing delays for Heather’s arrival. Please pray.

"I finally received the phone call 5 days before my departure that all volunteer VISAs were put on hold by the government in South Africa. They said they couldn’t tell me for how long or why. I was supposed to arrive in Cape Town on the 17th of August…" – Heather Burton (read entire letter)



If you are one many donors taking advantage of the secure online option through PayPal, please note the recent change. It will be important that your contribution be directed to the correct account.

Supporters of STEVE need to use the new link found on our giving page or click here.

Supporters of HEATHER need to use the new link found on our giving page or click here.

Thank you for your generous support of the South African Christian Mission!
Mark Vernik
Board of Directors – President

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