B & B Day
September 13, 2016
This past Sunday was a great Day of blessings and travel.  We were asked to help with two Churches to the north of us that would take a couple of hours to get there by car.
They were especially anxious to have Jay-Ar come with us as they were interested in him seeing the area for possible future ministry now that he has completed his Bible college training and his post graduate six months in evangelistic and Bible Study training through a program on Negros Island.
Noemi was up early preparing 22 lbs. of fried chicken wings to take with us so we could share lunch with the leaders there after the morning service.  This is always appreciated as there has been a short fall in food since the six month draught is bringing a late harvest.   Even though the rain has come it will take some time for the area to recover. Carol and I make sure we are never a burden to those we visit.
We got to the Bagagy church in good time taking the mountain road.  This meant we could spend more time visiting with folk there.  Noemi was asked to teach the teens and college age group and the rest of us shared with the elders in a Sunday school time with the adults.  One of their members did a fine job with the children.
Jay-Ar gave a great message and has shown how much he has grown since he came to Jesus in his early teens in Kalibo.  He used a mixture of English and native dialects and was understood by both language groups.  A man in his 40’s named Francisco accepted Christ and will be baptized this week by the preacher who was away doing services at another of the three churches he has oversight of.  During lunch there was much fellowship and then in the early afternoon we left for home but Jay-Ar stayed to go to preach at the afternoon service of the Balasan Church of Christ.  It was thirty-five minutes away.
This is a new church that came about after Typhoon Yolanda a few years ago.  It has a new building and a small parsonage.  The parsonage is still under construction as they need more funds to finish it.  It has already shown good signs of growth but the main preacher cannot develop three churches in three different directions as well as some new outreach groups on his own. They talked with Jay-Ar during the afternoon but have to wait until and church building missionary whom we have been working with in conjunction with Jay-Ar returns from furlough in the U.S. next month.  Please be in prayer for Jay-Ar and for God’s leading in his future direction which will mean him having to raise some financial monthly support to begin this next journey.
Jay-Ar came back in the evening to us and shared his time in Balasan.  He left early in the morning to go to Kalibo where we have placed him to help the preacher there and church with the programs and evangelistic methods and applications he has learned while waiting to see where he will go permanently.   We are thankful to all who have helped Jay-Ar thus far and especially for your prayers.
May God Bless us all as we serve Him in our efforts to reach the lost souls living in the Pacific Rim!
Looking forward to a great Harvest of Souls for Jesus,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries
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