A Trilogy of Growth!
A tremendous amount of reconstruction of lives, buildings and livelihoods continues to go on following the super destructive typhoon Yolanda last year around this time.
Although lots of money and help has been distributed we as missionaries are concerned with what lasting results will transpire because of all the prayers, financial support and other assistances given to the folk in the central Philippines who have still some way to go in recovery.
As I mentioned before one of the northern Iloilo churches experienced good and lasting growth following the typhoon.  This came about because missionaries like us and others from our churches sent help to them and they were able to evangelize many of the people coming seeking this material help with the spiritual message of Jesus.  Now that church is stable and has grown 300 per cent in attendance as well as new converts for Jesus.  They in turn continued to seek growth for two outreach areas that had their small chapels destroyed by the typhoon.  These folk from these areas met at the main church until recently when they began their own worship services again as well as building programs.
Through the efforts of one of our missionaries who is concentrating on purchasing land and building chapels these two churches have begun construction of fairly good size buildings as well as being able to purchase their own land through the efforts of folk in the U.S. from the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.   These two new buildings are in the northern part of Iloilo province and both are in rural good size towns and the growth is not only in the buildings but in the number of souls coming to Jesus.
It is so great to see this response to Jesus as so frequently many of social programs address current needs with no long term provisions.  Our own programs such as the building of 52 houses and additional emergency food relief have enabled more to come to Jesus and we are so thankful for all your prayers and continued financial support.  Our current lacks of finances do limit us with some things we would like to do but God is still providing the opportunities to reach out for Jesus in so many ways.
Please continue to pray for us as we strive to achieve lasting results in our outreach to the Lost so that many may find their way to Jesus!
Please pray for our Timothy from Kalibo Junior Navarates as he is now completing his third year in Bible College in Central Philippine Bible College in Cebu.
Please pray for Darryl, Carol and Noemi as they travel among our churches sharing the message of Jesus and teaching ways of outreach and faith!
Please pray for the local Evangelist in Kalibo Christian Church (Church of Christ) Rey Miravales as he prepares to get married and continues the work in Kalibo.
Thank God for the recent growth the Kalibo church has experienced with the addition of some young business professional people who are helping to reach out for Jesus.
Please pray for our financial needs as some of our supporting churches have had to decrease their support because of their own situations.  We are in need of additional monthly gifts or one time gifts.
May God Bless us all as we strive to share His wonderful message to those who need Jesus Now!
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
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Mrs. Joanne McKenzie
Pacific Rim Ministries
P.O. Box 323