October 22, 2013
Several of our supporters have contacted us and asked how we were following a 7.2 earthquake here in our region of the Philippines.  Carol and I are fine and felt only a strong movement in the house.  Others felt the road moving and still others had parts of their houses shake.
In the areas south and east of us the damage was far greater.  Over 200 lost their lives and roads, and access points were damaged.  Some tourist’s sites were destroyed on one island along with several of our churches there.  In other islands whole buildings and older homes collapsed and the damage is still be accessed.  It seems that some large aftershocks were experienced near us and also in the epic center south of us.  
Please pray for those who lost their lives, homes, loved ones and now face a large reconstruction effort.  These efforts go very slow here in the Philippines and so we know many will suffer for a long time and food is in short supply.  In the southern Philippines they recently got over a two week war with one rebel group that left great damage.  This was followed by torrential rains and now an earthquake.  We also have several churches on some islands that will be in need of repairs and pray that God will keep the faith of these folk strong.
Thank you for those who asked about our well-being.  We appreciate so much your prayers, interest, and encouragement.
This email update report has been delayed in sending owing to internet damage to our region and also the large number of students using the internet providers to do their end of first term reports.  We tried a number of places to send this update including the major city near us but the internet was either down or so slow it could not send any of our reports or anything other than short messages.  Thankfully we are told these problems are over now we are pleased about that.
Junior Narvarates, our Bible College student from the Kalibo Christian Church just returned from Bible College in Cebu where the earthquake did a lot of damage.  He is spending the term break with us and helping us with our outreach efforts during that time. It is only a two week break. He told us that they had over 2,000 aftershocks recorded in Cebu in the region the Bible College is located and that the government suspended all final exams and ordered all schools to close and send students home until the damage was accessed in the many schools  affected.  He said it was a very scary time for many students like him who had never been in an earthquake before. We are glad that he is alright pray that others will heal from this disaster.
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause