All Saints Day Visitors
Halloween Weekend is celebrated in the Philippines as All Saints Day.  This is a time when people visit the cemeteries and also family and friends in the thousands of provinces in these islands numbering 1,450 separated mostly by water.
We were able to have Junior come and stay with us for a couple of days as this is also the semester break before he begins his last term at Central Philippines Bible College in Cebu.  He came to talk about some of his ministry plans when he graduates with a Bachelor in Theology in late March 2016.  He is planning now as to where God wants him to serve.  He will visit a couple of places that are potential ministry areas during this break as his priority is evangelism and he wants to be able to learn more but still begin to serve full-time right after graduation in the field of evangelism to some of the Lost Souls living in the Philippines of the Pacific Rim.  Please pray for Junior as he seeks the direction and leading of Christ for his future days and ministry.  Carol and I have been backing him with mentoring, encouragement and financial support while he has been in Bible College.  We have received some gifts from overseas for his education but these have been few and far between. However we feel he has good potential and so have under write most of his expenses.  Some of his family and friends have helped him also and we hope he is developing a “believing faith” as he will need this since most of the churches and outreaches in the Philippines are not able to support a preacher-evangelist full-time.  Outside supporters must be sought and they then partnership in ministry.
Noemi’s brother Lemuel has also come with his son A J. to visit us.  Carol’s Brother Richard passed away and left her a good 17 inch lap top computer.  We had it sent to the Philippines via Forex shipping and our friend who is a computer repair expert brought it up to scratch and loaded some new software that would be helpful to a preacher.  Lemuel is the minister of the City Church of Christ in Cebu City and has been preaching there for over 14 years.  He is also a professor at Central Philippines Bible College and a mentor of young preachers.   He does not have a computer and has been borrowing a very old and somewhat dilapidated computer and so now has his own. Carol thought he could really use one as we have seen the good work he is doing for Jesus in Cebu over the years and during our recent visit.   
Lemuel and Darryl talked a lot with Junior about outreach and the development of youth and adults in our churches on both islands and some other programs going on in the Philippines. They spent time going over some of the programs of the college as well as the churches in general and looked at ways the churches could become more Bible Based and evangelistic centered.  The City Church in Cebu meets on the top floor of a business building and attracts people who work in the city as well students at the medical and educational Universities nearby. Many thousands of students also board in rooming houses and dorms around the church location as they attend the large Universities and colleges in the city which is the second largest in the Philippines.  It is a growing church and has a very good worship and music service based program.  Lemuel loves the Word of God and is faithful to our Restoration Plea teachings from God’s Word.  Please pray for him as he uses this computer in his learning, teaching and work and as he grows in his mentoring ministry to young preachers.
All Saints Day is a time when the Philippines remember the dead.  We however are using it for a time when we plan and pray for revival, outreach, and the saving of those dead in sin!  Please pray for Carol and I as we continue to reach out for Jesus through “hands on ministry” by helping, mentoring, and encouraging preachers here in the Philippines and leaders in many of our churches to  share the Living Hope of the Living Christ to a world dying in Sin!  We want to remember not just the dead who have passed on but focus on those now living so they will not die without Jesus!   Jesus is the Lord of the Living and the Savoir of our soul!
Thank you again for your help, prayers and financial support.
Serving the Jesus Christ in the Philippines
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries
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Pacific Rim Ministries
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