Hands United Against Poverty
The Philippines has been going through a very long and intense drought over the last five months.  Poverty is increasing due to lack of rain and severe heat.  In some parts of the Philippines the temperature has gone well over a hundred degrees F during the day.  It is hard to cool down at night as the heat lasts 24/7.
A number of churches in the Philippines are setting up groups of churches that strive to hold training sessions for people affected by the frequent disasters and weather extremes here in our region and other region of the land.  People, especially the poor, are asked to attend programs that deal with livelihood skills that will teach them how to survive in this land of extremes.  Even the men are encouraged to attend as some of their normal farming and labor jobs are not available when long draughts or weather extremes like Typhoons strike. Although there is usually some welcome help during Typhoons and earthquakes it is only on the short term. The poverty goes on often for many years onward.
These programs cannot provide money for livelihood skills but are able to provide teaching and counselling for the people attending. Also evangelism is keyed in to encourage people in church attendances and dependence on the Lord in all times and seasons. Poverty of the soul often hinders those seeking recovery from material or disaster related poverty.
Darryl attended a meeting for leaders of the region where these programs are being trialed. Similar programs are being held in Kalibo and other areas we are helping with teaching and evangelism.  Please pray for us as we strive to help people elevate both poverty of life and especially poverty of the soul!
Please also pray that this long draught will end soon.   The wells are drying up and the fields have run dry.  Also the intense heat is introducing many hydration and health related problems in people and children as water dries up.  Water is being trucked in to many places but the dams are very low and often the water has to be sterilized.
We do pray that people here will rely on God for help in these great times of need. All the modern technology we have cannot affect the weather extremes but our prayers and faith can.  We trust God to supply what is needed and know we all can rest in the knowledge that He is in control of everything.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and financial help.  These expressions of love make a real difference to us as we continue to seek to save some of the Lost Billions of Souls living in the Pacific Rim!  God bless all of you.
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries