Rays of Hope!
February 19, 2014
The aftermath of a super typhoon like the one we experienced is something that takes time to get over.  We are thankful to our supporters for providing prayers, encouragement and additional funds towards our Calamity Appeal following the super typhoon Yolanda.  This has made quite a difference to the area we have targeted and we have been able to provide hope for so many families that had their homes and livelihood devastated by this typhoon.   Although calamities and disasters are common in the Philippines this one took the cake and was the worst one recorded so far and will take a very long time to recover from.
The other day Darryl took a long walk along the trials that led to some of the houses we have been able to build or rebuild.  Some of these native structures were beyond repair but others we able to be supplied with hardy flex sheets, nails, and roof G I sheeting.  Most of the people provided timber from fallen trees and their own trees to construct the posts and trestles for the roof frame.  They did this without any additional help from us and this will make them value their homes even more so.  As we saw the homes rising up on the ridges we could see rays of hope in the faces of the people we have been able to help and great joy because of God’s goodness and generosity through supporters such as we have like you.  Although all our supporters could not help we still were able to get ample funds to complete the building or restoration of over 52 native style houses and these have been constructed fairly strong with the hope of surviving any future calamities.  We know that for many this gift to our calamity appeal was a sacrificial gift of love.
As well we have been able to provide over 600 large bags of food for each of the major families around our region.  These bags included can goods, oatmeal, milk, coffee, noodles, and other items.  Carol and Noemi were even able to provide some candy lollipops for each bag which put a smile on the faces of the people we were helping, especially the children.  The amount of goods in each bag was substantial and will last folk for a number of meals.   We did not give rice as World Vision came and gave our area one sack of rice for each family.  However they were only able to do this for two out of the 26 small towns around us.  Since people cannot just live on rice we added these more substantial food items.   It took a great deal of time to pack and sort as we were able to buy these goods in bulk.  This involved our SUV making three trips to the city for goods, three taxi van trips and a trip with a small truck van to complete the food purchases.   We also gave more substantial items instead of the usually cans of sardines people in need get from relief groups.   Even the major mayor of the 26 towns was surprised and thankful for what our small mission was able to do for people around us.  We had each family sign for the bag and so have a list of prospects to go from. Many came from our feeding ministry efforts in outreach and evangelism.
In addition we were able to see to date 42 people in and around the areas we have helped accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and we pray that you will pray for us in the follow up process.
Thank you once again for all your prayers, and support shown to us through your generosity.   A number of our supporters wrote us and told us of the compassion they felt as they read of our needs and saw the news reports on TV.   Hope brings action and we pray that Jesus will continue to Shine His Love on these folk now that some warm rays of Hope have filtered through the darkness brought to so many by this calamity.  
If you would still like to help us we are continuing our feeding and food provisions as funds allow.   You may send your gift to our forwarding agent!
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause
Pacific Rim Ministries
Forwarding Agent:
Mrs. Joanne McKenzie
Pacific Rim Ministries
P.O. Box 323
Weston, Ohio 43569