Springtime in missions

I’ve noticed over the years that each season of the year brings with it certain patterns in what we do around here. In December and January, for example, we receive many more contacts from people who are interested in being sent as missionaries than we do in, say, June and July. It’s that way every year, and this past winter was even more full than usual of that kind of contact. Honestly, that’s my favorite time of year for this work.

Similarly, the routines of spring are about the same every year, and as soon as the Kontaktmission team meetings are over around Easter, it becomesIMG_1459 all about One Big Thing… getting ready for summer trips! As we have each year, we have a number of (mostly) young people making GoConnect trips and going on internships or discovery/discernment country visits. There’s always a fair amount of stress, especially for the college students, as they work hard to raise enough money for their trips all while finishing up their spring semesters and/or degree programs. And it’s always complicated to figure out so many details of their European travel, because many have never been outside the country, never traveled alone, or never considered mission service this way before.


Would you stop right now and pray for just a few minutes for the 2 dozen or so (mostly young) people who are preparing to do some kind of trip in the next few months with Kontaktmission and GoConnect Trips? Pray for their safe travel, sure, yes please! But even more than that, pray for their hearts to be overwhelmed with a love for the peoples and the individuals they meet across the water! Pray they’ll be effective in the short-term tasks they undertake, and moved to be open to God’s long-term calling on their lives. Pray the things they learn and take with them from their trips will make a difference to the King and the Kingdom.