June 2015

Dear Friends and Supporters,
Sorry I have been late in getting this email Update out to all of you. It sure has been a crazy couple of months. Seems like this is the first day I have had where I am not running some place.
The big news from April of course was that we held our fifth Deaf Family and Friends Camp in Villavicencio, Colombia. Deaf Missions had a Team come down to help us with crafts, games, teaching, sharing, and preaching. It was fun watching the interaction of the Team and the campers. Lots of friendships were made and we are also praying some new missionaries will come from this group too. Also a special “Thanks” to Vickie Drummond of In His Sign for leading the Team down. Sorry that Deb Klahn could not come on the trip due to health issues. Missed her greatly. We had close to 100 campers for the week. The only hitch was that a group of 10 deaf from Bogotá were not able to come due to a terrible accident that happened on the road down he mountain from Bogotá to Villavicencio. A semi lost it’s brakes and ran into the back of a public bus and car and killed several people. Because of that, the sponsors would not allow them to travel down. We understood and proceeded with everyone in our prayers and thoughts. I also arrived home just in time for Jackie’s birthday. Didn’t want to miss that or I might as well have stayed in Colombia.
The facilities at the camp are getting better and better each year due to the Work Crews that are coming. We were able to make use of the second cabin to keep the Team from Deaf Mission in during camp. Dale Meade has informed me that a church has decided to take on the cost of building cabin number 3 all by themselves. Hallalujah! That is a big help. The Pinson Mansion, also know as the Hotel by some folks, is progressing well too. We were able to use it to do the tie-dyed t-shirts for the campers. If any of you want to come down on a Work Crew in 2016, let us know. We are praying we can have this building done in time to use for our 2016 Deaf Family and Friends Camp.
May had me making a trip to visit churches in North Carolina. Jackie was not able to go with me this time, so iI was ridding the Goldwing motorcycle by myself. (She stayed home to babysit with Naomi.) On the way down, I took a detour and stopped by to visit with Dewey and Laurie Hensley in Stuarts Draft, VA. This is the couple that stayed in Colombia for two months helping us start the new outreach to the deaf in Villavicencio, and they also worked at the camp. Had a good time visiting with them, then it was on to North Carolina. Mike and Tammy Caton, who many times are my hosts on these trips, have moved to a new church in Hyde county and a different parsonage. So I had to adjust my drive to find the new place. Had a great time visiting with churches and also helping Mike and Tammy get some of their last things moved into their new home. The trip got cut short due to a funeral at the last church scheduled, so was able to head home a little early. Got up Tuesday morning and thought to myself, “I wonder how many miles I can cover in a day on this motorcycle?”. So headed out at 7:30 AM and started driving back to Indiana. I arrived at our house at 10:00 PM and had covered 775 miles in one day. That is a record for me. I am sure I would not have rode that many miles in one day if Jackie had been with me. 
As normal, I have been enjoying my teaching sessions vis SKYPE with the deaf in Thailand. Just two more lessons and I will be finished teaching a Masters class from the notes given to me by Dr. Johnny Pressley of Cincinnatti Christian University. I am still amazed at times that I have been able to cover and teach this class to the deaf in Thailand. I will finish the class here some time in June. Then it will be on to Biblical Doctrines. I am sure this will take quite a while to go through. I have already covered some of those subjects from time to time as needed, but now we will approach them in a systematic way with subjects building on each other. Looking forward to getting started on that hopefully in July. 
There is one last piece of information to share with you all in this update. Two of our grandchildren had traveled to Thailand with their parents many years ago when they were one year old. They do not remember the trips at all, but have to look at pictures and video of the trips. We have two more grandchildren who have never been. So Jackie and I asked if we could take all 4 of the grandchildren to Thailand? We received a resounding “YES!” with one condition. Bobbie LIebrandt wanted to join us because she didn’t think she could go two weeks without seeing both of her children. So in July 2016: Dewayne, Jackie, Bobbie, Amilia, Galen, Dakota, and Naomi will be headed to Thailand for two weeks. Grandma and I will show them some sights, and they will also meet the deaf and others who know us, their parents, and them. (Dakota told me that he was considering being a Missionary when he grows up. So this will be a great experience for him.) We will not be bearing ALL the expense of this trip, but we will be contributing for more that ourselves. If any of you would like to donate towards this trip, you may send donations to: 
P.O. Box 582
Greenfield, IN 46140 
Then mark it “Thailand 2016” and we will make sure it is used for that. 
June and July will be busy months with camps and other travels. So pray for us in our travels. I just ordered parts to get our copier back up and running and I am hoping that I can get a printed Newsletter out before July. Thanks to all of you for your loving prayers and support of us and this ministry! Take care and God bless!
One in Christ,
Dewayne & Jackie LIebrandt
Dewayne & Jackie Liebrandt
Home: 2116 Alexandria Drive, Greenfield, IN 46140
NBCM / D.E.A.F. Mail:  P.O. Box 582, Greenfield, IN 46140-0582