Partners, I have been getting the run around on getting my visa for Crimea. Tomorrow will make the third day to make changes in my application procedure and try again, but it seems that today they have denied me a “visitor’s visa” (to visit one of my staff, which does not require paying so much per day) and now offer a tourist visa, but when I tried this before, it was going to cost my paying for a hotel in Simf $55 a day for each day I am in Crimea. I hope that they offer me something better tomorrow, or else … I am running out of options. Prayers appreciated.

Here are some news items — two major dangers developing in Ukraine
[I cannot take the time to try to get the most accurate info, and sometimes it is hard to assess what that is anyway. gpc]


In Luhansk [Lugansk], Russians are storming a border guard base with grenade launchers and sniper fire. Tymchuk says that there are 500 Russian soldiers involved.

Russian media is laughably saying it is “self-defense versus Right Sector”

Here is some video:

Authorities denied carrying out a strike and said the blast was caused by misdirected rebel fire from a portable surface-to-air missile launcher.

Look at the departure of the RPG round in the circle before the explosion a fraction of a second later. [see attachment]…luganskii-oda-video/

Ukrainian military aviation blows up bridge in Luhansk region

June 2, 2014, 8:04 p.m.

FB: Russian fascist terrorists attacking the border guards units since sunrise this morning had taken position mainly in residential areas.
only mortars that have to be located away from targets they shoot at could be taken out by pinpoint airstrikes.

[Frankly, I cannot be sure about any of the news reports. Maybe there was some bombing, but it was RPG’s responsible for deaths blamed on the airstrikes —  such as the bridge and some other craters that could have been from a plane. But for sure, if the fighters are coming from ‘abroad’ then this is not really the people’s choice war of eastern Ukraine. It deserves to be stopped. GPC]

More news and views about Lugansk if interested:

Russia: Luhansk events prove that Kyiv doesn’t want to seek ways of restoring national accord

June 2, 2014, 9:22 p.m.

Moscow – The deadly air strike on the Luhansk regional state administration building, in which civilians were killed, is a flagrant violation of the Geneva agreements and of the roadmap, proposed by Switzerland as the country holding the rotating presidency of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement posted on its Web site.

Terrorists damage Regional Administration Building in Luhansk today, resulting in the deaths of civlian passers by.

See the video that allegedly shows the craters made by RPGs.
Terrorists in #Luhansk [allegedly] shoot at civilians to blame the Ukrainian air force. See attachment.

Terrorists Damage the Regional State Administration in Luhansk with RPG – Ukraine Investigation

Today terrorists attacked the regional State Administration in the city of Luhanks with either RPG or antitank missile.



A FB comment:500 Russians attacked a border guard position at 04.30. Chechnyans, Ossentians and Russians now make up the bulk of the separatists. Reports from Chechnya claim that men are being forced to go to fight in Ukraine.

Euromaidanpr via Ukrainian Policy


Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov issued a statement today, saying that he had not ordered Chechens [who are fighting for the proo-Russians] to take part in the fighting in Ukraine – but in the event he does sent troops, he has

“74,000 Chechens who are willing to go to bring order to the territory of Ukraine,” and that he would not sent them to Donetsk, but to Kyiv.

Глава республики утверждает, что ни одного чеченца в Украину не отправил.

Russia’s propaganda war knows no bounds:


the attachment or this link to see a pictorial example of a blantant lie by the Russian press:


to see what happens to a pro Ukrainian — you can say she provoked the response but that means there is no freedom of speech, either.

Crimea means long lines. Our CIU bookkeeper “had to come to get in the line at 3 AM to pay for the utilities…and she now spends most of the working days standing in the lines to all sorts of offices and very important people to pay for, hand in, talk to, etc.”  Nastya


this linke for Vice News play list if you want to catch up on some live reports:

And for those who would like to read something about the propaganda war:,See the excerpts below or read the article:

The Opinion-Makers: How Russia Is Winning the Propaganda War


Russia’s Greatest Propaganda Success

The purpose of this global battle to shape opinion isn’t merely to transform Europeans and Americans into fans of Vladimir Putin. The Russian president is also targeting his own people, seeking to make himself unassailable within Russia.

Putin’s greatest propaganda success is the fact that the majority of Russians now believe that Kiev is ruled by fascists. Evoking World War II in this way has proven very effective with Russians. One member of Russia’s parliament, the Duma, even went so far as to call the fire in Odessa that killed 30 pro-Russia activists a “new Auschwitz.” Meanwhile, the head of parliament spoke of genocide in Ukraine. With the spin machine at full steam, it is perhaps of little surprise that a radio poll recently found that 89 percent of listeners agreed with the idea that the “participants of the mass murder in Odessa should be found and executed without trial.”

Most broadcasters and newspapers are already under the Kremlin’s control. Some 94 percent of Russians obtain their information primarily from state television. The problem is that state TV has no qualms about blatantly fabricating the news. Two weeks ago, for example, the evening news showed video allegedly depicting the murder of a pro-Russian fighter in eastern Ukraine by nationalists. In fact, the video used was actually one and a half years old and showed fighters in the north Caucasus.

The 67-year-old research pulls out one poll after another from a stack of papers. They show that when the mass protests against President Viktor Yanukovych broke out, only 30 percent of Russians believed that Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU was a “betrayal of Slavic unity.” In February, at the peak of the Maidan protests, 73 percent still considered the issue to be an internal one for Ukrainians. In the time that has transpired since, some 58 percent of Russians now support the annexation of eastern Ukraine by Russia.

“The successful propaganda campaign we are witnessing here surrounding the Ukraine crisis is unique and highly sophisticated, even compared to Soviet standards,” says Gudkov. “The Kremlin has succeeded in stirring up sentiments deeply rooted in the Russian psyche: the yearning for an imperial grandness, a sense of anti-Americanism and pride over Russia’s victory over Hitler’s Germany.”

Ultimately, it was the annexation of Crimea that silenced Putin’s critics. Prior to the development, dissatisfaction with Putin had been growing continuously. Polls showed an increasing number of Russians wanted to vote the president out of office. In November 2013, 53 percent said they would vote for a different candidate during the next election. But Putin experienced a meteoric rise in popularity after the annexation, with 86 percent of Russians now saying they would re-elect him.

By Moritz Gathmann, Christian Neef, Matthias Schepp and Holger Stark

Propaganda works:

A very troublesome poll conducted by the Levada center conducted from May 23-26 [A very prominent non-governmental research group in Russia.]

Nearly 60% think Russia should arm (“actively support”) terrorists in south-east Ukraine, and an equal number support the armed seizure of government buildings. 61% support the use of Russian mercenaries / ‘volunteers’ in the insurgency.

Similarly, 58% believe Russia has a ‘right’ to “take over the territory of former Soviet republics” based on ethnic grounds.

Nearly 80% believe Russia should annex Ukrainian regions based on local referendums, and 72% think Russia should recognize the independence of the Donetsk People’s Republic.
The suspension of the hryvnia is landing blows to the nerves and pockets of Crimeans
Kerch – In annexed Kerch, shopkeepers and customers are having difficulties with the suspension of the hryvnia. They cannot give Ukrainian coins as change in shops and supermarkets any longer, and there is still no supply of Russian change on the peninsula

Russia promoting terrorism in Ukraine, says Ukraine’s MFA

Mercenaries supported, armed, and encouraged by Russia are murdering and torturing Ukrainian civilians and carrying out acts of incredible destruction and brutality. By deliberately exporting terrorism to Ukraine, Russia is violating multiple international agreements designed to prevent and combat international terrorism.

Lugansk, Ukraine: [Allegedly] Fighter jets sent by the fascist Kiev’s junta bombed the administration building. Many civilian casualties. Nikolay Leonov, a world champion kick-boxer who joined the #AntiMaidan militias died in the airport attack on 26 May.
Western media are silent.


Family banks and money for nothing: How Yanukovych’s finances worked

May 31, 2014, 6:44 a.m.

Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of investigative reports based on documents recovered from deposed President Viktor Yanukovych’s Mezhyhirya estate after the Ukrainian leader abandoned the presidency on Feb. 21-22 and fled to Russia, where he is living in exile. The documents and stories are published by website.

This was the case when money came and went easily.


High school graduates in Sevastopol celebrate last bell wearing embroidered shirts

May 24, 2014, 5:09 p.m.

While it is not much of a deal to wear vyshyvanka (Ukrainian traditional embroidered shirt) for the eponymous parade in Kyiv, real heroism is needed to wear national clothes in Ukraine’s peninsula Crimea occupied by Russia since March 16.
US Department of State denies funding Kyiv Maidan supporters

April 22, 2014, 11:45 a.m.

Washington – The U.S. authorities have allocated $5 billion since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 to support democracy in Ukraine, U.S. Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland has said.



Russian Propanda lies continue 2014-06-02.jpg





Grenade attack by Russians in Lugansk 2014-06-02.jpg





Russian press uses Bosnia pic and says its Ukrainian army.jpg





RPG firing 2014-06-02.jpg





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Terrorists allegedly shoot civilians to blame on UA AF-2014-06-02.png