Dear Friends and Family,

This update shares with you the first half of our travels in the United States. What an encouragement it has been to be with supporting congregations and individuals! Having Brother Kishimoto with us was very special. We see these times as fulfilling our responsibility as is modeled in Acts by the Apostle Paul. (We regret that somehow we have lost photos of some of our initial couple of weeks—some of you receiving this will notice you are missing.🙄)

Transportation for these times is one of the more difficult matters to work out. We are so thankful for the two families who have been God’s provision this time around. Generally, the offerings from our visits have been exceptionally generous, for which we are also very thankful.

While there seems to be less and less awareness and appreciation for our Restoration Movement’s role in church history, it was especially gratifying to visit Cane Ridge and Bethany, WV, with Brother Kishimoto. He himself, as President of Osaka Bible Seminary (if you want to study the Bible—come to OBS!) knows our history very well (here and in Japan) and is having a significant role in enabling a unity among believers in Japan. We are finishing out the first half of our time here in the States and will shortly fly out from Indianapolis back to California to complete our time in the States.

It has been an exceptional time of weather and events in Japan with earthquakes, typhoons, flooding and a major heatwave. While we have evaded all this by being in the States, we remain concerned for our people in Japan. As noted, we will hit the road running upon arriving back in Japan and I will be traveling to Mongolia shortly after.

Thank you for your prayers for our safety and effectiveness in sharing what God has given us to do!

Unto Him,

Paul and Rickie Clark

July-August 2018.pdf