This week we’re lifting up our brothers and sisters in Sudan! Join us to pray for them 🙏

Join us in praying for LIA-Sudan!
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I perceived that whatever god does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.

Ecclesiastes 3:14

Go Together for His Glory

Due to the sensitive nature of country dynamics, we ask that you not share any of the content of this email outside of your prayers.

Dear Mission,
God has done so much through our 22 years of working and serving His kingdom. We are so grateful to reflect on passages like Ecclesiastes 3:14, assured that we can go forth in confidence that the Lord’s work is lasting and perfect in every way. There’s nothing we can add or take away from God’s work for His people, and He gets all the glory! Let us give thanks and adoration for our great God as we join in prayer for Sudan:

Praise for the Nation:
Praise God for the unity of the team! We are so thankful for the foretaste of heaven we get serving and working together as a family of vastly different people. Give thanks with us that we are one, united in an eternal mission.

Prayer Requests for Sudan:

  • Pray that the peace process taking place among the Sudanese and warring parties and communities will come to fruition and there will be peace across the nation.
  • Pray that the government’s efforts to combat corruption is successful.
  • Ask that the efforts of the government to improve the economic performance will materialize throughout the country.

LIA-Sudan Praise:

  • Praise God for a peaceful first quarter of 2018.
  • Give thanks with us as we’re envisioning 2 new partners for our youth club and LIA programming.
  • Give thanks that we were able to renew our license for operation for another year.

LIA-Sudan Prayer Requests:

  • Program Department–Pray for LIA-Sudan’s vision for the next 3 years. We hope to have at least 3 new offices opened and be operating in 3 different states to expand the Kingdom!
  • HR and Finance Department–Pray that we would have good relationships and mutual understanding with our beneficiary communities and have favor with the authorities as we work with them.
  • Church Partners–Ask God to help our church partners develop a healthy concern for their communities, especially the vulnerable.
  • General Assembly and Governance–Pray with us that members would bear good witness for the Lord in their communities with courage and boldness. Pray against the temptation to let fear and apathy dominate.

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for LIA-Sudan!
In Christ,

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