This week we’re going together by praying for our brother Jonathan Lamb, director of LIA-UK. Join us as we lift him up to the Lord! 🙏

Join us in praying for LIA-UK!
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Jonathan Lamb, director of LIA-UK, serving in Rwanda.

Go Together for His Glory

And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

Matthew 5:47

Dear Mission,
This week, let’s reflect on what God has called us to as believers. Matthew 5 reminds us that we are called to be distinct from the world and pursue everything in faith. We are not meant to merely reach the bear minimum, but seek after the Kingdom of God in all we do. This is why we come together each week to pray for the nations in which we serve. Let us commit ourselves to dutifully serve the Kingdom in prayer as we lift up LIA-United Kingdom.

Thanksgiving & Praise
1. Give thanks for the new church partnerships that are being formed in the UK.
2. Praise God for a fruitful first UK road-trip in February which allowed us to engage and meet potential partners.
3. Give thanks for Jonathan’s church in Lewes, Southern England for allowing him to rent space for an LIA office in their new church office center.

1. Ask that the Lord would give us wisdom to deal with UK and EU legislative issues surrounding Safeguarding and Data Protection for LIA.
2. Pray that God would help us develop an efficient communications strategy to re-engage with potential partners and supporters and create awareness of LIA in the UK.
3. Pray that the Lord would help us identify and reach out to new potential UK Council Members.

Thank you for joining the LIA family to pray for LIA-UK!

In Christ,

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