The next Relational Evangelism course will be offered March 19.

What are you waiting for?
Do you or someone you know need to take this?

David and his wife were missionaries in Taiwan for 17 years.  They returned to the U.S. about 4-5 years ago.  Last year he became the lead pastor as the church he was working at in Michigan.  As he was completing RE/IAAR a year ago David  responded to the question : Do you have any remaining questions or doubts about the course?  His response? “Yes; Why haven’t I been using this material for the past 30 years.”  Last summer he took 150 people in his congregation through the training.
Jon Vance is on the right.  After taking RE/IAAR and starting to use it he wrote the following:
I have been in ministry for nearly 40 years.  I have focused on disciple making for only 12 months.  I am certainly not an expert, but God is moving us in a way I never would have dreamed.  
I hope you hear what he is saying…..
Since taking the course he has involved over 120 in the congregation he is serving to take the training.  He said it feels like their congregation is in ‘revival’.
He then got his twin brother Ron, who is a youth pastor to take the course and he is already putting IAAR to work in his ministry.
Steve Holsinger is a pro at RE/IAAR.  He used it to help build a congregation to about 2000 in Anchorage, Alaska.  They had people from 47 countries in their congregation.

He told me that there were times he personally had as many as 10 studies going a week.  He has trained people in many countries.  In January while we were in Kenya for a few days we spent several hours with a doctor working in the mission Steve leads in South Sudan.  It was not the full training.   The doctor went home and introduced it to others there.  A week ago they baptized 23 people.

Mike and Dani Bukta started working with us when we started Project New Hope International in Peru. They are now living in Ecuador serving as team leaders and they are planting churches.  They are busy training people there in RE/IAAR.  I’m so proud of them.  They are both winning many people to Jesus.

I have spent the last two years working on a master’s degree through the Moody Seminary at Moody Bible Institute. 

 I have been studying Biblical interpretation, preaching, cultural engagement, and systematic theology.  I say this not because I think it gives me any special status or importance – I am just like any other sinner saved by the grace of God.  But that educational experience gives me a unique perspective on the IAAR course.   I have learned a great deal from all of my seminary courses and have grown in my faith and love for God in the process.

But in many ways, this course in personal evangelism may have been the single most important training that I have ever received in my Christian life in terms of its practical impact on my own walk and my future ministry. 



To sign up go to:
Course name is
Relational Evangelism
Class number is               EVG3810/EVG5840
You want to sign up for audit; $100
Or if you want college credit it is $300
It is 8 weeks long.
You don’t have to be online at any specific time.