October/November 2015

Jill Shaw IN New Zealand

Intentional · Incarnational · Intercultural · In Community · In the World · Influential


serves with Shore Community Church in Auckland,
connects with the local community through incarnational ministry,
is a chaplain at Massey University,
supports refugees in resettlement & oversees Refuge House,
consults in discipleship, diversity management and inter-cultural communications,
Jill mentors present and future ministry leaders on a few continents.
Back Home
After a full-on summer in the US, I returned to NZ to enjoy the first buds of spring opening here. The vegetable garden is in and holds great potential.

I missed a cold winter here, so the electric bills demonstrate. The ladies tried to keep warm through the first winter since moving into this open-plan house with high ceilings and lots of windows. This may be disorienting to you, but remember, NZ is very far south.  It’s disorienting too to think that I’m often more than half a day ahead in the timeline, depending of course on where you read this.  To get to NZ from the West Coast of the US, you cross the International Dateline….and then the Equator.

It was great to see familiar faces and meet new people.  It’s encouraging to see faithful servants at work in their communities.  It was also encouraging to be asked about disciple making in a post Christian context as more Americans realized that’s the direction the US culture is going too. 

I enjoyed a few “conversations on disciple making” at partner churches and was happy to be a resource for those of you who resource the ministry here.  I am still waiting responses from some churches, groups and individuals who may be able to include us in their 2016 budget.  Please pray for more to partner with us.

The Transition has taken place!
I’ve enjoyed good communications with the SPCF Board and we’ll continue to cooperate in ministry in NZ, but financial and personal accountability will now be with The Ark Christian Ministries, as we’ve planned for sometime now.

Please have checks made out to The Ark Christian Ministries sent to the same Louisville PO Box as before.  The new accounts are open.  SPCF accounts remain open until the end of the year, but too much is going on then to try and communicate and make changes.  If you’d like to set up automatic or onlne payments, just let us know and we’ll make that easy for you.  

Use any of these newsletter images on a church website, Facebook page, in a worship folder, or bulletin, or on a church bulletin board or home refrigerator as a reminder to pray.

Link to www.Facebook.com/intergritynfaith.
It provides a free ‘website’ for ministries like us.

Thank you!  Getting all our ducks in a row!  I’m grateful for your partnership in this daunting task.  Thank you for praying, for talking with God about the needs down here.

“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Col 1:28-29
All Blacks Win!
NZ’s ALL BLACKS rugby team has again won the World Cup in England.  
The whole country is jubilant!  
Sport here is not a side issue but an identity market, a barometer for the country’s sense of well being.  If AB’s had not won, we would have seen an increase in domestic violence, suicide, drunk driving and other crime.

Seriously.  When you have nothing more substantial for identity formation, everything is quite precarious.  

Refugee Opportunities
Please pray for an appropriate job for Stephanie, one of the ladies who lives with me, so she can get the community work experience she needs. 

Pray for funding of mentors for refugee university students.  Their tuition is covered, they need mentoring for success.  $2,500 p/month is the target.
Your prayers for this post Christian society are much appreciated.

Pray that there would be a hunger and thrist for something more dependable, abiding and significant than a sports team and their conquests.  

Pray too for my forwarding agent, Cheryl, as she recently farewelled her mother after a battle with pancreatic cancer, and to Richard as he carries on without his bride of 60 years.

Pray for a food truck for outreachevents and soup stations…and for the rest of the $12,000 to buy the van.

Another outreach opportunity is writing the life story of those in hospice and local nursing homes; sharing the Good News of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross.

Pray for Shore’s elders and staff and that God will help us be a disciple making church. Pray especially for our youth program.  

Pray for the churches and individuals I contacted while I was in the US to find room in their 2016 budgets for additional support.  

Pray too that more individuals will use the online donation page, making that feature worthwhile and easy for accounting and reporting.

Pray for the ANZTCA National Chaplain’s conferenece I’ll attend in Wellington the last week of November. We’ll equip new chaplains and seek new university opportunities.

Pray for the two church planting teams forming now:

  • Hutchison, Collins and Co for West Auckland.
  • Trusty, Trump and Co for Tauranga.

Pray for those who will receive refugees arriving here in December, that they will speak the good news of Jesus to these displaced people, that their hearts will find a home in their Heavenly Father.

I’ve done some mentoring since I’ve been back.  I’m glad I’m not a new young missionary.  It’s hard going!

Blessings and gratitude,

Jill's Web Page
Jill’s Web Page
Ministry Facebook
Ministry Facebook
Jill is now affliated with The Ark Christian Ministries in Converse, IN.

If you would like to DONATE and financially partner with Jill’s ministry in New Zealand please consider the online donation link above or send checks payable to The Ark Christian Ministries to:
P.O. Box 43581, Louisville, KY  40253


~ If you ever have any questions about ministry, expenditures, the contents of the newsletters, financial reporting, please contact us. Our books are open. There’s a paper trail of receipts for every expense, so we can explain our decisions to you, our partners in this outreach. Accountability and confidence is important.
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