Music Festival,  Diversity, and Volcanoes

Jill Shaw IN New Zealand

Intentional · Incarnational · Intercultural · In Community · In the World · Influential

After a quiet Christmas in Auckland…a new year of opportunity began.

12 Jan: Back in Auckland from a road trip to Wellington, NZ’s capitol city, where I caught up with an old friend I’d weathered some storms with, stayed with Fijian friends and enjoyed different scenery. The volcanoes between here and there are impressive with pumice littering the lakeshore of what was a volcano but has since collapsed.
“In 186AD a series of nine volcanic eruptions culminated in the most violent eruption history has ever recorded. The caldera of Lake Taupo was created and remains volcanically active.”

15 Jan: Had a great meeting with a group of highly qualified and well placed women forming working group to mentor female university students from refugee backgrounds. Our group is diverse; Malaysian, Afghani, Fijian, Yugoslavian, Kiwi and American. 

Engaged and successful young people don’t tend to get disillusioned and radicalized. 

We’ll run two get workshops in February for the female students, and the moms who will come, so as to help them integrate into the NZ university system, understand the stresses and adjustments that’ll need to be made.

Most of the students will live at home rather than in dorms. Family cannot expect the same things from them when they have assignments and exams approaching. Many families would give the boys every opportunity for education, but not the girls, knowing that investing in the boys keeps the wealth in the family. For people who must strategize for survival, this is reasonable.

22 Jan Strategizing with the Piha evangelism and house church team.

“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.  To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Col 1:28-29
Cultural Diversity
Auckland is ranked the 4th most cosmopolitan city in the world with 39% of the population foreign born immigrants. It’s not exactly a wonderful melting pot, but we have terrific cultural diversity with over 220 nations represented.  
#marginalization  #festivals
A new book club is forming from women of varied backgrounds and experience. I just watch God bring in the right people to meet and connect with other people at their point of woundedness or need. I and marvel, humbly, at what He does! It’s the common ground where conversations about Jesus happen.
Music Festivals are great for networking, learning and realizing I’m not as young as I think I am. I’ll volunteer in various roles at FestivalOne, a fledgling Christian music festival in Waikato, about 1.5 hrs south of Auckland. I hope to meet up with uni students there to help them connect with chaplains on their campuses when the new school year starts in Feb.
During university orientation in mid-Feb, I’ll help train the Uni-Guides who mentor new students. This puts me in relationship with 45-60 2nd & 3rd year students, and it means they’ll speak well of chaplaincy on the campus tours. We used to get skipped on those tours! I’ll help them with their public speaking, people skills and group formation techniques.
As part of the national university chaplains’ organisation, ANZTCA, I’ve served as the Northern Regional coordinator. Now I’ve been elected International rep for 4 years, which means I’ll help organise the Int’l Conference for Chaplains in Higher Education. This also means that my expenses will be paid to attend a conference I’d probably have attended anyway! Again, networking to have Christ’s voice heard in settings where we often like to hear ourselves talk. This is an international multi-faith organisation, a mission field where I am unashamedly a Christ follower.

Pray for me,

serves with Shore Community Church in Auckland,

encourages and supports church planting teams,
connects with the local community through incarnational ministry,
is a chaplain at Massey University,
oversees Refuge House & supports refugees in resettlement,
consults in discipleship, diversity management and inter-cultural communications,
Jill mentors present and future ministry leaders on a few continents.
Jill's Web Page
Jill’s Web Page
Ministry Facebook
Ministry Facebook
Jill is now affliated with The Ark Christian Ministries in Converse, IN.

If you would like to DONATE and financially partner with Jill’s ministry in New Zealand please consider the online donation link above or send checks payable to The Ark Christian Ministries to:
P.O. Box 43581, Louisville, KY  40253


~ If you ever have any questions about ministry, expenditures, the contents of the newsletters, financial reporting, please contact us. Our books are open. There’s a paper trail of receipts for every expense, so we can explain our decisions to you, our partners in this outreach. Accountability and confidence is important.
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